如何在2019年製作一個網站 – 一步一步(帶圖片)











  • 與新人聯繫 – 您自己的網站可以幫助您與來自世界各地的其他志同道合的人聯繫。
  • 分享你的激情 – 如果你對某些事情充滿熱情,你可以創建一個網站,與他人分享這種激情。
  • 幫助他人 – 想分享您的專業知識以幫助他人嗎?一個網站可以幫助你做到這一點。
  • 找到一份新工作 – 許多僱主都在網上尋找候選人。個人專業網站可以展示您以前的工作並幫助您找到新工作。
  • 賺取額外的錢 – 通過廣告,聯盟營銷或在線銷售產品,您可以建立一個網站,讓自己一些額外的錢。
  • 推廣您的業務 – 如果您有現有業務,您可以創建一個網站來推廣您的業務並吸引新客戶上網。







在線商店(也稱為電子商務網站)是人們可以直接從您的網站購買產品的地方。您之前可能曾訪問過多個電子商務網站,大多數大品牌都有這樣的網站 沃爾瑪(Walmart)亞馬遜百思買, 等等。







  • 生活方式
  • 技術
  • 創業
  • 食品/食譜
  • 育兒
  • 健康與健身
  • 旅行
  • 財務/預算

博客的一些流行的例子包括我們自己的,IsItWP,以及 WPBeginner捏百勝TechCrunch的,和 赫芬頓郵報

博客 - 網站


有關更多詳細信息,請查看我們的帖子 什麼是博客 以及博客和網站之間的差異。



一些流行的論壇網站包括 Quora的書籤交易





一些流行的利基社交網路包括 同學們Last.fm,和 聚會



會員網站是一個封閉式網站,只有訂閱的人才能訪問大門後面的內容。 「門」只是您放在網站前面的障礙,用戶必須登錄才能訪問您的獨家內容,特別優惠或與社區互動。會員網站可以是免費的,也可以是兩者兼而有之。

您可以使用WordPress插件輕鬆地將任何網站變成會員網站 MemberPress

一些受歡迎的會員網站包括 願望清單內幕安靜的猜測,和 由CopyBlogger授權

心愿 - 內幕會員制網站




靜態商業站點的一些示例包括 令人敬畏的動機 和小型企業網站一樣 新的生態景觀

真棒 - 動機 - 網站




«上一頁:第1章 – 為什麼要啟動網站?





在下一節中,我們將介紹一些 最好的網站建設者。我們將討論它們的功能,易用性,價格等,以幫助您確定哪個網站構建器是構建您的網站的最佳選擇。



威克斯 - 網站建設者



  • 免費 – 你可以開始使用 維克斯 免費。他們的免費計劃允許您創建一個功能有限的簡單拖放網站。
  • 響應式設計 – 您使用Wix創建的任何網站都將針對移動設備,平板電腦和台式機進行優化。這意味著無論您的網站訪問者使用什麼設備,您的網站都會相應地進行調整。
  • 高級功能 – 使用Wix,您可以輕鬆集成高級功能,例如添加電子商務店面。 Wix還提供搜索引擎優化工具和指南,以幫助優化您的網站有機流量。


  • Wix-Branded Ads – Wix使用免費套餐在您的網站上顯示品牌廣告,您需要升級到高級計劃以刪除廣告。
  • 有限的定製 – Wix限制定製。您必須升級到高級計劃才能訪問更多功能,即使這樣,與其他網站構建者相比,它仍然有限。例如,如果您想在您的網站上接受在線支付,則需要升級到每月20美元的商業計劃。
  • No Export – Wix無法導出您的網站數據。因此,如果您希望將來將您的網站遷移到另一個平台,那麼就沒有簡單的方法可以做到這一點。

您可以使用Wix免費構建一個簡單的網站。但要獲得更強大的功能並刪除Wix品牌的廣告,您必須升級到付費網站計劃。這些計劃從每月5美元到每月29美元不等。正如我們前面提到的,如果你想用Wix創建一個電子商務網站,你需要升級到商業和電子商務計劃,每月20美元 – 每月35美元。

GoDaddy的 - 網站建設者



  • 營銷工具 – GoDaddy網站建設者提供了許多營銷工具,包括搜索引擎優化和電子郵件營銷,以提高您的在線形象。
  • 網站類型選項 – 此網站構建器允許您創建許多不同的網站類型。您可以輕鬆地將博客或電子商務店面添加到您的網站。
  • 適合移動設備 – 在GoDaddy Website Builder上創建的所有網站都適合移動設備。


