不确定内容到底是什么样子?然后查看我们的内容营销指南,以及由Backlinko的Brian Dean整理的出色的内容营销中心:
- 做一些关键词研究,找到一个受欢迎的问题。
- 写一篇回答这个问题的文章。
- 遵循SEO最佳做法为您的文章。
- 确保字数足够长,可以完全回答问题
- 编辑您的文章(我们都会犯错误)。
- 点击发布,冲洗并重复。
- 提供持久(和复利)的价值。
- 帮助教育新客户/客户/读者。
- 帮助建立您的权威。
- 这可能有助于吸引链接。
- 较长的内容通常比较短的内容排名更好。
- 内容越长,获得的社交分享越多。
- 内容与主题相关性更高(Google排名因素)
- 它可以帮助将读者转化为客户(例如内容升级)
互联网上有很多列表帖子。 BuzzFeed主要发布列表帖子:
- 网络研讨会>视频
- 旧博客文章>可下载的指南
- 访谈>博客文章或电子书
- 图片> Pinterest板
- Quora问答>博客文章
- 幻灯片>信息图表或博客文章
- 统计> Twitter线程
- 博客文章>播客
- 使用影响者研究工具查找您所在行业中的影响者,或快速搜索以找到其直接电子邮件地址。
- 分析他们在说什么。
- 寻找一个共同的主题。
- 创建有关此主题的内容。
- 让您的内容出现在有影响力的人面前。
- 研究您的客户。
- 看看竞争对手的头条新闻。
- 使用您的听众可能会使用的字词(+避免使用行话)。
- 如果可以,请在开头使用数字。
- 使用强大的词语,例如“秘密”,“未知”,“隐藏”。
如果可以,A / B测试您的头条新闻。
- 测量您的点击率(点击率)并进行相应调整。
- 更新所有过时的信息。
- 添加更多图像,屏幕截图,视频等。
- 改进您的介绍(使人们想继续阅读)。
- 增加您的字数(如果有必要的话)。
- 添加与相关帖子之间的链接。
- 使用较短的段落和项目符号点来提高可读性。
- 重新发布它们,并再次将其升级为新的。
- 确定要保留的URL,以及要删除和重定向的URL。
- 复制您想保留的旧文章中的所有内容,然后将其粘贴到剩下的内容中。
- 现在,格式化,编辑并仔细检查新文章。
- 最后,删除您的旧页面。
摩天大楼技术是Backlinko的Brian Dean创造的营销术语。
步骤1 –查找包含大量反向链接的现有内容。
使用Ahrefs Content Explorer或BuzzSumo之类的工具来查找包含大量社交共享和链接的URL。
使用Ahrefs Content Explorer查找成功的内容(以进行复制)
步骤2 –现在开始创建更好的方法。
步骤3 –宣传摩天大楼内容
嘿 [NAME],
我在看你的帖子 [TOPIC] 并注意到您已链接到此页面: [INSERT LINK]
我如何使用“摩天大楼技术”来驱动HubSpot的70K +页面浏览量
- 他们以主题专家为特色,他们可能会与您的听众分享您的内容。
- 它遵循列表结构,我们知道其性能良好。
- 他们吸引了许多访客和新手,因为他们收集了著名专业人士的报价和技巧。
- 您的电子邮件列表已经对您的网站感兴趣。
- 您直接与列表交流时,几乎可以保证访问量。
- 电子邮件将目标流量吸引到您选择的页面。
- 选择合适的电子邮件营销软件。
- 保持电子邮件的重点。
- 写醒目的主题行。
- 在您的电子邮件中添加社交共享按钮。
- 添加号召性用语(号召性用语)。
- 不要发送太多电子邮件。
- 确保您的电子邮件模板可在移动设备上使用,并且不会被标记为垃圾邮件。
但是,您必须了解您的受众并知道他们想要什么。 Perfect Keto在这方面做得很好:
Perfect Keto的内容升级示例
- 清单。
- 备忘单。
- 快速入门指南。
- 电子书。
- 模板。
- 免费课程。
- 网站设计师新闻
- 设计师新闻
- 黑客新闻
- 掘客
- 美味的
- 熊猫
- 法克
- 成长黑客
- AllTop
- Managewp.org
- Facebook群组
- 领英团体
- 热情
- 关键字标题:“为我们写信”
- 关键字标题:“为我写”
- 关键字标题:“有助于”
- 关键字标题:“提交” + inurl:博客
- 关键字“提交来宾帖子”
- 关键字inurl:/ guest-post /
- 关键字“访客留言”
- 关键字“来宾”
- 关键字“接受访客留言”
- 关键字“来宾指南”
- 关键字“来宾作者”
- 关键字“客人文章”
- 关键字“访客专栏”
- 关键字“成为贡献者”
- 您已经在网站上推荐的人。
- 谁写过关于同一主题的内容。
- 先前已链接到类似主题的人。
- 发表了相关文章的人。
步骤3 –撰写您的外联电子邮件
- 它可以将一致的流量发送回您的站点。
- 它拥有固定的和参与的观众。
- 写为
- Svbtle
- Steemit
确保阅读我们的Medium vs WordPress指南。
- Slack社区目录
- 400个休闲社区
- 5000个顶级子目录
- 首先成为会员。
- 付出更多。
- 发布原始内容并以一种真实的方式参与。
- 请勿使用伪造的帐户。
Facebook群组涵盖了目标受众可能会闲逛的各种利基市场。对于我们来说,像WordPress自由职业者或WordPress Speed Up这样的基于WordPress支持的小组可能会拥有对我们的内容感兴趣的成员。
Digital Marketing Questions是一个受欢迎的Facebook集团
- 雅虎答案
- StackExchange
- 堆栈溢出
- 答案
Product Hunt是一个社区,每天都会组织最好的新移动应用程序,网站和技术产品。
Product Hunt主页可以将流量吸引回您的网站
从Product Hunt获取流量可能有点技巧,因此这里有一些提示:
- 尽快回答有关线程的问题。
- 鸣谢支持您的用户,并感谢他们。
- 告诉您的社交媒体关注者和有关您的Product Hunt发布的电子邮件列表。
- 确保已在WordPress网站上设置了Google Analytics(分析)以跟踪结果
- 检查您在Facebook,Twitter等上的共享图像工作。
- 不要求投票,只需将URL分享到您的PH帖子中,然后由用户决定。
- 选择适合您的利基论坛。
- 仔细选择您的用户名。
- 在您的签名中放置一个链接。
- 精心制作个人资料。
- 不要垃圾邮件。
- 提供优质的内容。
- 启动新线程。
- 经常发布。
- SEO友好的CMS,例如WordPress。
- 响应式设计和良好的移动可用性。
- 有效的SSL证书。
- 快速可靠的网络主机。
- 来自相关站点的链接。
- 人们真正想要阅读的内容。
Ahrefs提出的9种EASY Link建立策略(任何人都可以使用)
Snippets can be a great way to send traffic to your site, especially if you already have some pre-existing ranking content.
