成为 DevOps 工程师所需的一切

什么是 DevOps 工程师?

DevOps 工程师是一名 IT 专业人员,与软件开发人员、IT 运营人员、系统用户和管理人员合作以优化新更新和程序的推出。

DevOps 工程师本质上是他们 IT 部门的骨干——快速创建集成的、用户友好的系统。

聘请 DevOps 工程师的好处

聘请 DevOps 专家有很多好处,因为他们可以:

  • 帮助企业更好地集成其 IT 系统,使其更加人性化
  • 简化开发流程,帮助开发者更快发布系统项目
  • 实施 DevOps 工具,帮助开发人员提高工作质量
  • 自动化重复的内部流程
  • 帮助设计网络安全系统
  • 实施 DevOps 实践,如持续集成/持续交付 (CI/CD)

Atlassian 的 2020 DevOps Trends 报告的研究还表明:

  • 在实施 DevOps 的受访企业中,61% 认为它有助于产生“更高质量的可交付成果”
  • 49% 的实施 DevOps 的受访公司认为它提高了部署频率
  • 99% 的受访公司认为 DevOps“对他们的组织产生了积极影响”

DevOps 工程师做什么的?

要了解 DevOps 工程师的工作,您需要了解系统开发生命周期 (SDLC)。

SDLC 包括六个开发阶段,包括:

  1. 规划:当开发人员概述项目的范围和要求时
  2. 分析:当开发人员研究和分析需求以将它们实施到系统中时
  3. 设计:当开发人员设计项目的架构时
  4. 实现:当开发人员构建系统时
  5. 测试:当开发人员测试系统代码并解决错误时
  6. 部署和维护:当开发者发布系统并进行维护以保持其平稳运行时

SDLC 有多种方法,包括瀑布方法和敏捷方法。在瀑布方法中,人们按顺序完成 SDLC 从计划到部署和维护的整个过程。在敏捷方法中,人们不断地通过 SDLC 工作。


比较瀑布和敏捷方法到 SDLC 的图表 SDLC 的瀑布和敏捷方法(来源:EasyAgile)

DevOps 部分建立在敏捷开发方法的基础上。具体来说,DevOps 工程师实现了一个称为 DevOps 生命周期的 SDLC 版本。与敏捷方法一样,DevOps 生命周期在以下阶段循环并不断重复:

  • 规划
  • 持续反馈
  • 手术
  • 持续集成和持续部署
  • 建造

DevOps 生命周期如下所示:

DevOps 生命周期图DevOps 生命周期(来源:Atlassian)

DevOps 工程师还遵循持续集成和持续交付 (CI/CD) 原则。


DevOps 工程师的职责是什么?

每个 DevOps 工程师的日常工作都是不同的,因为每个开发人员都为采用不同 DevOps 方法的公司从事独特的项目。但是,大多数 DevOps 工程师都有一些关键职责。这些包括:


DevOps 工程师经常同时监督和管理多个 IT 项目。在实践中,这意味着他们安排和召开会议、设定截止日期、与团队成员核对、委派工作、评估工作、指导团队成员并就项目决策提出建议。

在设计系统时,DevOps 工程师还会与用户、管理人员和开发人员保持联系。


DevOps 工程师通过设计网络安全系统、更新和实践来优化其业务 IT 基础设施的安全性。虽然所有 DevOps 工程师在日常工作中都会考虑安全性,但一些 DevOps 工程师(称为 SecDevOps 工程师)全职关注系统安全。