  • 有限的自定義 – 與其他選項相比,此網站構建器為您的網站提供的設計選項更少,功能更少。

此網站建設者不提供免費計劃。你可以開始使用 GoDaddy網站建設者 只需5.99美元/月的個人計劃。如果您想在您的網站上接受在線支付或使用PayPal捐款,您需要以每月9.99美元的價格升級到商業計劃。

想與GoDaddy Website Builder建立電子商務網站?然後你需要選擇最昂貴的計劃,在線商店,每月花費29.99美元。

shopify  - 網站建設者



  • 在線支付 – 您可以在沒有任何第三方帳戶的情況下接受Shopify的付款。此外,它們還與100多個第三方支付網關無縫集成。
  • 高級營銷工具 – Shopify提供高級營銷工具,如SEO工具和內置博客。此外,它們還提供營銷儀錶板報告,以便您可以關注在線商店的性能。
  • 移動友好 – 無論用戶在哪個設備上查看您的網站,您的在線商店都會看起來很棒。


  • 交易費用 – 如果您使用外部支付網關,您將需要支付高額的交易費,從0.5%到2%不等。
  • 昂貴的應用程序 – 社交媒體集成,實時聊天,快閃記憶體銷售等應用程序必須單獨購買。這可以使您的在線商店定製非常昂貴。

你可以開始使用 Shopify 基本計劃每月29美元,包括3%的交易費。您可以升級到第二高的計劃,每月79美元,將交易費用降低到1%。如果您希望將交易費用降低到0.5%並獲得運行在線商店所需的所有高級功能,則需要升級到最昂貴的計劃,每月費用為299美元。

squarespace  - 網站建設者



  • 帶寬和存儲 – 通過他們的任何計劃,您可以獲得無限的帶寬和無限的存儲空間。
  • 無交易費用 – 您不會通過電子商務基本或高級計劃獲得電子商務交易的收費交易費用。


  • 沒有免費計劃 – 與其他網站建設者不同,Squarespace不提供任何免費計劃。此外,他們的起始計劃也比其他網站建設者更昂貴。
  • 沒有第三方應用 – Squarespace不允許任何第三方應用或擴展。

個人計劃 Squarespace 每月12美元,這包括建立無限頁面的能力。如果您想在您的網站上添加電子商務店面,您需要升級到他們的商業計劃,每月花費18美元,交易費用為3%。如果您想要刪除交易費用,您需要以每月26美元的價格升級到他們的基本在線商店計劃。

WordPress的 - 網站建設者



  • 無盡的自定義 – 使用WordPress,您可以訪問數以千計的免費和付費主題,從而改變您網站的外觀。此外,您可以隨時輕鬆更改主題。您還可以訪問數千個免費和付費插件,以自定義並為您的網站添加額外的電量。使用WordPress可以輕鬆且經濟地創建完全自定義的網站。
  • 控制 – 當您使用WordPress時,您可以完全控制您的網站。


  • 輕微學習曲線 – 學習如何使用WordPress需要一點時間。但是,有一些插件可以用來使這個過程更容易 拖放頁面構建器
  • 無法創建免費網站 – 您無法使用WordPress.org創建免費網站,您需要支付託管和域名費用。



WordPress的 是迄今為止建立網站的最佳選擇。出於某種原因,它是最受歡迎的網站建設者。您可以使用WordPress構建您想要的任何類型的網站,無論是商業網站,博客,會員網站,論壇網站,電子商務網站等。此外,使用WordPress,您可以即時訪問使您的網站成功所需的任何功能。


  • 免費 – WordPress是免費使用。您需要購買域名和網路託管,但即使有這些費用,WordPress仍然是最實惠的網站建設者之一。
  • 熱門 – WordPress是迄今為止在線所有網站的30%以上,是迄今為止最常用的網站建設者。數字安全。
  • 社區 – 在線有一個龐大的WordPress社區。無論何時遇到問題或需要回答問題,您都可以在線找到大量文章,教程和討論,以幫助您解決問題。
  • 主題和插件 – 對於其他網站構建者,您需要支付額外費用才能訪問為您的網站添加更多功能和自定義的插件。但是使用WordPress,您可以立即訪問數千個免費插件。不僅如此,他們還提供了數以千計的免費主題。
  • 易於使用 – 雖然WordPress需要一些習慣,但它實際上非常簡單易用。安裝WordPress本身也沒有時間,許多託管服務提供商提供一鍵式WordPress安裝。