Increasing CTR for ranking in the featured snippet is worth your time
We covered how to get featured snippets before, but if you need a quick rundown, here’s a quick summary of how to optimize for them:
- Target question-keywords.
- Be aware of the type of snippet (paragraph, list, table, etc).
- Keep paragraphs and sentences short.
- Answer the question directly.
- Logically structure your content with subheadings.
- Use tables to show that.
- Include the question in the answer
- Add a summary at the start or end of the content.
33. Use Analytics Data to Find Under-Performing Pages (& Vice Versa)
Open up Google Analytics.
Got to Behaviour > Site Content > Landing Pages and then hit the Sessions column to order from low to high.
You’ll get something like this:
Finding underperforming pages (to improve) in Google Analytics
Now you’ll be able to see pages that are getting the lowest amount of traffic.
From here, see if they are missing anything your top-performing pages have. Try to improve these underperforming pages so every page on your site is bringing in traffic. Another tool to gather more insightful data would be Google Search Console, specifically its Performance tab.
Of course, you can also do the opposite too:
Filter Analytics and Search Console to show your highest performing pages and see if you can make them even better.
While you are in Google Analytics, you should…
34. Optimize Your Best Traffic Sources
In Analytics, go to Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium.
Now you’ll see where your traffic is coming from:
Finding top traffic sources in Google Analytics
In case you are unsure:
Source is the place users are before seeing your content, like a search engine or another website.
Medium describes how users arrived at your content.
From here, you want to ask a few questions about your traffic sources:
- Which send the highest volume of traffic.
- Which send the highest-converting traffic.
- Which send the most engaged traffic.
From there, try and figure out why those sources are effective. Then try to replicate it.
And it’s not just your traffic source you should be thinking about…
35. Steal Your Competitors’ Traffic Sources
Sometimes the best way to get more traffic is to see what is already working… and then do that.
One of the quickest ways to do this is by ‘stealing’ your competitor’s traffic. If you feel bad about stealing from your competitors, let’s just call it reverse engineering instead.
Now you will need to use an SEO tool for this one.
Here are two quick ways to spy on your competitors:
Competitor Traffic Method #1 – SimilarWeb
Go to SimilarWeb and paste your competitors URL in the search box.
Scroll down to the Referrals sections to see exactly where they are getting their traffic from:
Spying on your competitors traffic using SimilarWeb
Competitor Traffic Method #2 – Ahrefs
Go to the Ahrefs backlink checker. Input your competitor’s domain and click check backlinks.
