






  • Fiverr如何為自由職業者工作
  • 在Fiverr上賣什麼
  • 如何建立成功的Fiverr Gig:

    • Fiverr Gig視覺效果,The Gig描述,帶有包和Gig Extras的追加銷售,使用Gig要求和FAQ部分設置期望,如何為Fiverr Gigs定價,Fiverr搜索演算法如何工作

  • Fiverr與其他流行的自由職業者市場
  • 了解Fiverr賣方級別以及如何升級
  • 在Fiverr上,客戶永遠是對的
  • 用您的Fiverr個人資料推銷自己
  • 如何使Fiverr客戶滿意
  • Fiverr如何創造更好的賣家體驗
  • 使用Fiverr作為買方將業務任務外包
  • 最後的想法

如何在Fiverr上賺錢–我每月如何賺$ 2,000- $ 3,000











隨著Pro市場的推出,我在廣告中與Jerry Media(@f *** jerry Instagram的知名度)一道亮相:


















之前,我曾寫過關於如何使用Fiverr為WPMU DEV發展業務的信息,其中包括一些有關要設置什麼演出的想法。







例如,「編程與技術」類別涵蓋了許多可能影響您技能的交付物。對於Web開發人員而言,Fiverr Gig的產品可能包括設置基本網站,提供WordPress維護服務,修復錯誤,實施安全工具,自定義插件或構建登錄頁面。如果您想以新開發者的身份加入平台,那麼最好的選擇就是在這個範圍內做某事。



與此相關的是,對於客戶要求但您卻不想做或不想做的補充服務,請考慮設置一個Fiverr Studios Gig,在這裡您可以與另一位賣家合作,並共同分享利潤。


既然您已經有機會了解到Fiverr的可能性,那麼讓我們深入探討獲得成功的最重要方面-如何設置出色的Fiverr Gig。

如何建立成功的Fiverr Gig







設置Fiverr Gig將迫使您「生產」您的服務。




每月$ 2000 +的會員,Fiverr賣方Shahzad Saaed談到著陸頁設計Gig,他通過重新使用模板來很好地進行縮放,以使交付物毫無問題。




Fiverr Gig視覺效果:圖像和視頻

設置Fiverr Gig時,「不要憑封面判斷書」應該不是您的指導原則。

實際上,Fiverr Gig的商品銷售方式將對人們是否真正點擊相關搜索並進行購買產生重大影響。

Fiverr公關經理Holly Steffy分享了以下最佳做法:

  • 我們建議您添加醒目的主Gig圖像(608 x 410px或更高,並且尺寸比例相似)。主要形象應加強服務,並具有專業性和優質外觀。無論類別如何,它都應該看起來專業,並且圖像應無版權。
  • 我們還建議圖像中的文字最少(占圖像的20%或更少)。
  • 對於視覺類別,最佳做法是每個圖像顯示一個工作樣本。
  • 對於非視覺類別,圖像應代表所提供的服務,並應灌輸對賣方專業且能夠提供高質量體驗的信心。但是,每個用於視覺和非視覺類別的Gig圖像都應具有自己的獨特圖像。


我最近重新設計了Fiverr Gig圖片,以反映我自己的品牌美學:









請注意:「 Fiverr搜索演算法如何工作?」部分提供了Fiverr SEO的更多詳細信息,並在您的演出中加入了相關關鍵字。 ?





  • 使用文字裝飾(粗體,斜體,下劃線)增加重點
  • 使用要點使列表易於閱讀
  • 句子和段落要簡短些,以免前景被文字牆淹沒



帶包裝和Gig Extras的追加銷售



  • 您的服務的最基本版本是什麼?
  • 與基本產品相比,您可以怎麼做才能在標準包裝中提供更多價值?
  • 包含所有鈴鐺的軟體包將與哪些可交付成果相關聯?