不要讓WordPress.com與WordPress.com混淆。我們建議您使用WordPress.org構建您的網站,因為您可以完全控制您的網站,無限制的自定義選項,而且它也更便宜。有關更多詳細信息,請查看我們的文章比較 WordPress.com與WordPress.org


«上一頁:第2章 – 網站類型

第4章:使用WordPress設置您的網站 – 技術指南





4.1。選擇一個平台 – 自託管WordPress














網站託管:您的網站託管帳戶是您的網站內容和文件在線存儲的地方。把它想像成你網站的實體房子。當訪問者通過輸入您的網址(域名)嘗試訪問您的網站時,他們將被定向到您在網路託管伺服器中設置的網站。 虛擬主機 通常每月收費7.99美元。


這就是我們與之達成協議的原因 BlueHost的 為我們的用戶提供免費域名和超過60%的網路託管優惠。它是 好主意 開始。


Bluehost是世界上最大的託管公司之一。自2005年以來,他們一直在與WordPress社區合作,他們是WordPress自己的官方推薦的託管服務提供商。閱讀我們的 Bluehost評論 欲獲得更多信息。


要啟動您的WordPress網站,請訪問 Bluehost的網站 然後單擊立即開始按鈕。


在下一頁,您將被要求選擇一個計劃。由於您剛剛開始,您應該選擇基本計劃。它包括一個免費的域名和 免費的SSL證書。隨著網站的增長,您隨時可以升級。














使用Bluehost,您不必經歷單獨的WordPress安裝過程,因為Bluehost現在默認安裝WordPress。你所要做的就是 選擇你的WordPress主題,指定您網站的名稱和標語,您就可以開始使用WordPress了。





指定詳細信息後,單擊「下一步」。 Bluehost現在將為您安裝WordPress,一旦完成,將顯示如下屏幕:









強烈建議您查看我們的 頂級WordPress主題列表 在潛入並安裝隨機主題之前。














如果您要在WordPress網站上創建按反向時間順序(較新的第一個)顯示的博客文章,請選擇帖子。帖子也分為類別和標籤。你可以看看 類別和標籤之間的差異 有關此內容的更多信息。



















WordPress的魅力在於,只需安裝正確的插件,即可輕鬆增強網站的功能。將插件視為您網站的應用程序(即 聯繫表畫廊等)。





« Previous: Chapter 3 – Choosing a Website Builder

Chapter 5: Configuring Your Website Settings

chapter 5 configuring site settings

Next, you』ll want to configure your website settings. Configuring the basic WordPress settings is important to how your site functions. There are a few key website settings you should focus on, we』ll go over those below.

5.1。 Make Your Site Visible to Google

First, you need to make sure your website is visible to Google. This allows your website to be ranked in search engine results, which will allow users to find you on the web easier.

In the WordPress dashboard, go to Settings, then to the Reading section. In the Search Engine Visibility section, make sure the box is unchecked.


5.2。 Set the Permalink Structure

Next, you』ll want to set the permalink structure. A permalink is the web address used to link to your content. By default, WordPress sets the permalink structure, but it』s not the most optimized. Instead, you』ll want a permalink structure that will help search engines and your website visitors easily understand your content.

So, go to Settings, then to Permalinks. Under Common Settings, select the Post name option.


5.3。 Comments and Notifications

If you』re starting a blog or blogging on your website, you』ll also want to configure the comment settings for your website.

Any blog should allow users to comment on posts, this increases engagement on your website, boosts the time users spend on the page, and encourages to visit your website again.

To configure the comments, go to Settings, then Discussion. Here you can choose whether you want to allow people to comment on new articles and allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new articles.


You can also decide whether you want commenters to have to fill out their name and email before commenting or be registered and logged in to comment. In addition, you can choose to receive an email notification anytime someone comments on your blog.

5.4. Update Your Timezone

You should also make sure your WordPress site is set to the correct timezone. Scheduled activities and plugins will go by the time your WordPress is set to.

So, if to make sure your WordPress website is set to your correct timezone, go to Settings and then to General.


In the dropdown menu next the Timezone, choose a city in the same timezone as you or a UTC timezone offset.

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« Previous: Chapter 4 – Creating a Website – Technical Guide (Step by Step)

Chapter 6: Essential WordPress Plugins & Tutorials (Basic)

chapter 6 essential plugins and tutorials

No matter what type of website you want to create, you』ll need to add the same essential features (such as the ability to create a contact form, ability to easily add SEO tags, and so on).