改善 IT 基础设施

DevOps 工程师寻找 IT 基础设施中的弱点并努力改进它们。具体来说,他们创建解决方案来帮助开发人员更快地工作、发现程序缺陷或围绕用户反馈设计更新。

由于 DevOps 工程师专注于 CI/CD 方法,他们不断对 IT 基础架构进行小幅改进。


DevOps 工程师减少了使新系统或更新栩栩如生所需的重复性任务。例如,DevOps 工程师可能会设计一个软件插件来帮助开发人员更快地编写代码并减少错误。

需要注意的是,DevOps 工程师并没有试图让开发人员失去工作的自动化。他们只是通过实施更简单、更快速的开发解决方案来提高开发人员的效率。


DevOps 工程师通过基准测试跟踪 IT 基础设施的日常运行。基准测试可帮助他们识别系统中效率低下的领域,并在潜在问题出现之前缓解它们。

每个 DevOps 工程师使用的基准测试取决于组织和项目,尽管他们通常使用符合七项基准测试原则的测试。

  1. 关联
  2. 代表性
  3. 公平
  4. 重复性
  5. 成本效益
  6. 可扩展性
  7. 透明度


DevOps 工程师通过减少项目或更新所需的时间和资源来优化系统发布周期。DevOps 工程师改进发布周期的方法有很多,包括消除时间消耗、确定每个版本的关键组件的优先级,或者引入新的软件和工具。


最后,DevOps 工程师不断跟踪软件和系统,以帮助快速解决系统错误。DevOps 工程师特别关注缩短检测到错误(即检测时间或 TTD)和修复错误(即最小化时间或 TTM)之间的时间长度。虽然一些 DevOps 工程师手动解决系统错误,但其他人将这留给全栈开发人员。

成为 DevOps 工程师需要哪些技能和背景?

由于 DevOps 工程师在工作中承担着不同的职责,因此您需要具备多种不同的技能才能成为其中一员。本节将概述其中一些关键技能。




Atlassian Bamboo 是一个集成和 CI 工具,允许开发人员自动化构建和部署过程。它是一个开源程序,适用于所有编程语言,提供预构建、代码测试、报告工具和部署工具。该工具还与其他程序集成,如 Jira、BitBucket 和 Git(等等)。Atlassian 提供免费和付费版本,具体取决于您的团队规模和要求。

Atlassian Bamboo 的功能页面阿特拉斯竹


Jenkins 是一个免费的自动化服务器,可帮助开发人员通过插件自动化系统构建部署。Jenkins 提供超过 1,800 个社区贡献的插件并且是开源的(因此您可以开发和使用您的自定义插件)。Jenkins 还与 Git 等工具集成。



作为 DevOps 工程师,您还需要熟悉版本控制系统 (VCS)。这些工具可帮助开发人员和 DevOps 工程师跟踪对其源代码存储库的更新。当多人同时添加代码时,它们还可以解决冲突。

如果您有软件开发背景,您就会知道如何使用流行的 VCS 工具,例如 Git。Git 是一个免费的开源工具,它与 GitHub 和 BitBucket 等存储库托管工具集成。



作为开发团队的一员,您将知道如何作为 DevOps 工程师使用存储库托管工具。顾名思义,存储库托管工具在云中安全地托管代码。这些工具还使开发人员可以访问预先编写的代码,以加快软件开发过程。

作为 DevOps 工程师,您需要熟悉三个关键的托管工具。这些包括:


GitHub 是一种基于云的托管服务,被超过 65 万名开发人员、超过 3 万个组织和 72% 的世界财富 500 强公司使用。GitHub 自 2008 年以来一直存在,并提供免费和付费版本。微软目前拥有 GitHub。

GitHub 主页截图GitHub


GitLab 是 GitHub 的替代品,具有 DevOps 功能,例如持续集成、安全性和项目管理工具。GitLab 提供免费和付费计划,并与 Git 集成。尽管名称相似,但 GitLab 和 GitHub 之间没有从属关系。


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Atlassian BitBucket

BitBucket 是专为开发团队设计的托管服务。它与 Git 和项目管理工具(如 Jira 和 Trello)集成。如果您有五个或更少的用户,您可以通过其免费计划使用 BitBucket。