Gig Extras為買家提供了訂購更多相同交付品的機會(例如,更多頁面在我的UX審核Gig上進行了審核),更快地交付您的訂單(例如一天的周轉費)或補充服務(我額外銷售了一份演出)用於我的SEO審核Gig上的UX審核,反之亦然)。






您會注意到,有些選項是根據Gig類別預先填充的建議,例如測試其他頁面或提供其他屏幕記錄分鐘。此外,我添加的一些Gig Extras選項是基於客戶過去的要求。

使用Fiverr意味著標準化每個演出的產品。但是,通過策略性地使用Gig軟體包和Gig Extras,您將使人們感到您正在嘗試專門針對他們-他們會對此表示讚賞。

















Fiverr公關經理Holly Steffy表示,「編程和技術」類別中的常見基本要求包括:

  • 網站網址和登錄
  • 託管登錄

  • 照片或文字應包含在內
  • 來自其他網站的靈感示例(如果賣方正在為買方創建新網站)
  • 向買方詢問他們的業務及其網站目標




根據Fiverr的公關經理Holly Steffy的說法,當賣方考慮如何為固定價格定價時,要求他們考慮以下事項:

  1. 如果他們離線工作,他們需要為離線費用多少?
  2. 他們每小時希望賺多少錢(這項工作需要花費幾個小時)?
  3. 他們對Fiverr的比賽收取多少費用,特別是那些處於相同水平並且具有相同經驗和技能的人?
  4. 他們的離線競爭產品為此服務收取多少費用?





如果您是直接進入專業市場,那麼答案是:絕對不會。實際上,在Fiverr Pro上對演出的價格定價過低可能表明您與該級別的其他賣家相比超出了競爭對手。








  • 您總共有多少五星級評論和平均星級
  • 總訂單已完成
  • 賣家等級
  • 您的指標的加權平均值,從「好」到「壞」的等級進行判斷(至少根據維持賣方水平的要求,低於90%的情況似乎屬於「壞」的範疇)
  • 策略性地使用Gig標題,描述和上傳的圖像/視頻文件名中的關鍵字

儘管已過時,但2015年Inet Solutions的一篇文章建議將Gig的視圖和訂單作為其他潛在的排名因素,這對我來說很有意義。 Just Entrepreneurship在排名信號方面有一些其他想法,並提供一些技巧來調整演出。







Fiverrcast第13集分享了Fiverr SEO的一些其他提示,Fiverr贊同在其博客上發布的性質:

  • 為每個特定服務創建一個Gig,這樣您就不會針對相關關鍵字進行優化。
  • 確保正確分類了演出。
  • 不要填入關鍵字(過度使用關鍵字會導致不自然地出現)。
  • 通過使用相關關鍵字的副本充實您的Gig描述。
  • 了解圖像文件名會影響Google索引編製。 Fiverr的第一個超級賣家兼官方大使twistedweb123(Adam)提到,根據所提供的內容命名Gig的圖像文件很重要。

在這個Fiverrcast播客節目中,亞當還說:「 Fiverr告訴 [Google] 嘗試使用描述中的第一種或兩種描述在搜索引擎結果中顯示」。

在Google上搜索我的用戶名和單詞「 Fiverr」返回的模板響應並非直接來自我的Gig描述:


因此,我不同意他們在上述關於Fiverr SEO的Fiverrcast一集中所概括的SEO的每一個特徵,但是有相同的好技巧。



根據Fiverr的PR經理Holly Steffy的說法,「編程與技術」類別中的熱門搜索詞包括:WordPress,電子商務,網站開發,Shopify和網站設計。



  • 使用標籤來描述您所服務的特定服務和行業。
  • 盡最大能力添加五個相關標籤。
  • 請勿嘗試使用特殊字元和重複的術語-它們將被忽略。













2018年公司的一篇文章引用了Mary Meeker在5月30日的演講。根據Meeker的說法,Upwork平台上有1600萬自由職業者,從2017年到2018年增長了23%。這是我所能找到的關於Upwork自由職業者數量的最具體,最新的數據。

