“ 2秒是电子商务网站可接受性的门槛。在Google,我们的目标是不到半秒钟。”
– Maile Ohye,Google技术主管
速度决定一切:100毫秒的延迟会影响7%的转换率,而2秒钟的延迟则会使转换率降低103%。了解如何加快WooCommerce商店和销售的速度! ??
我建议您开始使用以下网站速度测试工具之一:WebPagetest,Pingdom,Google PageSpeed Insights或GTMetrix。
您还可以使用免费的WordPress插件Query Monitor来确定性能不佳的主题,插件和功能。它可以帮助您调试低效的数据库查询、,肿的功能,PHP错误,HTTP API调用等。
Google网站管理员趋势分析师Gary Illyes
如果您的电子商务网站也托管博客,则可以限制博客源中的帖子数量。 WordPress默认将此限制设置为10个帖子,但是您可以设置一个较低的限制。
WP Rocket测试了许多流行的WooCommerce主题以提高速度,并得出以下结果。
选择一个快速的WooCommerce主题(图片来源:WP Rocket)
与诸如Elementor或Beaver Builder之类的页面构建器配对时,它们可以帮助您创建几乎所有站点。
WordPress默认为PHP分配32 MB内存。如果遇到任何麻烦,它将自动尝试将此限制增加到40 MB(对于单个站点)或64 MB(对于多站点)。
建议将此限制增加到256 MB。在编辑文件之前,请务必对其进行备份。万一出了问题,可以用原始文件替换已编辑的文件。
Kinsta的所有计划都将默认内存限制设置为256 MB。如果您的网站由我们托管,则您不会遇到任何与内存相关的问题。详细了解我们的免费迁移。
图片占任何网站页面大小的大部分,对于电子商务网站而言更是如此。 WooCommerce网站上装有产品图片和横幅。
根据HTTP存档的图像状态报告,您可以通过延迟加载隐藏的和屏幕外的图像来节省每页545 KB。
通过将JPEG压缩级别设置为85或更低,可以进一步节省每页40.3 KB。该指标直接来自Google的移动网站速度测试工具Lighthouse。
- 为图像选择正确的格式(JPEG,PNG,SVG,WebP)。
- 使用正确的工具有效地压缩图像。
- 使用响应式图像优化各种设备的交付。
- 延迟加载屏幕外和隐藏图像。
- 将图像传送卸载到快速CDN。
WooCommerce 3.3引入了图像大小改进功能,例如即时调整缩略图大小,模糊图像修复和调整背景缩略图大小。所有这些功能使使用诸如WooCommerce相关图像的重新生成缩略图之类的插件变得多余。
- 压缩器
- Squoosh.app
- Shrinkme.app
- 海妖
- 想像
TinyJPG |小小PNG
- 短像素
- 想像一下
- 重新贴上
- 擎天柱
这些插件中的大多数还可以启用图像的延迟加载。 WordPress核心团队计划将延迟加载图像添加为内置功能。这将利用新的HTML加载属性 标签。
即使您的网站运行在全球最快的服务器上,它仍然受到地理位置的限制。 WordPress CDN可以缩短单个用户与网站资源之间的距离,从而减少网络延迟和缩短到第一个字节(TTFB)的时间。
Kinsta CDN及其POP突出显示
根据请求的来源,它会自动分配最近的CDN PoP来传递缓存的资源。结果是更快的网站和更好的用户体验。
除缓存外,许多CDN还包括其他性能增强功能,例如出色的动态图像压缩,HTTP / 2支持,热链接保护和附加安全性。
- 云耀斑
- Sucuri CDN
- Cloudways CDN
- 栈路径
KeyCDN(也支持Kinsta CDN)
例如,Contact Form 7在每个页面上加载其脚本和样式表。它的形式只能在联系页面上使用,但是资产会在所有页面上加载。完全没有必要!