With WordPress, you can easily add those features without hiring a developer or writing a single line of code. All you have to do is to find the right plugin and install it on your site.

We』ll explain…

  1. How to add a contact form to your website
  2. How to track your visitors using Google Analytics
  3. How to improve your website』s SEO

6.1。 How to Add a Contact Form to Your Website

Regardless of your site』s niche, size, and purpose, adding a contact form is essential. When you have contact forms added, your visitors can easily reach out to you right from your website without having to log into their email account.

WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress beginners. It lets you create contact forms with a drag and drop builder and allows you to publish the forms you create anywhere on your site with ease.

A few more benefits of using WPForms:

  • Create any type of online forms hassle-free such as contact forms, donation forms, registration forms, signup forms, and more…
  • All forms you create with WPForms will be 100% responsive, meaning they work on mobile, tablets, and desktop browsers.
  • Seamlessly integrate your form with your favorite email marketing tools or third-party web apps.
  • And more…

Read the complete WPForms review for more information.

To create a form on your blog, you』ll have to install WPForms by navigating to Plugins » Add New. Search for the WPForms plugin and, when it shows up, click Install Now, and then click Activate.

install wpforms

You』ll now be directed to the beautiful welcome page for WPForms. You can either click the Create Your First Form button or click WPForms » Add New to create your first form.

create your first form

Next, you』ll be prompted to choose a template. You can select one of the premade templates or start with a blank form. If you want, you can give a custom name to your first contact form.

choose a form template

WPForms makes it easy to build a form with drag and drop. Click on the appropriate form fields in the left-hand panel to add them to your form. You can also re-arrange them or even remove any unnecessary fields with ease. After making the necessary changes click Save.

create a simple form

Go to your post or page editor and click the Add Form button above the text editor.

click add form

Select the correct form you want to publish, then click Add Form, and then click Publish.

choose a form

而已! You』ve now successfully published a contact form.

Want to create a contact form the easy way? Get started with WPForms today

Want to start with the free version instead? Try WPForms Lite

6.2。 How to Track Your Visitors Using Google Analytics

If you want to grow your website traffic, then you』ll first need to understand how people are finding your website and what they do when they get there.

The easiest way to track user interactions on your site is by using Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the best tracking solution for websites, and it』s completely free to use.

The MonsterInsights plugin makes it easy for you to setup Google Analytics on your WordPress website. Plus, it lets you make use of the full potential of Google Analytics tracking, like file downloads tracking, ads tracking, form submissions tracking, eCommerce transactions tracking, etc. without having to touch a single line of code.

Read the complete MonsterInsights review for more information.

To set up Google Analytics on your site, head over to Plugins » Add New. Search for MonsterInsights and, when the plugin shows up, click Install Now and then, activate.

install monsterinsights

Head over to Insights » Settings to authenticate your site with Google Analytics. Click Authenticate with your Google account button.

click authenticate with your google account

On the next screen, select your Google account.

choose a google account for analytics

Next, allow MonsterInsights to manage your account.

allow monsterinsights to manage analytics

Finally, select the correct website profile for your site and click Complete Authentication.

authenticate monsterinsights

After authentication, you can easily discover how your website is doing by visiting Insights » Reports.

wordpress google analytics with monsterinsights

Get started with MonsterInsights today to easily set up Google Analytics on your site.

Want to start with the free version instead? Try MonsterInsights Lite

6.3。 How to Improve Your Website』s SEO

Want to attract a targeted audience to your website? The best way to attract targeted visitors is to drive more search engine traffic, also known as organic traffic, by improving your website』s SEO.

According to OptinMonster, SEO is the practice of increasing your website traffic by getting your web pages to rank higher in search engine results. Visitors who arrive at your site via search engines are called organic traffic.

SEO can get technical and complicated, but, thanks to free SEO plugins, it has gotten quite easy to improve your WordPress SEO, even for beginners.

While you can find tons of different SEO plugins out there, we use and recommend Yoast SEO。 It』s the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress (for good reason!).

With Yoast SEO, you can easily add meta tags and titles to your WordPress blog posts and pages. It also forces you to choose a focus keyword for your blog posts and pages to ensure you』re using the keyword appropriately on that page.

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins » Add New. Search for Yoast in the search bar in the top right-hand corner. The Yoast SEO plugin will now have appeared on your page. Click Install, and then Activate.

yoast seo install

On your WordPress dashboard, you can now find the SEO menu in the left-hand taskbar. Simply click on it. If the plugin detects any SEO errors, you can fix them by following the suggestions provided.

