


像WordPress這樣的博客平台讓任何人都可以在不知道單行代碼的情況下創建博客。設置博客後,您可以在後期編輯器中創建與Microsoft Word非常相似的內容。您可以使用易於使用的拖放界面自定義博客的設計,外觀和感覺。









如果你寧願直接切入追逐並潛入 分步技術教程,然後去吧。



自成立以來,博客已經走過了漫長的道路。最初,個人使用它來分享他們的個人想法和意見。現在甚至 全球各地的企業 利用博客擴大影響範圍併產生新的潛在客戶。








  • 廣告:在您的博客上銷售廣告空間,並從中獲得穩定的收入來源。
  • 聯屬網路營銷:將產品推薦給您的受眾群體,並在使用您的推薦鏈接進行購買時獲得收入。
  • 銷售產品:創建一個您知道您的受眾喜歡並在您的博客上銷售的產品。







  • 激情:對於持久的博客,你需要選擇一個你真正熱衷的話題。你不能連續寫一篇不會讓你興奮的話題。
  • 交通量:僅僅因為你喜歡一個主題並不總是意味著它是創建博客的最佳選擇。如果沒有其他人想要閱讀您將要選擇的主題的博客,那麼在進入之前您需要重新考慮該主題。
  • 目的:在決定主題時考慮博客的目的。例如,如果您想通過廣告謀生,但利基率過低而流量較低,那麼您可能希望擴大自己的利基市場或改變您的貨幣化策略。











  • 您的博客目的:在選擇平台時,您必須檢查它是否與您的博客目標保持一致。
  • 可用性:顯然,您需要選擇一個易於使用的平台。通過直觀的平台,您可以輕鬆完成任務,並且學習曲線極小。
  • 獲利:仔細檢查您選擇的博客平台是否允許您通過廣告從博客中獲利。例如,某些平台,如免費的WordPress.com,不允許您通過博客獲利。這意味著如果你的目標是這樣一個平台不適合你 賺錢博客








定價:要建立博客,您需要購買域名和網路託管帳戶。域名每年的成本約為14.99美元,網路託管成本每月約為7.99美元。我們已經 與Bluehost達成協議 對於IsItWP用戶,所以您每月只需支付2.65美元。




維克斯 是一個免費的網站建設平台,也允許您從頭開始創建一個全新的博客。要使用Wix創建博客,您需要將Blog應用程序集成到Wix網站中。免費的Wix計劃允許您使用500 MB存儲空間和1 GB帶寬。





一定要看看 WordPress.com和WordPress.org之間的差異




Blogger是Google提供的免費博客平台。 Blogger允許您創建博客並通過廣告從中獲利,而無需花費一分錢。雖然它具有運行博客所需的所有功能,但您無法添加電子商務店面等增強功能。




wordpress「width =」775「height =」346「class =」alignnone size-full wp-image-218393「srcset =」https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/wordpress。 jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/wordpress-300x134.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ wordpress-768x343.jpg 768w「sizes =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></p>
<p>最後但同樣重要的是,沒有人可以刪除您的博客只是因為您沒有遵守他們的服務條款。請參閱本指南以查看完整列表 <a href=WordPress.com與WordPress.org之間的差異。



«上一頁:第1章 – 為什麼要開博客?

第3章:創建博客 – 技術指南(逐步)






  • 如何選擇域名
  • 如何設置域名和虛擬主機
  • 如何在主機上安裝WordPress
  • 如何安裝WordPress主題來自定義博客的外觀
  • 如何安裝WordPress插件來添加功能
















你可以選擇 IsItWP的域名生成器 尋找完美的域名。



如果您是網路空間的新手,下面是域名的定義和 虛擬主機




這就是我們與之達成協議的原因 BlueHost的 為我們的用戶提供免費域名,免費SSL,以及WordPress主機超過60%的折扣。


BlueHost的 是世界上最大的託管公司之一。自2005年以來,他們一直參與WordPress社區,他們是WordPress.org官方推薦的託管服務提供商。


要開始使用WordPress博客,請訪問 Bluehost的網站 然後單擊立即開始按鈕。




















指定詳細信息後,單擊「下一步」。 Bluehost現在將自動為您安裝WordPress。一旦完成,它會顯示一個這樣的屏幕:









但在為博客選擇隨機免費主題之前,請先查看我們的列表 頂級WordPress主題 並決定哪一個是最佳選擇。
















«上一頁:第2章 – 選擇博客平台

















  • 私人內容:您可能不希望將私人內容編入索引,例如會員網站,這是專門為您的會員創建的。
  • 測試/開發/演示站點:為避免生產站點的重複內容損失,您可能希望從搜索引擎中取消索引您的開發站點。
  • 動態內容:同樣,如果您創建的動態內容過於頻繁,您可能希望阻止搜索引擎將您的網站編入索引。



現在可以使用WordPress Customizer。 WordPress定製程序允許您使用不同的主題,不同的主題設置等預覽您的網站內容。



























允許注釋「width =」740「height =」264「class =」alignnone size-full wp-image-224494「srcset =」https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ allow-comments.png 740w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/allow-comments-300x107.png 300w「sizes =」(max-width:740px)100vw,740px「 ></p>
<h3>4.7。決定允許Pingbacks / Trackbacks</h3>
<p>就像評論一樣,默認情況下,WordPress允許pingbacks和trackbacks。 Pingbacks和trackbacks允許其他博客在鏈接到您時通知您。</p>
<p>默認的WordPress時區是UTC +0。在您的網站上安裝WordPress後,您可能希望將時區更改為您的首選項。這使您可以輕鬆提前安排帖子。</p>
<p><img decoding=↑返回目錄

«上一頁:第3章 – 創建博客 – 技術指南(循序漸進)






  • 使用WPForms構建聯繫表單 – | 自由
  • 使用MonsterInsights將您的網站與Google Analytics相關聯 – | 自由
  • 使用Yoast SEO改善您的SEO – | 自由
  • 添加額外的安全層 Sucuri
  • 使用Updraft Plus定期備份 – | 自由
  • 用。提高WordPress的性能 W3總緩存
  • 使用Akismet阻止垃圾評論 – | 自由
  • 通過增加您的訂閱者和銷售 OptinMonster


  1. 如何使用WPForms添加聯繫表單
  2. 如何使用MonsterInsights將您的博客與Google Analytics相關聯
  3. 如何通過Yoast SEO提高您的SEO



WPForms 是WordPress初學者最好的聯繫表單插件。它允許您使用拖放構建器創建聯繫表單,並允許您輕鬆地將其發布到站點上的任何位置。


  • 創建任何類型的在線表格無憂無慮,如聯繫表格,捐贈表格,註冊表格,註冊表格等……
  • 您使用WPForms創建的所有表單都將100%響應,這意味著它適用於移動設備,平板電腦和台式機。
  • 將您的表單與您的收藏無縫集成 電子郵件營銷工具 或第三方網路應用程序。
  • 和更多…

閱讀 完成WPForms審核







WPForms可以輕鬆地使用拖放功能構建表單。單擊左側面板中相應的表單域以將其添加到表單中。 You can also easily re-arrange them and even remove any unnecessary fields with ease. After making the necessary changes, click Save.

create a simple form

Next, go to your post or page editor and click the Add Form button above the text editor.

click add form

You will need to select the right form you want to publish and then click Add Form and then click Publish.

choose a form

而已! You』ve successfully published a contact form.

Want to create a contact form the easy way?然後, get started with WPForms today

Want to start with the free version instead? Try WPForms Lite

5.2。 How to Connect Your Blog to Google Analytics With MonsterInsights

If you want to grow your blog traffic, then you need to understand how people are finding your blog and what they do once they』re on your blog.

The easiest way to track user interaction on your site is using Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the best tracking solution for websites, and it』s free to use.

The MonsterInsights plugin makes it easy for you to set up Google Analytics on your WordPress blog. Plus, it allows you to make use of the full potential of Google Analytics tracking, like file downloads tracking, ads tracking, form submissions tracking, eCommerce transactions tracking, etc. without having to touch a single line of code.

Read the complete MonsterInsights review

To set up Google Analytics on your blog, head over to Plugins » Add New. Search for MonsterInsights and, when the plugin shows up, click Install Now and then, activate.

install monsterinsights

Head over to Insights » Settings to authenticate your blog with Google Analytics. Click Authenticate with your Google account.

click authenticate with your google account

On the next screen, select your Google account.

choose a google account for analytics

Next, allow MonsterInsights to manage your account.

allow monsterinsights to manage analytics

Finally, select the correct website profile for your blog and click Complete Authentication.

authenticate monsterinsights

After authentication, you can easily find out how your website is doing by visiting Insights » Reports.

wordpress google analytics with monsterinsights

Get started with MonsterInsights today to easily set up Google Analytics on your site.