BitBucket 主页截图比特桶


作为 DevOps 工程师,您还需要熟悉配置管理工具。这些工具可帮助 IT 专业人员一致地配置不同的系统或网络元素。它们还帮助开发人员减少部署新系统的时间。

DevOps 工程师使用两种流行的配置管理工具。这些包括:


Puppet 早于 DevOps,因为 Puppet Labs Limited 于 2005 年首次发布它。尽管它年龄很大,但 Puppet 仍然是当今最好的配置管理工具之一,因为它允许开发人员为他们的系统设置所需的状态。然后 Puppet 会自动将系统配置为该状态。


Chef 是另一个开源配置管理工具。Chef 是围绕“Chef Server”构建的,它充当其运营中心。Chef 服务器负责监督和管理网络上的 Chef 工作站和 Chef 节点。与 Puppet 一样,Chef 允许开发人员以“食谱”的形式为其系统设置所需的状态。Facebook、IBM 和乐天都使用 Chef。

Chef 主页的屏幕截图首席


由于监控是 DevOps 工程师工作的重要组成部分,因此 DevOps 工程师需要熟悉监控软件。监控软件允许您观察基础设施是否存在任何潜在问题。



Nagios 是 2002 年发布的一种较旧的开源 DevOps 工具。Nagios 在后台监视您的基础设施,并在怀疑存在问题时向您发出警报。目前有超过 9,000 名客户使用 Nagios 进行服务器和应用程序监控。

Nagios 主页的屏幕截图纳吉欧斯


Raygun 是一种针对 Web 和移动应用程序的实时监控服务。Raygun 跟踪部署、客户体验、错误和崩溃,以及用户如何与系统交互。可口可乐、Target、微软和 Avis 等品牌都使用 Raygun。

Raygun 主页的屏幕截图射线枪


As DevOps engineers are a crucial part of the development process, you’ll need to be familiar with some of the most common scripting and programming languages to succeed in your role.

A scripting language is a programming language that’s translated into machine code after running it. There are two types of scripting languages: server-side and client-side. Some of the most popular client-side scripting languages include HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Some of the most popular server-side scripting languages include PHP, Node.js, ASP.NET, Ruby, Perl, Python, and Java.

A programming language uses a compiler to convert code into machine code. Two of the most popular programming languages are C++ and C.

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Expertise in Containerization Tools

DevOps engineers in many organizations work with containerization tools. Containerization tools help developers package code and deploy it in small containers. Deploying code with containerization allows systems to run faster and more effectively between different environments.

To become a successful DevOps engineer, you should learn the basics of containerization tools like:


Docker is a Platform-as-a-service tool that allows developers to build, package and deploy code via containers. Docker integrates with GitHub and powers DevKinsta.


Kubernetes (also known as ‘K8s’) is an open-source system for deployment and management that uses containerization. Kubernetes offers automatic rollouts, configuration management, automated container packing, batch execution, and load balancing (among other features).

Kubernetes 网站截图Kubernetes

Experience With Project Management Tools

As DevOps engineers manage and oversee development projects, you need to know project development tools before becoming a DevOps engineer. Project management tools help people track projects using Gantt charts, checklists, and card-based filing systems.

Three of the most popular project management tools for DevOps include:

  • Trello: Trello is a board-based project management tool. With Trello, you can create boards with a series of lists. Then, you move cards between these lists. Trello is a collaborative tool, meaning multiple people can edit each board. People often compare Trello to Asana.
  • Atlassian Jira: Jira is a project management tool designed specifically for IT teams using an Agile or DevOps approach. Jira allows you to track each task required with cards and boards for the project. Jira is also a collaboration tool that hosts multiple users simultaneously.
  • Atlassian Confluence: Atlassian Confluence is a workspace tool that allows small teams to share work and manage projects through a calendar or timeline. Some teams use Jira and Confluence together.

Experience With Public Cloud Services

As DevOps engineers frequently work with cloud-based projects, you’ll need to be familiar with cloud-based services to succeed in your new role. Public cloud services are computing services that allow organizations to share networks, storage, and hardware. When organizations use public cloud services, they access their infrastructure through the internet.