有趣的是,Upwork與Fiverr上的買家數量之間的差距並不大。 Fiverr在Upwork的5M +地區有230萬賣家。









  • 描述性標題和較長的職位描述
  • 每小時收費或固定價格
  • 持續時間
  • 經驗水平
  • 位置要求(如果適用)








Upwork Connects是自由職業者用來向Upwork上的客戶提交建議的貨幣。每個成本0.15美元,您需要1到6個Connects才能勝任一項工作(根據項目預算計算)。


儘管他們提供了「免費計劃」,但建議您以每月14.99美元的價格使用Freelancer Plus計劃,以每月獲得價值10.50美元的Connects積分以及其他模糊的「好處」。代理商還必須支付Connects以及與付費自由職業者相關的付款處理費。











遵循行業標準3%的付款處理費可能是合理的,但是當前的情況肯定是俗氣的。每當您想通過直接存款將資金轉入您的銀行帳戶時,Fiverr還會收取$ 1的費用。您可以免費將錢轉移到Paypal,但是您仍然需要支付Paypal的手續費,因此,這確實不是一個更好的情況。

On the client side, Fiverr charges a service fee to place an order: $2 on orders up to $40, and 5% on purchases above $40.

Although it can certainly hurt to know that you』re automatically giving up 20% of the sale with a new client on Fiverr or Upwork, it might ease the pain a bit to understand that these fees are tax-deductible.

It』s the little things.

While both platforms make money on every conceivable aspect of the transaction, I still think it makes more sense to spend your time and energy on Fiverr because of the way Gigs are set up.

? Don』t have your accounting figured out yet? Read this comparison of the best accounting software for small business and freelancers.

Why Fiverr should be your freelance marketplace of choice

Listen, no freelancer marketplace is perfect.

I wouldn』t suggest that you build your freelance business completely on the rented land that is a marketplace like Fiverr.

Your ultimate goal should be to build a brand (read how here) that attracts clients to your services from a variety of sources. That way, if any one of these inputs ever falls apart — like if a freelance marketplace decides to shut down your account — you』re not totally screwed when it comes to paying your bills.

But all that said, Fiverr can be a great side hustle or supplement to your freelance business income. Fiverr』s marketplace has a built-in user base that funnels traffic to your Gigs: you just have to convert that traffic with a great offer supported by a solid reputation on the platform.

Even if you don』t technically own the client relationship, Fiverr can help you build up a regular clientele of cool businesses to work with and good agency partners.

And you have the option of using Fiverr as more than just a seller — there』s a lot of talent that you might want to tap on the platform for help with your own business.

On a related note, Fiverr Studios offers another way to work with fellow freelancers on multi-faceted projects.

What I really like about using Fiverr over the past several years is that it has allowed me to test out various service offerings and the various components that make them up.

Based on the questions I get and the packages that people order, I learn more about what people really want. This helps support how I structure my offerings — even outside of the platform.

Fiverr has come a long way from its initial launch as a platform that forced freelancers to offer services starting at $5.

While you should certainly take related marketplace offerings into consideration when structuring your Gigs, you have complete freedom to set your own pricing (with some minor restrictions for sending custom offers, depending on your seller level).

All that said, learning how to make money on Fiverr is a long game.

There』s a large distance between the level you』ll start at as a new seller and the level you』ll need to be to make the $2-3k/month I』ve been pulling in.

Understanding Fiverr seller levels & how to level up

I』ve said it before and I』ll say it again:

Making decent money on Fiverr doesn』t happen overnight. It might not even happen in your first year on the platform.

If your goal is to become a Top Rated Seller, you need to be handpicked by the Fiverr team, which will require a lot of consistency for a long time before that happens.

Figuring out how to make money on Fiverr is a long-term strategy, which will become more apparent after walking through details around levelling up as a seller and other considerations for keeping clients happy on the platform.

Let』s break down what it means to sell on Fiverr at each level:

Fiverr Seller

When you first sign up for a Fiverr account, this will be your level.