从页面中删除这些未使用的资产将有助于您减少膨胀并加快页面加载时间。 WooCommerce及其扩展程序(例如,智能优惠券和后续行动)容易受到此问题的影响。
使用Google Chrome DevTools中的“网络”标签
您可以使用wp_dequeue_script和wp_dequeue_style函数删除不需要的脚本和样式。一种简单的方法是通过名为Asset CleanUp:Page Speed Booster的插件。
Asset CleanUp扫描所有将加载到页面上的脚本和样式表。您可以禁用页面上未使用的内容。完成更改后,请测试页面的正确设计和功能。
作为免费替代方案,您可以结合使用Autoptimize和Async JavaScript插件来获得相同的结果。
8. HTTP / 2非常重要
HTTP 1.1是HTTP协议的第一个主要更新,并于1997年完成。它早于社交媒体,流服务,智能手机应用程序甚至WordPress。自那时以来,网络呈指数增长。
HTTP / 2是对HTTP 1.1协议的改进,并在2015年投入使用,以适应互联网不断增长的需求。它带来了速度,效率和安全性方面的惊人改进。
HTTP 1.1与HTTP / 2(图片来源:Cloudflare)
HTTP / 2的性能提高是由于多种原因:
- 在单个TCP连接上更好的多路复用和并行性。
- 使用Huffman编码算法对标头进行HPACK压缩。
- ALPN扩展可实现更快的加密。
- 主动服务器推送而不是等待请求。
通常,WooCommerce商店提供大量资源密集型资产,例如图像,样式表和脚本。此类站点将通过切换到HTTP / 2大大受益。
您可以使用KeyCDN的HTTP / 2测试工具来检查您的站点是否配置为使用HTTP / 2。到目前为止,每个主流浏览器都支持HTTP / 2。您没有理由不应该利用其巨大的性能优势。
如果您的托管服务提供商尚不支持HTTP / 2,请开始寻找新的主机。 Kinsta在其所有服务器和CDN上均支持HTTP / 2和TLS 1.3。
此外,HTTP / 3指日可待,旨在使网站加载速度更快。
- 用户通过他们的浏览器请求一个网站。例如,他们在浏览器中输入www.kinsta.com。
- 然后,浏览器请求网页(HTML文档)显示给用户。 DNS服务器会处理此请求,从而显示主机服务器的IP。
- 返回网页由托管在网络服务器上的应用程序(例如WordPress,Joomla等)处理。对于静态网站,甚至可能不需要应用程序。
- 该应用程序运行脚本(例如PHP,JavaScript等),并且(5)查询数据库(例如MySQL,MongoDB等)以构建网页。然后,它将网页返回到浏览器,浏览器将其呈现并显示给用户。
- 服务器端缓存
- 字节码缓存(OPCache)
- 对象缓存
- 页面缓存
- CDN缓存
- 客户端缓存
- 浏览器缓存
缓存不仅可以使网站加载速度更快,还可以减少服务器上的负载。 Kinsta关于WordPress缓存的深入文章是详细解释的好资源。
最简单的方法是通过WP-Sweep或WP Rocket等插件。
使用WP Rocket删除旧版本
或者,您可以使用免费的插件(例如WP Revisions Control)来执行相同的操作。
WordPress Transients API定义了如何自动处理瞬态和删除过期的瞬态。但是,事情并非总是按计划进行。
免费的Delete Expired Transients插件是摆脱所有过期瞬变的简便方法。
WooCommerce themes and plugins come with a lot of cool features that seem great from the outset but end up crumbling the database.
One such example is using “Popular Products” and “Related Products” plugins. These features can cause enormous sitewide queries, especially if you have many products. If you need these features, try to insert them manually into your pages. Plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields can help here immensely.
Kinsta inserts its ‘Related Content’ posts manually
Another example is image optimization plugins that compress images on the same server where the site is hosted, rather than do it externally. This ends up using a lot of your server’s resources.
Social Warfare plugin can tax the server resources
Also, stay away from plugins that add counters to your site. For example, adding the number of views/posts/comments beside a username. A lengthy discussion with multiple users involved will stress your database to crunch these numbers.
This advice holds true for using social counters too. Minimize the use of auto-generated counters to maximize database performance.
Like housekeeping, fine-tuning your WordPress database is an ongoing process.
Keeping this in mind, Kinsta has implemented an automated system to combat database performance issues. Based on your site’s needs, the automated system scans and fine-tunes your MySQL database once per week to ensure peak database performance. If the system detects something out of the ordinary that can’t be fixed automatically, it notifies the sysadmin team to take immediate action.
If your site is hosted somewhere else, here are a few database optimization plugins to make your job easier:
- WP-Sweep
- WP-Optimize
- WP Clean Up Optimizer
- Advanced Database Cleaner
Reminder: Always take a backup before editing your database or WordPress core files.
11. Optimize Your Store for Mobile-First Experience
As of January 2020, there are over 4 billion internet users in the world. There are almost as many mobile internet users. It’s expected to grow to 5+ billion by 2024.
There are billions of us (Image source: Statista)
Mobile devices overtook desktops in global website traffic in 2019, generating 52.6% of the total pageviews. In some countries such as India and Nigeria, mobile phones account for 70%+ of web page views.
Mobile traffic from Google Analytics
According to a study involving 500+ million online shoppers across 37 countries, smartphones accounted for 65% of site visits and 46% of ecommerce orders.