Setting up Yoast SEO is simple when using the configuration wizard. Simply click on the configuration wizard to get started.

yoast seo configuration wizard

In the first step, you』ll be asked whether you want to configure Yoast SEO yourself or hire an expert to do it for you. Select CONFIGURE YOAST SEO to do it yourself.

configure yoast seo

In the next step, you』ll be asked whether your site is ready to be indexed. You can choose option A. Then, click Next.

yoast seo indexing

You can find a lot of different website types in the list. Be sure to choose the right type, and then, click Next.

yoast seo site type

For Google』s knowledge graph card, you』ll be asked whether the site is run by a person or a brand. If Person is selected, you』ll have to specify the name of the person. If Company is selected, you』ll have to add the logo as well. Then, click Next.

yoast seo company or person

You can now enter your social media profile URL in its appropriate field. Then, click Next.

yoast seo social profiles

In the Search engine visibility step, you don』t have to change the default settings because they』re set up to index your posts and pages. Simply click Next.

yoast seo search engine visibility

Author archives might create duplicate content issues for search engines. To prevent this, you can disable it if your blog doesn』t have multiple authors.

yoast seo multiple authors

Next, you』ll be prompted to connect your website to Google Search Console, which is a free tool that gives you detailed insights into how your blog content is being perceived by Google.

yoast seo google search console

Next, you can set up the title for your blog, and then, click Next.

yoast seo title settings

You can now exit the configuration wizard because other steps are created for promotional purposes only (such as signing up for Yoast』s newsletter).

Get started with Yoast SEO today to improve your blog』s SEO.

Want to start with the free version instead? Try the free Yoast SEO

If you』re looking for some more recommended plugins for your website, then take a look below:

  • Build contact forms with WPForms – | 自由
  • Connect your site with Google Analytics using MonsterInsights – | 自由
  • Improve your SEO with Yoast SEO – | 自由
  • Add an extra layer of security with Sucuri
  • Create regular backups with Updraft Plus – | 自由
  • Improve WordPress performance with W3 Total Cache
  • Prevent spam comments with Akismet – | 自由
  • Grow your subscribers and sales with OptinMonster

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Chapter 7: Add Enhanced Features to Your Website (Advanced)

chapter 7 add more features

Depending on your needs, you might want to add enhanced features to your website. WordPress is extremely extensible, so all you have to do is to find the right plugin that allows you to add enhanced capabilities to your site without having to create it yourself or hire a developer.

Let』s take a look at how easy it is to add enhanced features to your WordPress website.

  1. Start blogging
  2. Add an eCommerce storefront
  3. Add a discussion board/forum
  4. Make your website available in multiple languages

7.1. Start Blogging

Adding a blog to your website is a great way to drive traffic to your new website and make it easier for users to discover you online. So, you』ll want to start a blog on your new WordPress website.

First, decide what you』ll blog about. The blog posts you write should match the goal of your website. For example, if you』re starting a small business website for your landscaping company, you could blog about lawn care tips for your customers. If you』re creating an online store, you could blog about gift recommendations to promote your products. Of course, if you』re starting a lifestyle blog, you』ll want to write about lifestyle topics.

Step 1: Create a Blog Post
To create your first blog post, in the WordPress dashboard, click on Posts, and then Add New. This will take you to the WordPress editor where you can start writing your post. Simply type in the title of your blog post and start typing the body of the post underneath it.


In your blog posts, you can add blocks such as images, headings, audio, gallery, quotes, list, video, and more. To add a new block, click on the (+) icon in the top left corner. The most common blocks will appear first. Simply click the block you want to add within your blog post.


Step 2: Add Categories and Tags
When creating a blog post you』ll also want to add categories and tags. Categories and tags will keep the blog content on your website organized and make it easy for your site visitors to find what they』re looking for.

Categories are meant to be broad groupings. For instance, on a recipe blog, you might have broad categories such as Breakfast Recipes, Lunch Recipes, Dinner Recipes, and Dessert Recipes.

To add a category to your blog post, go to the gear panel on the right hand side. Under the Categories section, click Add New Category.


Name the category in the text field provided and click the Add New Category button underneath. Once your new category is created, it will appear with a blue checked box.


You can add as many categories and subcategories as you want.

Tags are meant to describe specific details of your post and can be used to micro-categorize your posts. For instance, a blog post for a spaghetti recipe could be in the category 「Dinner Recipes」 and include tags like 「spaghetti recipe」 and 「homemade pasta」.