Now you’ll be able to see the top 100 backlinks and how much estimated traffic they are sending to your competitor:
Spying on your competitors traffic using Ahrefs
Armed with the knowledge of what is working for your competition, you can go out and try to replicate it.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is the process of finding relevant phrases (keywords) that your audience is searching for.
Once you have a list of keywords, you want to include them in pages with the intention of these pages showing up in search engines.
There are lots of ways to generate keywords, using both free and premium tools.
Let’s get started:
36. Target Topics with Traffic Potential
SEO is one of the best ways to send consistent traffic to your blog (more on this later in this article).
But to get Google to send visitors your way, you need to be showing up for the right keywords. In other words: you need to target keywords with traffic potential.
After all, you want your traffic to look like this:
The type of graph all website owners want to see: organic traffic increases
The metrics you want to keep in mind when doing keyword research are:
Search and Global Volume: how many people are searching the keyword each month
Keyword Difficulty: how difficult the keyword will be to rank for.
There are lots of free and paid keyword research tools available. Here are some of the best:
- Ahrefs Keyword Explorer (PAID)
- SEMrush (PAID)
- KWFinder (PAID)
- UberSuggest (FREE)
- Google Keyword Planner (FREE)
- Keyword Sheeter (FREE)
Oh, and don’t forget to:
37. Target Long-Tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords are 3+ word phrases that are very specific to whatever you are selling or the information you are providing on your blog.
Here’s an example:
Longtail keywords = more conversions (Image source: semrush.com)
Notice how as the keyword becomes longer and more specific, the conversion rate increases.
This is one of the benefits of long-tail keywords, along with the fact that they are often easier to rank for (because they are less competitive)
So how do you find long-tail keywords?
Well, it’s pretty easy to do so without ever leaving Google.
Here are 3 quick methods to find long-tail keywords:
Method #1 – Autocomplete
First up is autocomplete. Just start typing out your main keyword or topic and let Google generate suggestions based on what other people have been searching:
Using Google autocomplete for keyword research
Method #2 – People Also Ask
If you scroll down a bit on the results page, you’ll see the next long-tail keyword research method: the people also ask (PAA) box:
Using Google’s people also ask boxes for keyword research
Method #3 – Related Searches
And finally, at the bottom of the page is the related searches suggestions:
Using Google’s related searches for keyword research
Boom: that’s three ways of doing long-tail keyword research using only Google.
38. Do Question-Based Keyword Research
As we mentioned earlier, you really want to be writing about things people are asking.
Two great tools finding these question-based keywords are Answer the Public and QuestionDB.
Just drop in your keyword and you’ll get loads of question ideas.
Here are the results for the keyword ‘credit card’ on Answer the Public:
Use AnswerThePublic to generate lots (and lots) of question-based keywords
And here are the results for QuestionDB:
Use QuestionDB to get loads question keywords people are asking
As you can see, from just one keyword you can generate lots of potential questions you can turn into articles (that people in your niche are asking).
39. Identify Keyword Gaps
This is just a fancy way of saying find keywords you don’t rank for that get a high amount of monthly searches.
And then — you guessed it — try rank for them.
The quickest way to find keyword gaps is with this free content gap finder or with Ahrefs.
If you choose the latter, here’s a quick walkthrough:
Fire up the Ahrefs Content Gap tool and drop in the domains you want to compare:
Use Ahrefs Content Gap tool to find keywords to target
Hit ‘show keywords’ and you’ll see any potential keyword gaps:
Keyword gaps in Ahrefs
If you do this for your site and a few of your competitors, you’ll be able to see all the keywords they rank for, but you do not.
Based on your competitors, you’ll be able to prioritize the keyword gaps to go after and try and rank for.
40. Optimize Your Content With LSI (or Semantic) Keywords
LSI, which stands for “latent semantic indexing” (also sometimes referred to as semantic keywords) are words/phrases that are related to your main keyword.
Since Google Hummingbird, the search engine has put more importance on understanding a topic fully. LSI keywords are a good way to help the search engine crawlers.
You can use a tool like LSI Graph to find them. Just drop in your main keyword and it will give you a list of terms related to your topic:
Examples of LSI /semantic keywords using LSI Graph
Try to add these to your articles and pages.
To be honest, if you are writing good content, you will be including semantic keywords anyway, but it’s worth keeping in mind.
41. Prevent and Remove Keyword Cannibalization
Keyword cannibalization is when two or more pages on your website are competing against themselves by trying to rank for the same term.
It’s actually quite common, especially with large sites with lots of pages. Here’s a pretty detailed article from Moz about it.
The lesson to learn here is: you want to avoid keyword cannibalization as it can confuse Google (it won’t know which page it should rank). Having two similar pages competing against one another is not helpful for driving traffic.