Fiverr』s generic advice is to 「work hard and play fair」, which isn』t a bad generalization — though it makes more sense once you see the requirements to move up to become a Level One Seller.

How to make money on Fiverr: start as a seller

Fiverr Level One Seller

Moving up levels is beneficial because you』ll receive more visibility in search, plus eligibility to be featured in promotional listings — like what happened to me when Fiverr Pro launched.

Levelling up also unlocks additional customization options around your gigs.

At minimum, you won』t be eligible to become a Level One Seller until your Fiverr account has been active for at least 60 days. You must also complete at least 10 separate orders and earn a collective $400.

It』s at this point that various metrics start to become relevant: star ratings, response rate, order completion rate, and on-time delivery.

We』ll dig into what you need to understand about those metrics more after going through the rest of these levels.


Fiverr Level Two Seller

Aside from becoming a Top Rated Seller, Level Two Seller is the highest Fiverr level you can achieve on your own, automatically, by ticking the boxes associated with each requirement.

Notably, you』ll need to be active on Fiverr for 120 days, completely 50 orders, and earn at least $2,000 all-time.

One of the 「benefits」 of becoming a Level Two Seller is improved access to Fiverr Customer Support — though that』s not necessarily a relief. You』ll find out soon that Fiverr will usually side with a rogue buyer over an in-the-right seller in the majority of situations.


Fiverr Top Rated Seller

This is the highest Fiverr Seller level and I can assure you that it』s not easy to achieve.

Besides becoming a Fiverr Pro, the process to level up as a Top Rated Seller is not automatic. You will need to be manually approved and in addition to your current metrics, Fiverr will take past performance into consideration.

Notably, to qualify as a Top Rated Seller, you』ll need to be active on Fiverr for 180 days, complete 100 orders, and earn at least $20,000 (in addition to maintaining good metrics more generally).

To put this into perspective for someone just starting out, I don』t think I made $20,000 total on Fiverr until 2018, or 3+ years after initially signing up. That said, I never used Fiverr as my primary source for finding new business.

Here are my earnings from Fiverr as of 1/5/20, over four years after initially signing up for the platform:

How to make money on Fiverr: my earnings

Also notable — for all other levels, it takes 14 days for money earned from accepted deliveries to clear. As a Top Rated Seller, you need only wait 7 days after an order is completed.

top-rated seller

Fiverr Pro Seller

Strangely absent from Fiverr』s page detailing seller levels is a mention of Fiverr Pro, a niche marketplace of freelancers who』ve been personally vetted by Fiverr』s team.

In many ways, Fiverr Pro is a horizontal move from being a Top Rated Seller. Both distinctions help to justify higher pricing and will help direct a higher quantity of buyers towards your Gigs.

Fiverr Pros can charge premium prices because they guarantee a high level of quality with deliverables — which is harder to police on the wider Fiverr marketplace. Fiverr claims that only 1% of applicants make it through their vetting process.

Fiverr PR Manager Holly Steffy adds these additional details, 「Pro sellers are hand-vetted based on their experience, not only on Fiverr but also offline and even on other platforms」.

Check out Fiverr Pro』s about page for more details regarding what sets Pro sellers apart.

When applying for Fiverr Pro, you』ll be asked to share social profiles, professional experience (including a portfolio if you have one), and educational experience. Make sure to detail major client wins, awards, and big names you』ve worked with to help Fiverr staff understand why you』re a cut above the rest and to push your application through.

If you want to be considered for Fiverr Pro, it』s important to realize that you』ll be approved for one narrow Gig category at a time.

For example, right now, I』m approved for Pro Gigs related to article writing and social media management. On the wider Fiverr marketplace, there are no restrictions regarding which Gigs you can offer across a variety of categories.

Besides the barrier created by skills tests, potentially.

On becoming a Pro seller, Fiverr PR Manager Holly Steffy adds,

「Skills tests are not a barrier to entry in order to create a Programming and Tech Gig on Fiverr. That said, in order to become a Pro seller, there are a variety of things one needs to share in order to be selected.