Mobile shopping has massive growth potential (Image source: Statista)
Surprisingly, the conversion rate for mobile phones is less than half that of desktops. There’s phenomenal room for growth here.
Speed counts a lot for mobile shoppers (Image source: Think with Google)
You can start by making your WooCommerce store mobile-friendly. You can use Google’s Mobile Friendly Test tool to check whether your site passes the minimum mobile usability standards.
Google’s Mobile Friendly Test
The test will show you a snapshot of how your website looks on a mobile device. It’ll also list any mobile usability issues if it finds any.
The easiest way to make your WordPress website mobile-friendly is to use a responsive theme. All the themes mentioned earlier in this post are responsive out of the box and look great on mobile devices.
Mobile shoppers don’t enjoy scrolling endlessly. Hence, keep your store pages as lean as possible. Don’t overcrowd them with too much content.
If you have loads of products listed on your store, make it easier for your mobile shoppers to find them through search. You can install the WooCommerce Product Search plugin to help your customers find products swiftly with live product filters.
Simplify product search with filters (Image source: WooCommerce)
Finally, streamline the checkout experience for your online shoppers. The fewer the steps to place an order, the better the shopping experience. Here are a few WooCommerce extensions that can help you with this:
WooCommerce Social Login — Eliminates the need for time-consuming account creation or login process. Let your users log in with their social accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
Variation Swatches and Photos — Say goodbye to annoying dropdown menus to select product variations. Instead, give your users easy-to-tap buttons for all your product options.
One Page Checkout — Don’t let your customers abandon your site that easily. Allow them to purchase what they want instantly with no extra steps. If you think guest checkout is a great fit for your store, then you can look into enabling it.
Checkout Field Editor — Add, remove or change fields from your checkout page. For instance, if you only sell digital products, you do not need to collect shipping addresses.
Bolt / Stripe / Amazon Pay / PayPal — Payments are the bane of mobile shopping experience. You can choose from different WooCommerce payment gateway extensions to make it easier to collect payments.
Easy mobile checkouts with Bolt
Ultimately, mobile shopping is more than just about making a purchase. Many users use it primarily to look up product information and check/compare prices. Make your online store experience great for your users on their mobile devices.
12. Disable Get Refreshed Fragments AJAX Request
When a user makes any changes to their shopping cart, WooCommerce uses the Get Refreshed Fragments AJAX request to update the shopping cart contents dynamically. Refreshing the cart page without reloading it seems great from a user experience perspective.
But most times it slows down websites, mainly those hosted on shared servers. Plus, a lot of sites don’t end up using this feature.
Just to verify, I tested an up-to-date WooCommerce store on Pingdom Tools and here are the results:
That’s a lot of wait time for one request
Despite being just 1.1 KB in size, the wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments request takes 0.76 seconds to execute. If your site takes 3 seconds or less to load, that’s over 25% of the page load time. This test site is hosted on a cloud VPS, so you can imagine the load times on a cheaper hosting plan.
This post by WebNots covers the issue in greater detail. You can use the free Disable Cart Fragments or Disable Cart Fragments by Optimocha plugins to disable this taxing request.
If you disable this request, then it’s recommended enabling the option ‘Redirect to the cart page after successful addition’ in your WooCommerce → Products settings panel.
Remember to enable this setting afterward
Enabling this behavior will ensure that the user is redirected to the Cart page after adding a product to their cart.
Optimizing WooCommerce Admin Panel
Speed isn’t an important factor for only your store’s frontend. A snappy backend is just as crucial to manage your store with ease and make quick changes whenever needed.
Working efficiently on your WooCommerce admin panel is the key to being productive. It also frees up your time to do more essential stuff for your WooCommerce store’s success, like online marketing.
Below are a few ways to fix a slow WooCommerce dashboard.
Frontend Optimizations First, Backend Optimizations Second
Does the problem only occur with the WordPress admin dashboard and not the whole website? If it’s the latter, then apply all the optimizations listed earlier first.
为什么? Because in most cases, making your WooCommerce store load faster on the frontend will optimize the backend too. We can attribute this to freeing up resources on your server.
If your admin dashboard lags even after optimizing the frontend, then carry on to the following suggestions.
13. Remove Bloat and Update Everything Regularly
Make sure to update WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, extensions, and the theme frequently. If a theme or plugin is no longer supported by its developers, then it’s time to consider ditching them.
Likewise, if a theme/plugin adds unnecessary bloat to your dashboard, start looking for better alternatives. For instance, you might want to consider alternatives to plugins that serve aggressive ads in your dashboard.