It can also:
- Lower the authority of your page.
- Dilute any links you have to the page(s).
- Impact your conversion rate.
Often you will be better off consolidating these into one post. You can use this free spreadsheet to find keyword cannibalisation and run a quick “site:yourdomain.com ‘keyword’ query to surface potential issues.
42. Find Easy-Win Keyword Opportunities
Here’s a quick traffic win you can do if you have an existing site:
Find pages that are performing relatively well, and then improve them to give them a boost.
Let me explain:
Pages/keywords that are ranking around the top of page 2 of the bottom of page 1 are ideally suited. These may just need a few tweaks to get them to climb up the ranks and send more traffic to your site.
Some ways you can improve these easy-win keywords pages are by:
- Doing keyword research to target the main term + related terms better.
Improving your on-page SEO.
- Adding more content.
- Pointing internal links to the page.
- Building some backlinks to the page.
To find these pages you can use the built-in keyword filtering of SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush again, use some free SEO spreadsheets for SEO tasks or go through the performance report in Google Search Console.
Technical Improvements
Another aspect of SEO that determines how much traffic your site will get is its technical health.
In order for search engine bots to find, crawl, and index your site, there are some technical elements you need to tick off.
Let’s check them out:
43. Follow Technical SEO Best Practices
Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your site for Google’s crawlers.
It is an important step in getting traffic to your site. If Google can’t find, crawl, and index your site, you won’t rank. No ranking = no organic search traffic.
It is called “technical” SEO because it is less about the content of your site and more about the infrastructure.
Technical SEO can be a big topic. But in terms of getting the best practices down, here are the things you want to do:
- Specify a preferred domain (www or no www?)
Optimize your Robots.txt file.
- Optimize your sites URL structure.
- Have a logical site structure and navigation.
- Use breadcrumbs to improve UX.
Add structured data markup.
- Set up canonicals.
- Set up and optimize your 404 pages.
Use 301 redirects.
Have an XML sitemap.
Install an SSL certificate.
Make sure your website loads fast.
- Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
Set up Google Search Console.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. But if you can tick off everything above, you are on the right track for a healthy site.
44. Submit Your Site to Search Engines
You want your site to show up on Google and Bing right?
Then you need to submit your site to search engines.
Actually, this process is very quick. Most of the work is done for you, but it is worth doing so you have control of indexation in the future.
Search engines don’t technically require you to submit your site. But there are plenty of scenarios where it makes lots of sense to do. Think of:
- New sites with little to no backlinks.
- Rehauled sites with new content and structure.
Recently hacked sites.
- Big chunk of updated content now available.
Manually submitting your site to Google and other search engines should cut down on the time required to get re-indexed properly, hence gaining organic traffic regularly flowing towards you.
45. Improve SERP Click-Through Rates (with GSC Data)
Click-through-rate (CTR) is the percentage of searchers who click through to your website from the Google search results.
Here’s the great thing:
By improving your CTR, you can effectively increase traffic.
To see your CTR, go to Search Console > Performance, now make sure Average CTR is selected and choose Queries. From here you will be able see your best and worst queries in terms of CTR:
CTR performance report in Google Search Console
Some ways you can improve your organic CTR are:
- Improving your page titles.
Making your URLs clearer and more descriptive.
Improving your meta descriptions.
Adding Structured Data.
Improving page speed.
46. Fix Lost ‘Link Juice’ on 404 Pages
When you delete a linked page, add an incorrect URL to a page, or incorrectly change a URL, a broken link is created. These are bad for UX.
No one wants to go buy some Lego and be greeted with this 404 page:
An example of a 404 page on the Lego website
Okay, so maybe they kinda do because that’s a good 404 page.
So, how do broken links affect SEO?
When a search engine is crawling your site and they find dead links, it can stop the spiders from crawling your site. This can stop it from being indexed.
In other words, when searchers (and/or web crawlers) browse through your site and click on the link, they may be directed to a page with a 404 error.
I don’t know about you, but when this happens, I either get a bit annoyed with the website in question or just leave.
Don’t take the risk. Go find and fix any potential broken links.
47. Boost Authority with Internal Links
Interlinks are links that point from one page on your site to another page on the same site.
You will have seen them countless times before:
An example of internal linking
Interlinks (or internal links) usually occur naturally when you are referring to past content or related pages in your content.
Adding internal links can:
- Help visitors (and search engines) navigate your own website.
- Help to establish an information structure.
- Spread link juice or authority throughout your site.
48. Make Sure Your Site is Responsive
Almost everyone has a smartphone. And almost everyone browses websites on their mobile.
In 2019, there were 4070 million unique mobile internet users!
Mobile internet user statistics
That’s a lot of potential mobile visitors to your site. Google recognized this with its introduction of mobile-first indexing.