Internal Fiverr stakeholders look for a minimum of 3-5 samples of work.

For websites specifically, they want to see customization, mobile responsiveness, and integrations. In addition to checking out their portfolio of work, stakeholders are also looking at people』s resumes, LinkedIn profiles, personal sites, and more to verify the experience level」.

Fiverr Studios

Fiverr Studios allows you to work with other Fiverr sellers to deliver a project with multiple facets. For example, if you had a Fiverr Studios Gig for website design, you might have one seller who acts as the designer, another seller who does development work, as well as other sellers who help with copywriting and SEO.

This isn』t technically a Fiverr seller level but it is a distinction of sorts, with a set of rules that differs slightly from your average gig.

fiverr studios

The person designated as 「Studio Lead」 acts as the project manager and single point of contact for the client:


I』ve got to say that Fiverr Studios intrigues me but I』d probably be uncomfortable risking my own metrics over someone else』s late delivery.

I asked Fiverr PR, 「What are your tips for using Studios effectively? As a seller, I』d be worried that someone else would bring my metrics down」.

This was their response:

「Fiverr Studios is a great way for freelancers to collaborate and expand their skillset. It』s also an opportunity for them to expand their clientele by working on more complex projects.

Before a seller should determine if they would like to join a Studio, it』s important for them to take the time to vet other Studios members and make sure that everyone is aligned on the services being offered, expectations on timing for each part of the project, etc.

Many Fiverr Sellers already have existing relationships with other sellers from previous projects or referrals, which is a great place to start having those conversations」.

Unfortunately, this didn』t completely answer my question about how working with other sellers might impact your metrics.

But this Studios FAQ page does:

As does this:

As of right now, the feature is still currently in Beta and not available to all sellers.

So how do you apply? Right now it looks like Fiverr isn』t accepting applications but rather identifying and approaching sellers who they think would do well:

At any rate, improving and maintaining good metrics is an important aspect of growth on this marketplace.

Which brings me to my next point…

The importance of metrics for levelling up on Fiverr

Looking through the various requirements for moving up as a Fiverr seller provides some basic context for the level of service you』re expected to provide to customers on this platform.

Specifically, to maintain your level (without a downgrade) or move to the next, Fiverr expects you to maintain:

  • A minimum average 4.7 star rating
  • 90% response rate over 60 days
  • 90% order completion rate over 60 days
  • 90% on-time delivery over 60 days
  • No warnings over 30 days

說起來容易做起來難。 Especially because some aspects of these metrics are completely out of your control.

Let me give you an example:

The other day, someone bought one of my Gigs and immediately cancelled it. I』ve had no communications with this client prior to or after them placing this order.

I asked if my order completion rate would be affected and this is what Fiverr Support had to say:

Fun, right?

The fact that Fiverr can』t manually change aspects of the seller level algorithm in situations such as this is enough to make your blood boil.

But — all of this is to say that you can』t control everything, especially when you』re building your freelance business on rented land. So you』d better come to terms with that now if you don』t want Fiverr to drive you insane.

Here are a few tips for avoiding bad metrics in general:

  • You automatically get a 1 star review if you』re late to deliver and someone cancels the order. So basically, avoid delivering late at all costs since this can also affect your on-time delivery metric. If necessary, you can opt to extend the order with approval from your buyer.

  • Over delivering on expectations is a great way to guarantee 5 star reviews, which is an important metric for levelling up or maintaining a seller level. For my content writing Gig, this might mean going slightly over word count. For my UX audit Gig, this might mean filming a few extra minutes on a screen recording. And overdelivering doesn』t have to mean sacrificing profits — happy Fiverr customers are good tippers.

  • Keep your response rate in the green by replying to all new messages within 24 hours. Even if you need time to think of a good response, respond ASAP to set expectations for when you』ll get back to someone. I』d recommend setting a calendar reminder to do this at the same time every day, so you don』t accidentally fall behind.