Example of banner in WordPress admin
This issue is so prevalent that there are plugins solely dedicated to removing bloat from some of the most popular WordPress plugins.
14. Disable Object and Database Cache
Caching plugins are a great way to speed up your WordPress site. However, if not configured properly, they can lead to unexpected results. That includes slowing down your backend.
For instance, W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular caching plugins for WordPress. It’s free, supports plenty of caching options, does JS and CSS minification, integrates with a CDN, and is used by 1+ million websites.
Cache options in W3 Total Cache
W3 Total Cache features the following cache options:
- Page Cache.
- Opcode Cache.
- Database Cache.
- Object Cache.
- Browser Cache.
- Fragment Cache.
Having a lot of options is confusing, especially to beginners who don’t understand what each type of caching does.
Object and database caching speed up the website by reducing the number of database queries, but they do so at the cost of offloading the work to the server’s memory.
Ideally, this shouldn’t pose a problem if your hosting server is smart or powerful enough. For instance, if your WordPress site is hosted with Kinsta, you don’t need to worry about caching as it’s already implemented at the server level.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case with every hosting provider.
In that scenario, you need to depend on a third-party caching plugin such as W3 Total Cache. Its simple settings make it super easy to enable all types of cache with just a single click.
In the W3 Total Cache → General Settings panel, disable object cache and/or database cache. Then check whether you see any improvements in your admin panel’s responsiveness.
Disable Database and Object Cache
Experimenting with the cache isn’t as simple as ticking or unpicking options in your plugin settings. You should also check whether your site works properly after making the changes and flushing your old cache.
15. Remove Plugins with High Resource Usage
Some WordPress plugins are a great resource hog on your web server. They end up using most of your server’s CPU and RAM.
You can use the free Query Monitor plugin to find the troublesome plugins. It’ll show you all the scripts, styles, and HTTP API calls that are being loaded by your website, along with their size and loading time. Look out for the ones that have the most number of requests and the slowest load times.
On the test site below, the Classic Editor plugin loads the slowest on the admin side. Other plugins like Loginizer, All-in-One WP Migration, and WP Bakery (formerly Visual Composer) also show up as potential bloat.
Query Monitor helps you troubleshoot performance issues
I found that the migration and Classic Editor plugins are unnecessary. Removing these two plugins fixed the admin speed considerably.
WooCommerce stores with an international audience use translation plugins like WPML to serve the site dynamically in multiple languages. It’s a great plugin with a lot of features, but it can also slow down your admin backend considerably.
You can gain some performance advantage by switching to a lean translation plugin such as Polylang. It doesn’t have as many features but works great for most use cases.
Plugins that have a lot of ongoing processes/scans will slow your WordPress backend. Some examples include sitemap generators, analytics graphs and charts, page builders, and chat plugins.
If you install Query Monitor, remember to uninstall it when done as it uses a lot of server resources to perform the scans.
16. Use Proper CDN Settings for WordPress
CDN helps to serve your WooCommerce store at lightning speed to users all around the world. It does this by saving a snapshot of your site’s resources and delivering them from the nearest server to the user.
Most CDNs disable caching on the WordPress backend by default. But some CDNs don’t, and this can slow down your store’s admin panel drastically. In such a case, you need to exclude your admin dashboard from the CDN’s cache to improve its performance.
If you’re using Cloudflare, you can set up a Page Rule to disable Cloudflare features on WordPress admin pages. Here’s how to do that:
- Go to the Page Rules section under your Cloudflare dashboard.
- Add *example.com/wp-admin/* in the URL field.
- In the settings fields, choose Cache Level and Bypass options.
- You can also add extra settings such as Disable Performance and Disable Security (not recommended). These settings are optional.
- Then click Save and Deploy.
Cloudflare Page Rules to bypass WordPress admin
It should take around 3 minutes for the settings to take effect.
If you’re using KeyCDN, then you can use their WordPress Cache Enabler Plugin to do the same. For other CDNs, please reach out to their support to sort this out.
17. Streamline WordPress Heartbeat API
The WordPress Heartbeat API enables near-real-time updates by maintaining a regular connection between your browser and your server. The API sends requests to the server every 15-60 seconds and then triggers events (or callbacks) upon receiving data.
It allows some amazing features such as autosaving posts, locking posts, and login expiration warnings. However, when you’re logged in as an admin, sending a few requests to the server every minute can slow down your admin panel.
WP Rocket’s free Heartbeat Control plugin allows you to manage the frequency of these API requests on the dashboard, frontend, and post editor. It even gives you the option to disable the API altogether.