Want to start with the free version instead? Try MonsterInsights Lite

5.3。 How to Improve Your SEO With Yoast SEO

Want to attract a targeted audience to your blog? The best way to attract targeted visitors is to drive more search engine traffic, also known as organic traffic, by improving your website』s SEO.

According to OptinMonster, SEO is the practice of increasing your website traffic by getting your web pages to rank higher in search engine results. Visitors who arrive at your site via search engines are referred to as organic traffic.

SEO can get technical and complicated but thanks to free SEO plugins and WordPress SEO guides, it has gotten quite easy, even for beginners.

While you can find tons of different SEO plugins out there, we use and recommend Yoast SEO。 It』s the most popular SEO plugin on the market.

With Yoast SEO, you can easily add meta tags and titles to your WordPress blog posts / pages. It also forces you to choose a focus keyword for your blog posts and pages to make sure you』re using the keyword appropriately on that page.

From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins » Add New. Search for Yoast in the search bar that you can find in the top right-hand corner. The Yoast SEO plugin will appear on your page. Click Install and then Activate.

yoast seo install

In your WordPress dashboard, you can now find the SEO menu in the left-hand taskbar. Simply click on it. If the plugin detects any SEO errors, you can fix them by following the suggestions provided.

Setting up Yoast SEO is easy using the configuration wizard. Simply click on configuration wizard to get started.

yoast seo configuration wizard

In the first step, you』ll be asked whether you want to configure Yoast SEO yourself or hire an expert to do it for you. Select CONFIGURE YOAST SEO to do it yourself.

configure yoast seo

In the next step, you』ll be asked whether your site is ready to be indexed. You can choose option A. Then, click Next.

yoast seo indexing

You need to choose the website type in the next step. For you, it』s blog. Then, click Next.

yoast seo site type

For Google』s knowledge graph card, you』ll be asked whether the blog is run by a person or a brand. If Person is selected, you』ll have to specify the name of the person. If Company is selected, you』ll have to add the logo as well. Then, click Next.

yoast seo company or person

You can now enter your social media profile URL in its appropriate field. Then, click Next.

yoast seo social profiles

In the Search engine visibility step, you don』t have to change the default settings because they』re set up to index your posts and pages. Simply click Next.

yoast seo search engine visibility

Author archives might create duplicate content issues for search engines. To prevent it, you can disable it if your blog doesn』t have multiple authors.

yoast seo multiple authors

Next, you』ll be prompted to connect your website to Google Search Console, which is a free tool that gives you detailed insights into how your blog content is being perceived by Google.

yoast seo google search console

Next, you can set up a title for your blog, and then, click Next.

yoast seo title settings

You can now exit the configuration wizard because the other steps were created for promotional purposes such as signing up for the Yoast』s newsletter.

Get started with Yoast SEO today to improve your blog』s SEO.

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« Previous: Chapter 4 – Configuring Your Blog Settings

Chapter 6: Working with WordPress Editor

chapter 6 working with wp editors

WordPress boasts about being the best publishing platform in existence, in terms of popularity and flexibility. Of course, with a whopping 60% market share, WordPress beats the pants off all their competition.

However, the main downside is that the post and page editors aren』t as sleek as other blogging platforms. The default WordPress editor, which now known as Classic Editor, has a word processor style interface. It allows users to input text in either Text or Visual modes. Since it had been a part of WordPress for over a decade, existing users are accustomed to this interface.

However, editors of other publishing platforms, such as Medium or Ghost are way more intuitive than that of WordPress.

To make adding rich content to WordPress easier and enjoyable, with the 5.0 release, WordPress will be shipped with a brand new editor, known as Gutenberg.

In this chapter, let』s take a look at the differences between Gutenberg and Classic Editor.

6.1。 Writing Content – Classic Editor vs. Gutenberg

By default, WordPress is shipped with Classic Editor, which allows users to input text in either Text or Visual modes.


With Classic Editor, users can』t preview the finished page instantly while writing the content. Editing and moving different elements can also be a hassle. Users will have to switch back and forth between Text and Visual modes. They can also create spacing and sizing problems. This is where the Gutenberg editor comes in.