  • Though response time isn』t a metric that affects your levels, it might be a factor when people are deliberating between working with you and another seller. It may also be a factor in Fiverr』s search algorithm for recommending Gigs to buyers. More speculation on Fiverr ranking factors can be found under the section of this article titled, 「How does the Fiverr search algorithm work?」.

  • Use Out of Office mode to pause new orders and even incoming messages if you need a break. If you』re serious about learning how to make money on Fiverr, you』ll realize that it』s better to lose out on orders than compromise your metrics if you』re otherwise too busy to keep up.

As to what the future of metrics might look like?

Says Fiverr PR Manager Holly Steffy, 「Order completion, star ratings, and on-time delivery have always been among the top metrics」. She adds, 「As the platform has grown, we are always looking out for what metrics are the most important for our buyer community and reflect that in how we measure a seller by their success」.

Which provides the perfect segue to the next section:

On Fiverr, the customer is always right

Now that you understand the differences between each Fiverr level and how to level up from one to another, it』s time to address a harsh truth that comes hand in hand with learning how to make money on Fiverr:

The customer is always right. Even when they』re completely wrong.

This is really my main gripe with Fiverr. By nature of completing so many orders and being on the platform for so many years, I was bound to deal with a few bad eggs, statistically speaking.

No matter the situation, in most cases, when a buyer decides that they don』t like your work, they will get a refund and it will come out of your earnings.

It doesn』t matter what 「proof」 you share with Customer Support — there have only been a handful of situations where I』ve come out on top with disputes involving buyers who』ve had a long history of abusing freelancers on Fiverr.

So I』m warning you now that if you invest your time in Fiverr, there will be some frustrating situations ahead of you. That said, these situations have become fewer and farther between now that I』m both a Pro and Top Rated Seller.

Here』s a good example of the frustrating divide between how Fiverr treats buyers compared to sellers:

In this situation, Fiverr chooses the buyer over the seller in two ways:

  • Because buyers have an extended review period, orders completed on time will be paid out to the seller three to seven days later than expected if the seller decides to take this extra time (over a period of time typically associated with heavy spending).
  • The seller is not given any additional business days to complete an order during the holidays, making it feel like their time is worth less than the buyer (we also appreciate having the time and space to enjoy the holidays with our friends and families).

In general, the cheaper your prices on Fiverr, the worse the class of buyers you』ll be dealing with. And this is just as true outside of Fiverr: the cheapest clients are usually those that expect the most from you while being the most difficult to work with.

It』s worth noting that if you start with cheap prices, it will be hard to later increase pricing with the clients you』ve already worked with. So ideally, start with sustainable pricing and adjust as necessary when you gain new experience and knowledge.

The real key to limiting awful client interactions on Fiverr is to be crystal clear about the nature of the deliverable you』re providing with each Gig package. You must also do your due diligence when collecting information from the client with the set of questions (known as Gig requirements) that trigger with each new order.

Finally, set a limit for revisions (even zero is fine), so that you and the client are on the same page about what』s included.

My standard offering for content writing services — including what I do outside of Fiverr — includes two revisions. This has helped me to get good reviews, earn great tips, and retain loyal customers.

But if you want to successfully learn how to make money on Fiverr, do whatever you can to give people what they want the first time, otherwise, revisions can take so much time that your Gigs are no longer profitable.

Selling yourself with your Fiverr profile

There are plenty of ways to communicate your expertise and experience on your Fiverr profile.

First off, Fiverr has a section where you can list 「notable」 clients. If you』ve worked with some big names, or cater to a specific industry and have a wide breadth of experience with others in the industry, make sure you』re using this section to showcase your expertise.

Fiverr also offers Skill Tests you can take to demonstrate basic proficiency across major service categories. I can tell you that I』ve never taken one and have still risen up the ranks, though this feature is new. I』m guessing that Skill Tests are probably most important for certain technical Gigs (or to demonstrate language proficiency).

skill tests

Perhaps the weirdest sections you can fill out on your profile are 「Professional Presence」 and 「Social Presence」.