If you don’t have a responsive website, here why you should:
- It improved site usability for visitors.
- It will load faster.
- It will reduce bounce rate.
- It may improve social sharing.
49. Enhance SERP Appearance with Schema
Also known as structured data, Schema is a markup easily read by search engines.
It makes it easier for search engine crawlers to find and index your page. Because it gives search engine bots more information about your site, your site can get rich site snippets (which can improve your CTR).
If you’re featuring reviews on your site, you could score rich snippets like the one below:
An example of schema showing (review stars) in Google
We’ve actually got a more detailed guide on how to add schema markup to a WordPress site.
50. Make Sure Your Site is Fast
We’ve touched on this a bit already, but how fast your site loads does affect SEO.
Page speed is a direct ranking factor, and can also affect rankings indirectly via increased bounce rate.
Mobile page speed benchmarks (Image source: codemeright.com)
Page speed is important for users. Think about: if a web page is loading slowly for you, what do you do? Do you wait for it to load or do you go somewhere else?
Chances are you leave.
Faster loading pages are more efficient for keeping people on your site. And Google knows this too. That’s why way back in 2010 they announced that page speed counts as a ranking factor for SEO.
John Mueller of Google says to make sure web pages load for users in less than 2-3 secs:
John Mueller’s (of Google) advice for fast loading pages
When it comes to speeding up your site, there are a few things you can do to boost performance like compress images, use a lightweight WordPress theme and have a good hosting setup able to deliver high performances.
If you want to geek out on page speed, we’ve plenty of resources to browse through:
- A Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization
- How to Properly Run a Website Speed Test
- How to Speed up Your WordPress Site
- A Deep Dive Into the GTmetrix Speed Test Tool
- Pingdom Speed Test Tool: Ultimate Guide
- Google PageSpeed Insights: Scoring 100/100 with WordPress
Social Media
If you want traffic, go to the places online where your target audience hangs out and shares content. Social media can also help you build brand recognition as well as a community.
And it’s not just sharing memes and cat videos: 43% of adults in the US get their news from Facebook:
Social media statistics
Here are some ways to drive traffic to your site using social media:
51. Get Active on Social Media
This sounds like an obvious step, but you actually need to set up your social accounts if you want them to drive traffic.
The rule of thirds (Image source: Orbitmedia.com)
Here are the essentials to complete across whichever platform you choose:
- Fully complete your profile (don’t forget to link to your site) and your business pages (Facebook and LinkedIn).
- Promote your blog content.
- Be sure to share interesting content (follow the rule of thirds).
- Post when your audience is online.
- Talk with your audience.
In terms of which platform you should be on, depends on your audience.
The best social media platform is the platform where your audience hangs out.
52. Post On Social Media at Strategic Times
This will be very dependent on your audience and the platform you are on.
There have been lots of studies into when to post on social media like this one from Hootsuite or this one from Sprout Social.
According to Post Planner, here are the best times to post on social media:
Social Network | Best Day | Best Time |
脸书 | Thursdays | 8pm |
推特 | Thursday | 5pm |
领英 | Wednesday | 9am |
Friday | 7pm | |
Friday | 1am |
53. Add Social Share Buttons to Your Site
Oh, and don’t forget to make it easy for people to share your content on social media.
(Pssst, if you are reading this on desktop, just look to the left.)
An example of social share buttons we use on all blog posts at Kinsta
These improve your online exposure since users find pages and posts they enjoy, then share them on social media sites.
The easiest way is to set up a WordPress social media plugin for your site.
54. Use a Social Media Calendar
Wouldn’t it be great to get more click-throughs on social media?
Well, the answer may be in using a social media calendar.
This type of calendar helps you to understand:
- Why your audience shares (or doesn’t share) your content.
- Which types of content people prefer.
What’s more, it also stops you from over sharing the same type of stuff too often and allows you to plan on sharing content you know works.
It doesn’t take long to set up your calendar, a spreadsheet will do the trick:
An example of a content calendar you can use to promote blog posts
This simple addition to your social media strategy can help you improve shares and get traffic back to your blog.
Head over to the Post Planner blog to grab a free social media calendar template.
55. Research Your Competitor’s Social Strategy
A great tactic for improving the amount of traffic you get from social media is to spy on your competitors. See what they are doing that is working, and then try and replicate it.
Here’s a couple of social media competitor analysis tools to use:
- Buzzsumo
- Hootsuite
- Sprout Social
Want a super quick social competitive analysis plan?
Let’s go:
Step 1 – Find Your Competitors’ Social Media Strategy
Use a tool like Sprout Social to see what your competitors are doing:
Competitor research using Social Sprout
Then think about things like:
- What keywords are they using?
- Who are they following?
- What social networks are they on?
- How big is their audience?
- How often do they post?