The Gutenberg editor lets you see how a finished page looks like while in the editor. That way you can adjust sizing and spacing in real time without having to switch to the preview panel. The entire editing experience has been rebuilt for media-rich content.

gutenberg editor

Gutenberg separates all the elements on your content into individual units called blocks. Unlike the Classic Editor, Blocks in Gutenberg help you easily customize the style and appearance of your multimedia content without the need of using custom code.

6.2。 Deciding on Choosing a Page Builder

Without a doubt, Gutenberg』s built for providing unmatched writing and editing experience on WordPress. Its goal is to make adding rich content to WordPress simpler and enjoyable. However, it doesn』t mean to replace the page builder plugins for WordPress.

The built-in WordPress editors come with all the essential tools out of the box to create a basic page on your site. However, if you want to build an eye-catching page, then you might want to use a page builder on your site.

Not only does it help you create a custom layout for your web page, but you can also create a stunning page without changing your existing WordPress themes.

我們建議使用 Beaver Builder for building a custom page. You can also check out the best page builders for WordPress

We hope now you have a basic idea about WordPress editors. In the next 2 chapters, we』ll explain how to create WordPress pages and posts.

↑ Go back to Table of Contents

« Previous: Chapter 5 – Essential WordPress Plugins & Tutorials

Chapter 7: Creating WordPress Pages

chapter 7 create a page on wordpress

In WordPress, you can publish content either as a post or page. When you want to publish a regular blog article, you write a post and when you want to publish a standalone web page, like About, Contact pages, you write a page.

Another difference is that Posts allow you to organize the content using categories and tags, whereas pages allow you to apply custom templates and reorder them based on your needs.

7.1. Essential Pages You』ll Need


Your homepage is probably the first page your visitors see on your blog. To warmly welcome your first-time visitors, you might want to customize your homepage. Just take a look at an example of IsItWP』s homepage for inspiration.

By default, WordPress sets your blog page as the homepage. However, you can create a page and choose it as your homepage. Before you dive in and create a homepage, below are a few things to consider.

  • Built-in template: Check if your theme supports a homepage template. In that case, you can make use of it rather than creating a brand new homepage unless you want a different one.
  • Full-width layout: If you want to set up a homepage on your own, you might want to choose a full-width / no-sidebar layout for the page. That way you can avoid sidebar elements from your homepage and easily create a highly customized page.
  • Choose a page builder: You can find dozens of different page builders that help you create a stunning customized page on your own.

Once you』ve a page set up for the homepage, you can go to Settings » Reading.

homepage settings in wordpress

Then select static page as your homepage and then choose your preferred homepage and posts page.

About Page

Creating an about page is a great way to build an emotional connection with your audience. On your about page, you can explain how you started, why and what values your blog stands for.

It』s essential for you to understand the motivations and fears of your audience before creating an about page. That way, you can create a compelling story of yourself that your audience can easily relate to. You』ll also need to figure out the right emotional ties to link your blog with your readers』 problems.

If you』re looking for inspiration, take a look at the about page of SyedBalkhi.com.

About page example- Syed Balkhi

In the about page, Syed reveals the struggles he encountered throughout his journey as an entrepreneur. Since the blog』s targeted at aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers, readers can easily forge a connection with their daily lives.

Contact Page

Your contact page plays an important role in turning your website visitors into customers. If you want to encourage your audience to connect with you, then make sure to add a contact form to your contact page.

Compared to displaying an email address, having a contact form in your contact page makes it easier for your audience to connect with you. That way, your audience can get in touch with you without leaving your site.

您可以使用 WPForms to build a contact form on your site, which is one of the best form builder plugins for WordPress.

7.2。 How to Create a Page with Classic Editor

To create a new page, head over to Pages » Add New.

New page in WordPress

You can now specify title for your new page and add some content in the text area.

The Page Attributes section allows you to choose a parent page. You can also nest pages based on your needs.

Some WordPress themes provide you with custom page templates. Choosing a template helps you easily add structural variations to your web pages.

After adding content, preview your page and then click Publish. You』ve successfully published a new page.

7.3。 How to Create a Page with Gutenberg

Now let』s take a look at how to create a page using Gutenberg editor.

The first thing you』ll need to do is install and activate the Gutenberg plugin。 This will replace the Classic Editor with Gutenberg.

To create a page, head over to Pages » Add New. You』ll be prompted to add a title for the post. You can then start writing content, just like the Classic Editor.