Both invite you to share website and social media links but neither set of inputs become clickable in your profile, which makes me wonder why they』re there at all.

Fiverr PR Manager Holly Steffy helped clear things up, 「Including social links in the seller』s profile is a great trust indicator to the buying community that they are an actual person behind their Fiverr account」.

Besides aiming to share complete details in sections about related skills, educational experience, and certifications, the best thing you can do is provide an elevator pitch of sorts in your profile description.

Make sure to answer these questions:

  • 你是做什麼?
  • Who do you serve?
  • What makes you different from your competition?

Get specific with regard to details. Share how long you』ve worked in your industry and what about it makes you excited to do your job. Feel free to share a bit of your personality too.

Put basically — give people something to talk about with you when they message you.

Holly Steffy also shared these additional tips:

「For a Fiverr Seller, their profile is how they present themselves to Fiverr』s global community. It』s an opportunity to introduce themselves, their background, talents, and experience to potential customers. The bio description should directly speak to who the seller is and their unique experience. Sellers should also take it upon themselves to fill in the available fields as much as possible.」

Since it』s easy to get stuck in your own head, I』d recommend asking someone (or a few people) to audit your Fiverr profile to see if you』ve missed anything important or if there any obvious questions you haven』t answered.

But in general, when it comes to learning how to make money on Fiverr, it』s better to just get started — even if your profile and Gigs aren』t 100% perfect. You can continue to optimize these assets over time.

Five star reviews can make or break your success on Fiverr

You』ll notice that to progress forward and maintain higher Seller levels, you have to maintain an average 4.7 star rating over 60 days.

說起來容易做起來難。 Although most modern Fiverr customers aren』t cheap, they』re certainly critical.

Perhaps this is because Fiverr prompts buyers to share feedback with regards to the same metrics they measure in association with your account:

As a result, buyers will consider much more than just the final deliverable when leaving a star rating. They』ll take the whole order experience into consideration, so it』s in your best interest to over-communicate and over-deliver.

And over-delivering doesn』t have to mean doing extra work: it can mean delivering an order earlier than expected.

People have specifically brought this up in my reviews:

「On time」 is another common phrase that comes up in association with my five star reviews:

…Which makes me think that there are plenty of Fiverr sellers that buyers work with who aren』t delivering on time.

And when I go above and beyond with a revision request, I usually get a great review (plus a tip):

When delivering an order, invite buyers to request changes or ask questions — not because you want extra work but because you don』t want to have to overcome the negative impacts of bad reviews.

At the end of the day, great reviews from clients who are really happy with you going the extra mile will win you the sale when buyers are comparing two similar sellers.

I asked Fiverr PR Manager Holly Steffy if there was any reason to feel compelled to reply to a seller』s review and she said:

「This shows appreciation to the buyer but it also shows potential buyers that the seller is engaged with their customers. If a seller receives a review that isn』t favorable, it also allows them the opportunity to respond with their side of the story in a respectful manner」.

Which totally makes sense — both for good and bad situations.

I was curious to learn more about the words that come up most commonly in association with my own reviews (including the buyers most likely to leave them).

Here』s a word cloud based on my last 12 months of Fiverr reviews:

I』m sure you』re wondering — what happens if you want to move client relationships off Fiverr?

Answering this question requires first taking a step back. Specifically, because Fiverr makes a cut of every sale, they have a vested interest in keeping your client relationships on their platform.

In fact, they』re so interested in training you to be loyal that they offer commission-free transactions for any of your own clients that you bring over to their platform.

Because Fiverr wants to own these client relationships, you』ll get a warning — up to account suspension — if you attempt to move communications that started on Fiverr off the Fiverr platform.

Sure, there are some exceptions. For example, when clients get in touch asking for portfolio samples, Fiverr won』t punish me if I send links to my portfolio website (though I can』t share clickable links to my own properties on any public-facing aspects of my Fiverr profile).