To add a tag, go to the panel on the right side of the WordPress editor. Under the Tags section, type in your tag and press enter to add a tag to your post.


Once you』re finished writing your blog post and adding categories and tags, click the blue Publish button in the top right hand corner to make your blog post live on your website.

7.2。 Add an eCommerce Storefront

The eCommerce industry is booming and the future of retail is eCommerce. With WordPress, adding an eCommerce storefront to your site is as easy as installing a plugin.

While you can find dozens of eCommerce plugins, WooCommerce beats the pants off all the competition and stays ahead of the curve with its unique features and ease of use.


WooCommerce is the best eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It lets you easily integrate a storefront with your existing website and allows you to accept payments via PayPal. That said, it』s in your best interest to make sure that your WordPress theme is compatible with WooCommerce.

A few features of WooCommerce are:

  • Allows you to easily sell physical or digital goods on your website.
  • Easily add more payment gateways with addon plugins.
  • Support tons of free and premium addon plugins to enhance your storefront.
  • If you need to hire developers to add custom features to your site, it』s easy to find them because WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce solution for WordPress.

Read the complete WooCommerce review for more information.

Looking to integrate an online storefront with your site? Get started with WooCommerce today

7.3。 Add a Discussion Board/Forum

Adding a discussion board or forum inside your WordPress-powered site is helpful to grow an engaged community. WordPress makes it easy to provide threaded discussion forums where your users can mingle and collaboratively work with a larger public.

bbPress is one of the best WordPress forums plugins, and is created by the same folks behind WordPress.org.


Some of the cool benefits of powering your website with bbPress forums are:

  • Hundreds of addon plugins are available that let you easily enhance your forum.
  • Makes it easy to get your forums up and running with just a few clicks.
  • Comes with a full set of features including extended profiles, group forums, notifications and activity logging, etc.

Read the complete bbPress review

Looking to integrate a discussion board/forum with your site? Get started with bbPress today

7.4. Make Your Website Available in Multiple Languages

Want to reach a wider audience by making your website available in multiple languages? Creating a multilingual website and reaching a global audience is easy with WordPress thanks to the different types of translation plugins available in the market.

With WordPress, you can find tons of different plugins that make it simple to create a multilingual website.

While some plugins focus on ease of use and enable you to easily create and manage your multilingual website, other plugins help you deliver automated translation based on users』 preferences. You can also find plugins that help you
connect with professional translators from within your WordPress dashboard.

To create a multilingual website with ease, we recommend using Polylang, one of the most popular WordPress translation plugins in the plugin directory.


With Polylang, you can use as many languages as you want, which is search engine friendly and is also compatible with the WooCommerce plugin.

Get started with Polylang today

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Chapter 8: Promote and Grow Your Website

chapter 8 promote site

Before you start investing time and resources in promoting your site, it』s worth taking a moment to examine whether your website provides value to your visitors. No matter how much you spend on website promotion, your visitors won』t stick around unless it provides some kind of value.

For example, if your site is an online store, then you might want to publish useful videos demonstrating your products and how to use them. You can also offer huge discounts for first-time customers and bundled purchases.

Similarly, if you have a content website, then you might create pillar content that ranks well on Google so that it attracts new visitors and backlinks.

Once you』ve built a system on your website, like pillar content that provides some kind of value to your visitors, you can start investing your time and resources to drive traffic.

Keep in mind that without these systems your visitors won』t stick around, making your marketing efforts less effective.

8.1. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Traffic is the life of every website and, without it, your website will be worthless.

A few different ways to drive traffic to your blog are:

  • Guest posting: Publish your guest articles in a popular blog and include a backlink to your site. Aside from driving traffic, it helps you demonstrate your expertise in your niche and establish yourself as an authority.
  • Email outreach: Create a list of bloggers in your niche circles. Start an email outreach campaign to reach out to the bloggers and request them to provide a backlink to your site. With the right strategies, this tactic is effective in building backlinks and driving traffic.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO enables you to grow your website traffic by getting your blog posts to rank higher in search engines. With onsite and offsite SEO tactics, you can drive more targeted organic traffic to your site.
  • Social media: Encourage your readers to share your blog posts to social media. This can help you drive social media users to your site.

8.2. More Ways to Promote Your Website

Promotional strategies aren』t limited to driving instant traffic. If you』re only focused on short-term gains, chances are you』ll fall behind soon.

Wondering what promotional strategies you can rely upon for the long-term? Let』s take a look at some of them below.