Step 2 – Analyze Their Profiles and Content
Have a look at each of their social profiles. What do they do well, and what don’t they do well?
Look for things like:
- Are they posting relevant and up-to-date content?
- Do they have good or bad customer service?
- Are there spelling mistakes?
- What kind of images are they using?
- Are they using unique angles to promote themselves?
Step 3 – Monitor Any Changes
Social media is a never-ending stream of content so monitor what your competitors are doing (some of the tools mentioned above can help).
Check out how to leverage LinkedIn to grow your site traffic, how to take advantage of Facebook and Twitter for your marketing.
Armed with this information, you’ll be able to hopefully see gaps where you can do something effective on social media to get traffic to your site.
56. Put Social Media on Autopilot
Social Media can be a great way of promoting content to your audience.
The only problem is that it can take hours out of your day, especially if you are posting a lot of content.
Take for instance promoting new blog posts. You’ve got to add the title, a social sharing image and a link to the new post to each of your social accounts. And that’s for every post.
Remembering to update all your social feeds like this when you publish a new blog post can be a time suck.
Not if you use this Zapier Zap to automatically Tweet your new WordPress posts:
Use Zapier to automatically post new blog posts
This is only scratching the surface of what you can do. Head over to Zapier to check over 100 different ways you can automate social media.
57. Use Buffer to Schedule and Publish Social Posts
While on the subject of automation, you can use a tool like Buffer to schedule your posts in advance and automatically post them to your channels:
Use Buffer to schedule and publish social posts
Alongside posting your content, Buffer can also suggest the best time to post. Nice, isn’t it?
58. Use Quuu Promote
Quuu Promote is a paid tool that can drive traffic by promoting your content automatically to the right audience.
Quuu Promote can help you generate lots of social shares
So how does Quuu Promote work?
In a nutshell:
- You create a social media post (with a link to your content).
- Quuu puts this in front of people in your niche who have signed up to get suggestions from Quuu.
- Some of these people may share it on their social profiles.
- You earn more traffic.
Lots of people use Twitter, in fact roughly 46% of Twitter users log into the platform every single day:
Daily social media usage statistics (HubSpot.com)
If you aren’t promoting your blog on Twitter, how will anyone know about your content? Driving traffic to your blog can be almost as important as the writing itself.
If you use Twitter effectively, it can drive tons of traffic back to your website. But just tweeting the title of your blog post now and then with a link back to your site won’t work.
You need to do better than that.
Here are some ways to increase your website’s traffic using Twitter:
59. Drive Traffic with These Twitter Marketing Tips
Before you even get started, you need to pick the right Twitter handle, profile photo, and header image. For Twitter to be an effective traffic generating machine, you need to be proactive.
Did you know: the average lifespan of one tweet is just 18 minutes:
Average lifespan of a tweet (Image source: Moz.com)
And with over 7,000 new tweets being sent every second, to get any meaningful return from your Twitter, you need a plan.
Here are some Twitter marketing tips to try out:
- Use short attention-grabbing tweets.
- Add a quote from the post you’re promoting.
- Add statistics.
- Use #Hashtags & @mentions.
- Retweet any mentioned content.
- Ask for a retweet.
- Use images.
- Try asking a question (related to your topic).
Don’t forget, you can also harness the power of Twitter Ads…
60. Drive Traffic with Promoted Tweets
Promoted Tweets (aka Sponsored Tweets) are standard Tweets, except they’re paid for by advertisers attempting to increase their Twitter reach and/or engagement.
They are pretty easy to spot as they have a ‘promoted’ label beneath them:
An example of a promoted tweet
Promoted Tweets increase reach and drive traffic to your website and post-click landing pages, which in turn, increases lead generation and sales. For more in-depth tips on using Twitter to grow your traffic, check out our guide.
Go here to get started running Twitter Ads.
Facebook has 2.41 billion monthly active users:
Monthly active users on Facebook (Image source: HubSpot.com)
It continues to be the top dog of social media sites.
Used correctly, this power can be leveraged into a powerful marketing tool for your business or website.
Let’s dive in:
61. Drive Traffic with These Facebook Marketing Tips
Driving Facebook traffic back to your website is essential, and FB traffic provides a great opportunity to target your ideal audience.
If you haven’t already, create a Facebook page for your site, and then follow these Facebook marketing tips to help you generate more traffic:
- Use images on all your posts.
- Keep your updates short and to the point.
- Ask your fans short questions.
- Use a quote from blog articles when sharing content.
- Use videos.
- Curate content from other websites in your niche.
There’s also Facebook Ads too…
62. Use Facebook Ads
You are probably pretty familiar with Facebook ads:
Example of a Facebook ad
When used correctly, Facebook Ads can be an effective (and low cost) way of sending traffic to blog posts.
But if you know what you are doing, they can be the opposite of that: expensive and ineffective.