Gutenberg allows you to easily add any content block you』d like such as text, images, galleries, hero images, buttons, etc. To add a block, all you have to do is click on the Inserter tool (+).

blocks in gutenberg editor

To find the Page Attributes section, click the gear button on the top right-hand corner and then, click on the Document tab. In Page Attributes, you can choose a parent page and nest pages based on your needs.

page attributes gutenberg

In the Document tab, you can change your page template to add structural variation to your pages.

To customize any Block, you can navigate to the Block tab and change the configurations of your selected Block.

↑ Go back to Table of Contents

« Previous: Chapter 6 – Working with WordPress Editor

Chapter 8: Writing Your First Blog Post

chapter 8 creating a blog post

Now that you』ve created static WordPress pages and filled sidebar and footer with appropriate information, it』s time to start publishing your first blog post.

By this point, you might have already figured out the purpose and niche of your blog. If you don』t, you can go back to Chapter 1 to learn it.

8.1. How to Create a Post with Classic Editor

To create your first blog post, head over to your post editor by clicking Posts » Add New.

You will need to add a title to your post and start writing content in your post editor. To upload images to your blog, all you have to do is drag and drop your images into the text editor from your computer. Alternatively, you can use the Add Media button to upload your images and videos.

add media

8.2. How to Create a Post with Gutenberg

The first thing you』ll need to do is install and activate the Gutenberg plugin.

To create a post, head over to Posts » Add New. You』ll be prompted to add a title for the post. You can then start writing content, just like the Classic Editor.

Gutenberg allows you to easily add any content block you』d like such as text, images, galleries, hero images, buttons, etc. To add a block, all you have to do is click on the Inserter tool (+).

8.3. Adding Categories and Tags

The content of your WordPress blog is organized by categories and tags.

Categories are basically a broad grouping of your blog posts. Think of it as general topics you cover or a table of contents for your blog. As they』re hierarchical, you can have as many as subcategories for each one.

Tags are meant to describe specific details of your post. They can be used to micro-categorize your content and they』re not hierarchical.

Here』s how to add categories and tags with Classic Editor:

In your post editor screen, scroll down to the categories meta box on the right side. You can click Add New Category or simply choose from the existing categories.

categories and tags- classic editor

Similarly, using the Tags meta box, you can create new tags or choose from the existing tags.

With Gutenberg, to add a category and add tags to your blog post, you can click on the gear icon on top right-hand corner of your editor. Within the Document tab, you can add categories and tags to your blog post. You can also change your featured image, excerpt, and even change the Status and Visibility options.

categories and tags- gutenberg

To customize any Block, you can navigate to the Block tab and change the configurations of your selected Block.

You can click on the 3 dots for changing the view of your editor. You can also switch to code editor if you』d like.

Finally, you can click the Publish button on the right-hand corner.

↑ Go back to Table of Contents

« Previous: Chapter 7 – Creating WordPress Pages

Chapter 9: Promote Your Blog

chapter 9 promote your blog

A blog without readers and engagement is a dead blog. There』s no value in maintaining a blog if no one wants to consume your content.

Just because you published some great content on your blog, doesn』t always mean that it could bring in loads of traffic. In fact, you』ll need to to attract the right segment of readers who will love the type of content you publish. Otherwise, they won』t stick around, which won』t be profitable for you in the long run.

In this chapter, we』ll explain a few different ways to promote your blog.

  • Create pillar content
  • Email outreach
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • 其他方法

9.1. Create Pillar Content

Before you dive in and start promoting your blog, it』s essential for you to publish some pillar content on your site. In fact, no one wants to stick to a site that doesn』t provide value. That means, if you』re driving traffic to a blog that doesn』t have a solid foundation, like pillar content, then you』re losing some of your most valuable assets: time, money, and other resources.

Pillar content is the founding stone of your blog. Usually, it』s a series of blog posts that represent your best work, but it can also be infographics, videos, or any other type of content.

The main benefit of pillar content is that it brings in a rush of new visitors and backlinks. Since it provides some sort of value, your audience is more likely to stick to your blog and promote it. Best of all, it continues to attract more traffic – long after they』re initially posted.

Not sure what type of blog posts you should write?

Don』t worry! We』ll explain a few different types of blog posts that are proven to work.