1. Start an Email List:

One of the best ways to keep your visitors close with your brand or website is by creating an email list. In fact, it』s been found that 70% of first-time visitors will never return to your site once they leave. However, with an email list, you can build a connection with your visitors by regularly updating them on what』s been happening around your website and, ultimately, bring them back to your site.

You can sign up for a list building tool 喜歡 Constant ContactAWeber 要麼 MailChimp and start growing your email list by adding a signup box to your blog.

2. Exponentially Grow Your List:

Most default signup forms you create from email marketing services are boring. This makes lead generation less effective, which also significantly slows down the growth of your email list.

OptinMonster, you can create beautiful optin forms with ease that are proven to drive more signups. It also comes with dozens of targeting options, so you can display the form to the right user in the right location of your site at the right time without frustrating them.

OptinMonster also helps you reduce cart abandonment with time-sensitive behavior based offers, which can be super helpful for online retailers.

3. Acquire Leads and Customers:

Investing in online ads is one of the best ways to acquire visitors, leads, and customers. Unlike traditional ads, online ads help you laser target your potential customers. Because of this, you can spend your advertising budget efficiently and drive more revenue through it.

Facebook ads: Facebook advertising is probably the easiest, yet effective enough to drive your targeted customers to your websites. It comes with tons of targeting options that enable you to display your ads to the right segment of Facebook audiences that are more likely to become your customers.

Google AdWords: When done right, Google AdWords is the most reliable advertising method that helps you generate more leads and customers for your online business. You can place your ads just above Google search results to attract visitors to your site and sell your products.

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Chapter 9: Before-Launch Checklist

chapter 9 before launch checklist

Making a website is serious business. Putting out your website for the world to see before it』s ready can impact your reputation and cost you future customers. So, before you launch your website, you need to make sure you』ve got everything in order.

To prevent you from launching your website before it』s ready, here』s a before-launch checklist you can follow. Check out the list below and before you make your website live, make sure you can check off each step.

  1. Build Your Website – Build your website and make sure you have all the important pages such as a home page, about, contact page, etc.
  2. Prep with a Coming Soon Page – Get your audience excited about your website before it』s even launched by adding a coming soon page to your site. You can easily do this using a plugin like SeedProd
  3. Check for Errors – Check your website for little errors such as spelling mistakes. Make sure it』s easy to read by checking fonts and colors.
  4. Check Images – Check to make sure your images appear on your site, they』re optimized, and that they have alt text.
  5. Test Links – Test all of the links on your website to make sure they work and lead to the correct place. This includes your site navigation as well as any button links or links within content.
  6. Configure WordPress Settings – Configure WordPress settings like search engine visibility, permalink structure, comments and notifications, and timezone.
  7. Install Analytics – Create a Google Analytics account and use MonsterInsights to track your website data. Test to make sure it』s tracking accurately before launching your site.
  8. Test for Mobile – Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
  9. Check Browser Compatibility – Make sure your site appears properly in all different browser types using a tool like BrowserShots
  10. Test the Performance of Your Site – Test the speed and performance of your website to make sure it』s optimized for users. You can use our Free Website Speed Test Tool to test your site and get suggestions for improvements.
  11. Optimize Your Site for SEO – Install a plugin like Yoast SEO in order to optimize your website for SEO.
  12. Secure Your Site – Install a security plugin for your site like Sucuri. Be sure to use a backup plugin like Updraft Plus and prevent spam comments with Akismet.

After you』ve checked off each step in this before-launch checklist, it』s time to make your website live!

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Chapter 10: Useful Resources and FAQs

chapter 10 wordpress resources

To be able to run a website and grow it on a WordPress platform, mastering and honing your WordPress skills are essential. While you don』t have to learn any programming languages, you should be able to fix some common technical issues yourself. It』s recommended to follow some of the top WordPress resources on the web.

Some of the best free WordPress resources you』ll find helpful are:

  • IsItWP: At IsItWP, we regularly publish WordPress tutorials, WordPress theme and plugin reviews, product roundups, WordPress deals, and a lot more.
  • WPBeginner: WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource on the web for WordPress beginners. On a regular basis, they publish useful WordPress tutorials, videos, deals for WordPress products, and a lot more.
  • WPForms blog: Want to grow your online business using the WordPress platform? Then you need to follow the WPForms blog where can discover best practices and WordPress recommendations to build any types of WordPress online forms.
  • MonsterInsights blog: The MonsterInsights』 blog is an excellent resource you can follow to get a handle on Google Analytics best practices and tips.