You want to use targeted Facebook ads to drive traffic from Facebook back to your site, so make sure you are going after the right (and interested) audiences.
If you are confused at all, look into using a Facebook ad tool.
63. Retarget Visitors With Facebook Ads
Don’t forget you can also use Facebook retargeting ads.
Ad retargeting is the process in which you target ads to users who have previously been on your website or social media platform but haven’t converted.
You need to have your Facebook Pixel installed and tracking your site traffic and website events.
Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social platforms and can be a great way to generate traffic.
Instagram growth (Image source: Stargage.com)
But to get the most from it, you need to consider a few factors:
Your name & username – these are the only factors that Instagram looks at in search queries.
Your bio description & profile photo – these should be appealing to your audience.
Your website URL link in the bio – this is the only place on Instagram where you can link to your site.
Profile visibility – you want to make sure your profile is set to Public, not Private.
64. Drive Traffic with These Instagram Marketing Tips
It sounds obvious, but uploading good images and videos that are relevant to your audience is the key to success on Instagram.
Think about it: if your audience is B2B, is this content useful?
A popular Instagram meme page
Alongside posting relevant content and increasing your following on a steady and consistent basis, here are some Instagram marketing tips:
- Follow accounts related to your niche.
- Find and use relevant hashtags.
- If you can, try and get shout outs from others.
- Regularly share your posts.
- Post exclusive Instagram-only content.
- Be active and engage with your followers.
65. Use Instagram Ads
Like Facebook ads, Instagram ads can be a great way of getting in front of your target audience.
An example of an Instagram ad
Instagram ads can be set up through Facebook’s advertising platform You can run different types of ads including Photo, Video, Carousel, Slideshow, and Stories Ads.
First, you need to connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts:
Instagram/Facebook ad dashboard
Very simply, here’s how you get started advertising on Instagram:
- Go to Facebook’s Ad Manager.
- Set your objective.
- Set your target audience.
- Pick your ad placements.
- Set your budget and schedule.
- Create your Instagram Ads.
Did you know YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google?
YouTube search works like Google
When used correctly, YouTube can be an amazing source of traffic. People watch 1 billion hours of YouTube per day, so just getting a small percentage of those views can be a game-changer.
66. Drive Traffic with These YouTube Marketing Tips
With so many videos uploaded every day to YouTube, it’s easy for your content to get lost.
Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take for generating organic traffic to and from your videos.
Here are some proven tips for getting traffic from YouTube:
- A reason to visit your site like a free PDF, ebook, course, or exclusive content.
- Add a link to your site in your channel header.
- Use cards to help views navigate around.
- Add a website link in your video descriptions.
- Use a clear CTA on videos
67. Don’t Forget YouTube SEO (to Rank Your Videos)
One of the best ways to get more video views is with YouTube SEO.
In a nutshell:
YouTube SEO is the process of optimizing your channel (including video playlists, metadata, descriptions, and actual videos) so that your channel shows up for the right people.
You can actually optimize your videos for search results inside YouTube and Google.
68. YouTube Ads
With a lot of your potential audience already on YouTube, it makes sense to target them with ads.
An example of a YouTube ad
To get the most from YouTube Ads, you need to:
- Target your audience.
- Choose the right ad format.
- Create engaging ads.
Check out this guide to YouTube advertising by HubSpot for more information.
Did you know that each pin on Pinterest can generate 2-page visits and 6 pageviews?
Pinterest is a great platform for sending traffic to your blog.
Not only are pins for great longevity (pins get shares over time) bu Pinterest was actively designed for sharing
Let’s explore it in more detail:
69. Drive Traffic with These Pinterest Marketing Tips
Here are some tactics you can use to harness Pinterest traffic:
- Sign up for a business account (and get access to Pinterest Analytics).
- Make sure each pin description is detailed, helpful, and actionable.
- Pin at the right time.
- Create pin-worthy images (that are the right size & include text).
- Join relevant Pinterest group boards.
70. Use Pinterest Ads
Pinterest ads are useful for getting your content in front of more people as they search and browse Pinterest.
An example of Pinterest ads
To get started:
- Set up a Pinterest business account.
- Install the Pinterest Tag.
- Choose a goal for your campaign.
- Set a campaign budget.
- Create an ad group.
- Select your target audience.
- Choose ad placement.
- Add interests + keywords.
- Set budget + schedule.
- Pick your Promoted Pins.
And like all paid ad campaigns: monitor and tweak accordingly. For even more information, check out this Pinterest Ads guide by Hootsuite.
With over 600 million users, LinkedIn is the go-to social network for B2B.
LinkedIn is the place people go to when they want to connect with people in their industry, learn about their industry and share related content. If you want to drive traffic to your B2B blog or website, this is your platform.