  • Tutorials and how-to guides: Explain how to do a tedious task step-by-step, in an easy-to-follow style. This particular guide that you』re reading right now is a perfect example of a tutorial.
  • Listicles: List posts are always among the most-shared content on the internet because they』re easy to digest.
  • Latest industry news: Keep an eye on the latest industry news and blog about it. You can even explain what each trend means to an average reader, and how they can embrace the changes in your industry.
  • Controversial subjects: Talking about controversy can bring some readers to your blog but be cautious! Controversies can be highly emotional. Be aware of the language you use, and try not to be purposely malicious when expressing your thoughts.

Looking for more blog post ideas?讀 73 types of blog posts that are proven to work

Bear in mind that blogging is a constant process. Just because you』ve created a series of posts, doesn』t mean that you』ve done with content. Remember, blogging is a marathon, not a sprint.

The success of your blog lies in how persistent you』re in terms of producing quality content. Now, you don』t have to produce one blog post every day. Have a publishing schedule and stick to it.

9.2. Email Outreach

Once you』ve laid a solid foundation for your blog by creating a series of pillar content, it』s time to step up and start promoting your blog.

Email outreach helps you promote your blog in a few different ways: You can drive traffic and backlinks, get press mentions, offer guest posts on popular blogs, and more.

Without a doubt, email outreach is the easiest way to develop a personal connection with influencers in your niche. Here』s how to do email outreach, the right way.

Step 1: Understand your purpose.

For example, you can start an outreach campaign to offer guest articles on popular blogs. Or if you want to build backlinks, you might want to pitch influencers and let them know you』ve produced valuable content on your blog that are worth linking to.

Step 2: Find email addresses based on your purpose.

If you』re looking to guest post, then create a list of email addresses of popular bloggers.

Step 3: Use an email outreach tool, like OutreachPlus to create an outreach campaign.


OutreachPlus helps you personalize your campaign, for higher deliverability, reply and engagement. It streamlines your outreach effort and helps you produce the best results.

With the right strategies, email outreach can be very effective in building backlinks and driving traffic.


Did you know that 95% of your first-time visitors will never return to your site? That means if you』re not building a connection with your first-time visitors and making them visit repeatedly, they』ll be gone forever.

Creating an email newsletter is the best way to build connection with your audience and encourage them to return to your site.

To create an email newsletter, you can choose an email marketing software like Constant Contact 要麼 MailChimp。 You can occasionally send them useful emails to build a longlasting relationship. Once in a while, you can promote your recent blog posts in your newsletter and encourage your subscribers to visit your site.


Social media is one of the most reliable traffic sources for your blog. If you』re struggling to crack the code on driving social traffic to your blog, below are a few tips that might help.

Set Up the Basics

Create a profile for your blog on various social networking sites. You can showcase those profiles on your blog and encourage your users to connect with you. Additionally, install a social sharing plugin like Shared Counts and make it easier for your users to share the content on social media.

Focus on One or Two Social Media Platforms

Focusing on every social network out there can spread yourself too thin. If you』re under a limited budget and resources, it』s in your best interest to focus only on one or two social platforms initially.

If you』re looking for inspiration on driving social media traffic, you can check out how to increase Facebook traffic by 332%

Optimize Your Content

If you』ve ever shared a blog post on social media, you might have noticed that the social network automatically pulls out the image, title and description of your content. This info gives a basic outline about the content you』re sharing, which entices other users to click on it.

If you can』t find a beautiful preview of your post while sharing it on social media, chances are your theme doesn』t support OG (Open Graph) tags. OG tags help social networks pull the right info from your link. If you』re having the same issue for the links you share, then you might want to check out how to fix Facebook incorrect thumbnail issue

9.5. Other Ways to Promote Your Blog

Below are a couple more ways to promote your blog.

Blog commenting: Actively comment on popular blogs in your niche and get involved in the conversations. When users click on your name, they』ll be directed to your blog (provided that the blog you commented on allows backlinks from a commenter』s name).

Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO enables you to grow your website traffic by getting your blog posts to rank higher in search engines. With onsite and offsite SEO tactics, you can drive more targeted organic traffic to your site. You can find more on this in the next chapter.

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Chapter 10: WordPress SEO: Getting Started

chapter 10 wordpress seo

Want to drive targeted traffic to your site from search engines? Search engine optimization (SEO) can be tricky due to the ever changing search algorithms.

However, with the right strategy, you can grow your organic traffic despite the constant algorithm changes. By following the best SEO tactics, you』re allowing search engines to easily scan and index your website.

In this chapter, we』ll discuss the following:

  • Keyword research
  • On-page SEO
  • Link building

10.1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO. Keyword researching helps you understand what your audience is looking for on Google.