Having helped thousands of users start websites, we』ve found that people often ask the same questions again and again. This is why we』ve compiled a list of most frequently asked questions, so you can easily get your website up and running.

Can I create a website without WordPress?

Yes, there are a lot of different website builders out there that help you build a website. However, we always recommend you to start a website with WordPress because most free website builders display their ads on your free website, making it look unprofessional. They also don』t even allow you to choose a custom domain name for your site unless you subscribe to a premium plan. Also, if you violate any of their terms, they can shut down your website without warning.

On the other hand, with WordPress, you get full freedom over your site. Plus, you can add any additional functionalities without hiring a developer (like contact forms, an online store, etc).

Can I make a website on WordPress with no coding?

With WordPress, anyone can create a website without any technical knowledge. You can easily choose from tons of different WordPress themes that help you change your websites』 appearance. WordPress also has several drag & drop page builders 喜歡 Beaver BuilderDivi that makes it super easy for you to create completely custom websites.

What』s the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org (self-hosted WordPress)?

WordPress.com is a free blogging platform that lets you kick start a website with ease. However, it comes with a lot of restrictions such as limited theme availability and limited storage space. Plus, the free platform doesn』t allow you to monetize your website with third-party vendors (like Google AdSense).

WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress, requires you to own a domain name and a hosting account to run a site. With a self-hosted platform, you get full control over your site, can monetize it the way you want, and it provides unlimited theme and customization options as well as unlimited storage space depending on your hosting provider.

How much does it cost to start a website?

To start a website on self-hosted WordPress, you』ll have to purchase a domain name for $14.99 per year and a hosting account, which costs around $7.99 per month. Altogether, starting a site will cost as low as $110.87 annually.

You can find thousands of free themes and plugins for your site. However, if you prefer premium themes and plugins, the running cost of your website may increase.

How to make a website mobile responsive?

Choosing a responsive theme for your website is the easiest way to make your website mobile responsive so that it works on any devices including desktops, mobile phones, and tablets.

How to make a website Google searchable?

If you want your potential users to discover your site on Google, then you』ll need to improve your SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the practice of increasing your website traffic from search engines by getting your web pages to rank higher in search engine results.

Can I start a site anonymously?

If you want to publicize a site but remain anonymous, then make sure to protect your domain with WHOIS privacy turned on. For anonymous sites, people usually use a pseudonym/nickname to write under. You can even create a unique email just for managing the site.

How do websites make money?

There are a lot of different ways to monetize your website and make money through it. Some of them are:

  • Advertising: Sell ad spaces to potential advertisers directly or through a third-party vendor like Google AdSense.
  • Affiliate marketing: Promote products on your website and start generating revenue when your visitors purchase products through your affiliate links.
  • Product sales: Add a storefront to your website and start selling your products to your site visitors.
  • Sell services: Offer a service to your clients and generate revenue through it.

Can I add a blog to my website?

With WordPress, adding a blog to your website is easy. All you have to do is to create articles by navigating to Posts » Add New, and publish them by clicking the Publish button.

In addition, make sure to add a link to your blog in your navigation menu so your visitors can easily discover it.

Can a website be managed by many users?

是。 WordPress comes with 5 default user roles by which you can manage the roles and permissions for every user of your site: administrator, editor, author, contributor, and subscriber.

What are categories and tags in WordPress?

The content of your WordPress blog is organized by categories and tags.

Categories are basically a broad grouping of your blog posts. Think of it as general topics you cover or a table of contents for your blog. Since categories are hierarchical, you can have as many subcategories as you like.

Tags are meant to describe specific details of your post. They can be used to micro-categorize your content, and they』re not hierarchical. Think of these as the index part of a book.

How can I learn more about WordPress terminologies?

Refer to this WordPress Glossary Terms for Beginners whenever you』re puzzled by strange WordPress terms or abbreviations.

How do I make my website faster?

Choosing a reliable web host like Bluehost is one of the recommended ways to make your website faster. Some other methods are:

  • Reduce the images you use on a single page or lazy load them if you want to use a lot of them in a single page.
  • Boost your site』s performance using a cache plugin, like W3 Total Cache
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

How do I make my website secure?

To make your website secured, it』s advised to back up it on a regular basis and use a security plugin, like Sucuri so you can scan it and fix any issues as they』re found.

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We hope this guide helped you learn how to start a WordPress website without hiring a developer.

If you enjoyed this article, check out our article on how to create an online store

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