Three of the most popular public cloud services include:

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Customer-Facing Skills

As DevOps developers need to work with system users, you’ll need strong customer service skills to succeed in DevOps. Specifically, you’ll need excellent active listening skills, good communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and a knack for understanding users’ needs.

Collaborative Management Skills

As DevOps engineers often work in small teams, you’ll need strong teamwork skills. Specifically, you’ll need to be great at giving constructive feedback, accepting feedback, brainstorming in a group, and working towards a common goal.

WordPress Development Skills

As WordPress powers 40% of all websites, you may need strong WordPress development skills to be part of a WordPress DevOps team. Specifically, you’ll need to learn how WordPress works and use hosting tools like DevKinsta.

DevKinsta is a free development tool people use to create, develop, and test WordPress websites. DevKinsta offers database management, in-built email testing, WordPress error logging, and simple deployment. Over 10,000 professionals currently use DevKinsta.


DevOps Engineer Salary

Although DevOps engineering is still developing, most DevOps engineers earn an excellent salary.

As of June 28, 2021, the average DevOps engineer salary in the United States was $118,872. This means that most full-time DevOps engineers earn between $107,023 and $132,217. The variation in this range accounts for education, professional experience, skills, responsibilities, location, and the company. If your employer pays you overtime, bonuses, or benefits, your salary might be outside this range.

As DevOps is still new, it’s worth noting that the average DevOps salary is different on some websites. For example, Indeed reports that the average DevOps salary is $121,035 in the U.S. (as of July 13, 2021).

What to Look For When Hiring a DevOps Engineer

So far, this article has focused on people who want to become DevOps engineers. But what about employers? If you’re going to hire a DevOps engineer, some essential skills and attributes set great DevOps engineers apart.

These include the following.

Hard Skills

  • Knowledge in scripting and programming languages
  • An understanding of the Agile methodology and the SDLC
  • An understanding of concepts like containerization and automation
  • Expertise in cybersecurity
  • Experience with version control systems, repository hosting tools, configuration management tools, containerization tools, and automation tools
  • Experience monitoring, planning, and designing development projects

If a potential developer has experience with the following tools, they may also have the skills to be a great DevOps engineer:

  • Bamboo
  • Jenkins
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • BitBucket
  • Puppet
  • Chef
  • Nagios
  • Raygun
  • Docker
  • DevKinsta
  • Kubernetes
  • Trello
  • Atlassian Jira
  • Atlassian Confluence

Soft Skills

  • Experience managing a project, including running meetings, setting deadlines, and delegating work
  • Excellent teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Good creative problem-solving skills
  • The ability to accept feedback and adjust work accordingly
  • Great active listening skills
  • Experience working with users and in diverse teams where people have vastly different skill-sets

Backgrounds Suited to DevOps Jobs

As DevOps is a new field, many DevOps engineers transition into DevOps from other roles. If the person you are considering has a background in software development, hardware management, general IT management, or system administration, they’ll have transferable skills suitable for a DevOps engineering job.

A candidate may also make a great DevOps engineer if they have a bachelor’s degree or higher in one of these fields:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Information Systems
  • Software Engineering
  • Systems Engineering

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While DevOps is still developing, DevOps engineers are becoming increasingly important in businesses with extensive (yet critical) IT systems.

A successful DevOps engineer is worth their weight in gold, as they can oversee IT projects, optimize the performance of other teams, and speed up the development lifecycle.

Suppose you want to become an excellent DevOps professional. In that case, you should build your DevOps knowledge and familiarize yourself with popular public cloud services, virtualization technologies, project management tools, configuration management tools, automation tools, and coding-adjacent tools. You’ll also need to develop strong collaboration, listening, and project management skills.

What do you think of the DevOps approach? Tell us in the comments below.

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