Ideally, you』ll need to find every possible combination of keywords that your potential audience use on Google to find your content.

Below are a few keyword research tools that you may find helpful.

  • Google Keyword Planner: Keyword planner is a free tool that helps you find the right keywords for your AdWords campaigns. You can use the same tool for brainstorming your content ideas.
  • Google Search: Google Search helps you find a lot of related keywords for your blog. You can find the related keywords at the bottom of your search results page.
  • SEMRush: SEMRush is a paid tool that helps you find a list of potential keywords for your blog. It helps you find out what works for your competition, what site visitors in your industry are searching for, and what keywords you should focus on.

Once you have a list of potential keywords, it』s time to create an editorial calendar to streamline your content creation process.

10.2。 On-page SEO

In order to rank higher on Google and position your web pages on top of search results, you』ll need to optimize your web pages for search engine.

With WordPress, it』s easy to optimize your website for search engines. Here』s how to do it.

Install an SEO plugin

An SEO plugin helps you make your website search engine friendly. We recommend installing the Yoast plugin on your site. Upon installing the plugin, you』ll find a meta box on every post and page editor to add SEO title, description and focus keyword.

Yoast SEO forces you to choose a focus keyword when you』re publishing content, and then ensures you』re using it properly on that page.

Add alt Tags for Images

Alt tags help describes what』s on the image. Google places a relatively high value on alt text to identify what is on the image and the topic of the surrounding text.

Internal Linking

Add 2-3 internal links to every single post.

Internal links allow users to navigate to other pages. It keeps your visitors longer on your site and more importantly, increases your link juice, which improves your SEO.

10.3. Link Building

Link building is a major factor in how Google ranks web pages. You can improve the ranking of your blog by increasing the number of high-quality links that link to your pages.

There are lots of different ways to legitimately build backlinks to your site. Let』s take a look at a few of them below.

Create pillar content:

We』ve mentioned it already but we』re saying it again. Before you dive in and trying to build backlinks, make sure you already have published a handful of content that is worth linking to. Some examples of pillar content are how-to guides, listicles, and case studies.

Create shareable infographics:

You can either hire a graphic designer or create it by yourself using an infographics creator tool such as CanvaPiktochart 要麼 Visme。 After creating it, make it shareable by providing an embed code that your users can easily use.

Reach out to likely linkers:

Create a list of blogs that are likely to provide a link back to your blog. For instance, you can find blogs that publish weekly recap about your niche and ask them to feature your article in their upcoming post.

Publish interviews:

Create a list of influencers and publish a one-question interview with them. Chances are they』ll likely add a link to the interview you』ve published.

Guest blogging:

Publish high-quality guest articles on reputed sites in your niche. While it』s an effective strategy to gain links, keep in mind that Google has cracked down on marketers who abuse this tactic with low-quality articles and links.

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Chapter 11: Monetize Your Blog

chapter 11 monetize your blog

Do you want to quit your 9 to 5 job? Wondering how to start a blog and make money? Then you』re not alone!

While blog monetization isn』t a quick rich scheme, with the right strategies, it』s totally possible to make a solid income.

In this chapter, we』ll be explaining 4 different methods to make money blogging.

  1. 廣告
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. Freelancing
  4. 銷售產品


Advertising is probably the easiest way to make money blogging.

You can start by displaying ads by 谷歌的AdSense, which is an advertising network by Google. The best thing is that it doesn』t require you to have a huge traffic volume to join the program.

Alternatively, you can sell direct ads on your site. It』s effective for your blog if it attracts a significant traffic base. Since it doesn』t depend on any ad networks, you can keep the full ad revenue profits.

For monetizing your site with any kind of ads, we recommend using the AdSanity plugin. It simplifies ad management helps you generate more ad revenue with minimal effort.

11.2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing helps you generate revenue from your blog when someone purchases a product through your referrals. Basically, you choose a product you like, insert an affiliate link to that product and whenever someone purchases it by clicking your link, you can earn commissions.

If you think ads are annoying, affiliate marketing is the best way to earn solid revenue from your blog. You can even use it in conjunction with advertising and other monetization methods.

We use and recommend ThirstyAffiliates for managing and cloaking affiliate links.

11.3. Freelancing

Offering your skills and expertise on your blog as a freelancer is the best way to make a living you』re your blog. Not only will you be able to showcase your portfolio on the blog, but also you can attract the right segment of paying clients.