Modify or disable WordPress Heartbeat API
Start by increasing the frequency of time. If that doesn’t fix your WooCommerce backend’s speed issues, consider disabling the heartbeat API.
If applying all the above optimizations still doesn’t fix your WooCommerce store’s speed issues, then…
WooCommerce Speed Starts with Quality Hosting
Just like running a car with flat tires, no matter how many optimizations you make, your site won’t get any faster if it’s hosted on a lousy server. A significant portion of your site’s performance depends on the quality of your hosting.
There are different types of hosting for WordPress sites which fall under two main category: Managed and Unmanaged. The first is perfect for most users, as the hosting provider handles all the server optimizations for WordPress. The latter is better suited for technically proficient users who can tweak and manage the server on their own.
For a WooCommerce website, go for Managed WordPress Hosting. Keep in mind that managed hosting tends to be more expensive than unmanaged hosting.
You can choose from 4 major types of Managed WordPress Hosting. Each comes with its own pros and cons, so select the one that aligns with your budget and goals. I’ve compared them in the infographic below for various features.
4 main types of Managed WordPress Hosting
Each type of hosting can be offered under multiple plans at different price points. So, when scouting for a hosting within your budget, look at the features offered to decide whether it fulfills your requirements.
WooCommerce sites are incredibly dynamic by nature. They generate a lot of data and requests that cannot be cached.
For instance, the checkout page is unique for each user and cannot be served from a cache. As a result, the server needs to be robust enough to run your site smoothly, even if your site attracts low traffic.
The recommended features you should look out for when deciding on a WooCommerce hosting plan are:
- Server-level caching with WooCommerce-specific cache rules in place.
- 2 to 4 PHP workers to handle WooCommerce’s uncached requests without timing them out.
- WordPress memory limit of 128 MB or more.
Auto-scaling infrastructure to handle surges in traffic and load.
Automatic daily backups (hourly preferred) to ensure that your ecommerce data is safe and secure.
- A fully secure hosting platform with security features such as regular malware scans, GeoIP and abusive IPs blocking, free SSL, SFTP, SSH, HTTP/2, and TLS 1.3.
Nginx or LiteSpeed web server software.
- Support for developer-friendly features: PHP 7.4, LDX containers, WP-CLI, GitHub, MariaDB, Staging environments, etc.
- High uptime with data centers spread all across the world. Go for the one that has servers close to where your target audience is.
- Support for external CDNs such as Cloudflare and Amazon CloudFront.
- A reliable 24/7 support team to resolve any issues quickly.
- Great user reviews and a stellar track record.
With these requirements in mind, you can safely eliminate Shared Hosting.
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is like shared hosting, except you have a virtual space in a shared server dedicated solely to you. If you’re on a strict budget, you can get started with a mid-range VPS plan. However, if your site attracts more traffic, then you’ll have to upgrade soon.
This leaves us with Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server options. Both are great for WooCommerce sites if they fulfill your requirements.
The prices for dedicated server plans are towards the higher side as compared to cloud hosting plans, which can range from ~$50/month to thousands of dollars per month.
Kinsta’s business cloud hosting plans check off all the recommended WooCommerce requirements. Its container-based hosting is perfect for WooCommerce as it scales automatically to handle sudden traffic and load surges.
If you want to extend the features further, Kinsta offers add-ons such as Cloudflare Railgun, Elasticsearch, Redis, Extra backups, Nginx reverse proxy, and more.
Below is an example of performance gains after Kinsta migrated an ecommerce site to Google Cloud Platform’s new Compute-Optimized VMs (C2).
Massive performance benefits after migration
From ~665 ms to ~500 ms, that’s a whopping ~25% increase in performance!
If you’re spending a considerable amount of money on marketing, you’re pushing away all your leads if your site is slow.
Ultimately, you’re better off spending a few extra dollars every month on quality hosting, rather than spending hours pulling out your hair and wondering why your site still has a high bounce rate.
If your site is generating $1k/day, a 100-millisecond delay might cost you $25k in lost sales annually. Scary, uh??? Stop losing money and read this guide on speeding up WooCommerce!
Time is literally money for an ecommerce site. A fast WooCommerce store boosts user experience, SEO, revenue, and ROI.
While you don’t have to follow all the speed optimization tips listed in this post, I recommend you to go through all of them. This will help you identify any bottlenecks in your site. No one likes to wait for a site to load. Let’s speed up WooCommerce!
If you enjoyed this article, then you’ll love Kinsta’s WordPress hosting platform. Turbocharge your website and get 24/7 support from our veteran WordPress team. Our Google Cloud powered infrastructure focuses on auto-scaling, performance, and security. Let us show you the Kinsta difference! Check out our plans