90% of social traffic is driven by LinkedIn to B2B sites (Image source: Sumo.com)
71. Drive Traffic with These LinkedIn Marketing Tips
LinkedIn can be a great traffic source if you use it right.
Here are the essentials you need to start driving traffic from LinkedIn today:
- Create and optimize your personal Profile.
- Join groups (or start one).
Create a company page.
- Regularly share useful content.
- Don’t share too much.
72. Republish Articles on LinkedIn
Don’t forget you can leverage LinkedIn’s publishing platform to reach their massive audience.
Republishing articles on LinkedIn is a great way to send traffic to your website and get in front of a new audience.
To get started, just hit ‘write an article’ on the LinkedIn homepage:
The “Write an article” feature in LinkedIn
Before you publish your article, there are two things you want to make sure you’ve included:
A short bio – add this to the end of your post to direct people to your homepage or blog.
A CTA – directing people to a specific resource on your site that you think may help people.
73. LinkedIn Ads
You can also use LinkedIn Ads to target your audience with sponsored content, sponsored or text ads.
An example of a LinkedIn ad
LinkedIn is obviously most suited to targeting a professional audience. So if your site isn’t targeting that demographic, you may be better of saving your money.
This guide by Hootsuite provides a good walk-through of LinkedIn ads.
Other Marketing Tactics
Sometimes marketing tactics don’t neatly fit into a category. Here are all the traffic boosting tactics that are left:
74. Use Paid Traffic
We’ve touched on this already with social ads, but paid traffic can be an effective way of getting eyes on your content. It’s also highly scalable (providing you have the budget).
Types of paid traffic you can send to your website (Image source: charlesngo.com)
Here are some of the best-paid traffic sources to consider:
- Display ads.
Paid search ads (through Google AdWords or Bing Ads).
Paid discovery (like Outbrain or Taboola).
- Sponsored content.
Depending on the ads you’re buying, you could pay per click (PPC), pay per view (PPV) or pay per acquisition/action (PPA).
75. Appear on Niche Relevant Podcasts
Monthly podcast listening statistics (Image source: convinceandconvert.com)
Doing podcast interviews can be a great driver of traffic.
Not only do you get a relevant recommendation on the podcast but you also get in front of a new audience. And if you are on a niche relevant podcast, you may have gained new audience members of your own.
Want to turn up a notch and appear on lots of podcasts?
Here’s how to kickstart your podcast campaign:
Step 1 – Find Podcasts in Your Niche
Remember to stay on topic with finding podcasts to go on.
Look at places like Stitcher and Podbean. And don’t forget to just simply Google:
YOUR NICHE + podcast
Try and aim for 50 podcasts to reach out.
Step 2 – Write Your Pitch
You want them to invite you on so make your pitch relevant.
If you haven’t already, listen to a few episodes to try and get an idea of what you can bring to the table.
Step 3 – Contact the Hosts
Most podcast hosts want you to contact them.
Find their preferred contact format and send them your pitch.
Step 4 – Do the Podcast (Hopefully)
Do the podcast and try to naturally share your content and info about your website.
Step 5 – Share the Podcast.
The final step is to share your podcast appearance.
Promote it to your email list, on your social channels, your blog, etc.
It’s not just other people’s podcasts, though, you can have your own as an additional traffic source
76. Start a Podcast
If you are struggling to find podcasts to appear on, or you just have a burning desire to share content, why not create your own.
Here’s how to quickly start a podcast:
- Pick your topic(s).
- Come up with a name, show description, and artwork.
- Set up and test your recording equipment.
- Plan your episodes.
- Record your episodes.
- Edit and then finally publish your episodes.
Hey presto, you’ve just launched a podcast.
77. Do Some Interviews (with Bloggers in Your Niche)
Interviews aren’t only for large publications.
Many people will be willing to talk to you if you just ask them, even if you only have a small audience.
It’s pretty simple to get started too:
Just send out a few emails requesting an interview to people in your industry. For the ones that get back to you, publish the interviews on your blog.
Not only will the recognizable names improve your credibility and traffic, you’ll probably get a further reach when the interviewee shares it with their audience.
If you want some inspiration, sites like Starter Story, IndieHackers started out producing this kind of content based on interviews. Also, don’t forget our own Kingpin segment!
Looking for ways to grow web traffic steadily? There’s no silver bullet, rather it’s always a compound effect. Here are 77 proven tactics to test out! ??
Phew, if you made it this far, congrats. That was a long read.
If you take some of the tactics from this article on board and apply them to your site, you’ll be well on your way of increasing traffic.
Try one (or a few) of the tactics and see what effect it has on your traffic. If it doesn’t work for you: try another. If it does: double down and do more.
Which tactics have you tried? How do you bring in traffic to your sites? Let us know in the comments below.
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