Make sure to create a hire me page on your blog and promote that page extensively.

11.4. Selling Products

If you』re looking to make a steady flow of passive income, then you might want to consider selling products from your blog. With the right strategies, it』s totally possible to make a full-time income from your blog by selling products.

Below are a couple of ideas:

Sell eBooks: Creating a product can be a tedious and intimidating task. If you already have published some great pillar content, you can easily repurpose them into an eBook and sell it to your audience.

Integrate an eCommerce store: Integrate an eCommerce storefront into your existing blog with an eCommerce plugin such as WooCommerce. If you sell merchandize that mirrors the type of content they love on your blog, then you can piggyback your existing user base to sell your eCommerce products.

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Chapter 12: Resources to Learn and Master WordPress

chapter 12 wordpress resources

The WordPress community is huge, so you can find tons of different resources on the web that will help you learn and master WordPress.

Some of the best and free WordPress resources you can find on the web are:

  • IsItWP: At IsItWP, we regularly publish WordPress tutorials, WordPress theme and plugin roundups, reviews, WordPress deals, and a lot more.
  • WPBeginner: WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource on the web for WordPress beginners. They regularly publish useful tutorials, videos, coupon codes for WordPress products, and a lot more.
  • WPForms blog: If you want to read tutorials that help you grow your business using the WordPress platform, you need to follow the WPForms blog. You can also find tips and recommended practices to build any types of online WordPress forms.
  • MonsterInsights blog: The MonsterInsights blog is an excellent resource you can follow to get a handle on Google Analytics best practices and recommendations.


Having helped thousands of users start a blog, we』ve found that people ask the same sort of questions again and again. This is why we』ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions, so you can easily start your blog.

How does a blog differ from a website?
A blog is just a type of website that publishes articles in reverse chronological order. Blog articles are usually published using a blogging platform like WordPress, so anyone who can』t code can start a blog with ease. Once the blog is set up, you can easily start creating content in your post editor and publish it with the click of a button.

Can I create a blog without WordPress?

是! There are dozens of blogging platforms such as Blogger, WordPress.com, and TypePad. But we always recommend you to start a blog on self-hosted WordPress because it gives you full freedom to build a blog the way you want with no restrictions.

What』s the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org (self-hosted WordPress)?

WordPress.com is a free blogging platform that lets you kickstart a blog with ease, but it comes with a lot of restrictions such as limited theme availability and limited storage space. Plus, the free platform doesn』t allow you to monetize your website.

WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress, requires you to own a domain name and a hosting account to run a blog. With a self-hosted platform, you get full control over your blog, can monetize your blog the way you want, get unlimited theme and customization options, and enjoy unlimited storage space depending on your hosting provider.

How much does it cost to start a blog?

To start a blog on self-hosted WordPress, you』ll have to purchase a domain name for $14.99 per year and a hosting account, which costs around $7.99 per month. Altogether, starting a blog will cost as low as $110.87 annually.

You can find thousands of free themes and plugins for your blog. However, if you prefer premium themes and plugins, the running cost of your blog may go higher.

Can I start a blog anonymously?

If you want to publish a blog but remain anonymous, then you need to make sure to protect your domain with WHOIS privacy turned on. For anonymous blogs, people often use a pseudonym/nickname to write under. You can even create a unique email just for writing your blog.

What should I start a blog about?

While you can start a blog on any topic, it』s advised to start a blog on a topic that you』re really passionate about. Or you can even start a personal blog, documenting your data-to-day life and reach out to like-minded people on the web.

Can I run a multi-author blog?

是。 WordPress comes with 5 default user roles that will help you manage and control permissions for each author on your blog.

Can I add an eCommerce storefront to my blog?

是! Adding an eCommerce storefront allows you to easily start selling physical or digital products right from your blog. Just install a plugin like WooCommerce and integrate an eCommerce storefront into your blog so you can start selling your products.

How can I learn more about WordPress terminologies?

Refer to this WordPress Glossary Terms for Beginners whenever you』re puzzled by strange WordPress terms or abbreviations.

Can I start a blog in multiple languages?

With WordPress, you can easily start a multilingual blog with a multilingual plugin such as Polylang. You might also want to choose a WordPress theme that supports the multilingual plugin you want to use.

We hope this guide helped you start a WordPress blog. Have fun blogging!