? By the way, if you don』t have a portfolio website yet, consider building one yourself using one of these platforms.

Sometimes, clients ask if we can hop on a phone call before placing an order and I have to say no. Technically, Fiverr offers some video call functionality but I』m not really interested in using it. If I have to spend a lot of time on the relationship before an order, it kind of defeats the purpose of Fiverr for me (and stops justifying their 20% cut).

? Also read: best appointment scheduling software for your business compared

All of this is to basically say that you shouldn』t make any obvious attempts to move a client relationship off Fiverr, because it will likely get your account banned.

How to keep Fiverr clients happy: tips for working with Fiverr customers

Even if you don』t want to work with a particular client on another order, you』ll want to follow some best practices to maintain (or improve upon) your current Fiverr Seller level.

This might start with a mindset shift.

If you really want to figure out how to make money on Fiverr, you need to get over the thought process that it』s a place for cheap customers. Not everyone, not even most users that I work with, are cheap customers — especially those that purchase Pro orders.

On average, I get tipped on orders at least once a week, up to $40 on top of the amount already paid.

It』s worth noting that even though PayPal offers a tipping feature, I would never add a tip option to my regular invoices outside of Fiverr. It』s just not appropriate. But it』s nice to know that it』s an option on this platform that people can use if they want but shouldn』t feel pressured to.

Really, tips are a reward for going above and beyond.

Are you starting to notice my 「underpromise and overdeliver」 theme?

All that said, some people will try to get you to do work before an order. Ideally, you have some sort of basic Gig package that you can suggest for them they buy, even if it』s not an exact match for the help someone wants.

If they』re pushing for an answer to a complicated question, you can direct them there and say you』re happy to spend your time answering their questions if they want to buy that Gig.

My SEO Gig, specifically the Basic package, is a good example of what I recommend to clients who are asking me to investigate SEO questions they have.

Another way to limit the time you spend with a prospect before they become a client is to use quick response templates.

A few of my follow up templates include:

  • A general invitation to ask questions
  • Language for communicating specifics around certain Gigs
  • Shortlinks to samples of finished work on Google Drive

On a related note, know your pricing specifics off the top of your head (or with an easily referenceable document) because people, inevitably, will ignore what it says on your Gig and ask you for details via direct message.

Since your response rate is an important metric, you』ll want to know your pricing well enough to quote orders even when you』re not at your computer and are responding on your phone.

Knowing your pricing is also important because people will ask for custom scenarios and you want to be able to accommodate them — especially because custom packages usually mean higher price points.

That said, if someone is requesting a custom order that more or less fits the scope of one of your existing packages, don』t hesitate to direct them to order that way.

Here』s another important housekeeping tip:

Use vacation mode whenever you have reason to believe you won』t be able to take on new orders, especially if you have Gigs with one-day turnaround options.

You don』t want to be put in a situation where you disappoint someone who needs something tomorrow, then have your metrics suffer as a result of not being able to accommodate the order.

For more insights regarding the importance of user metrics and how to keep them high, jump to the section of this article titled 「The importance of metrics for levelling up on Fiverr「.

I asked PR Manager Holly Steffy for Fiverr』s tips for client communication best practices and here』s what she said:

  • It』s crucial for Fiverr freelancers to practice transparency and provide as much information as possible to the buyer on what they can deliver, the expected timeline, and provide which dates on when they will be reaching out to the customer, and breakdown of the overall price.
  • Regular communication between the seller and buyer throughout the entire process is key. Sellers should provide regular updates on the status of the project.
  • Buyers aren』t the experts on the subject matter, sellers are! So sellers should make sure they are breaking down the language into layman』s terms so it』s easy for the buyer to understand.
  • Sellers should always be proactive and should never leave a client wondering where they stand with their order. Every message should be a call to action. 「Shall I send you a custom offer? How does that sound? What do you think about XYZ?」

These are all solid tips in my experience. Especially that last one — it』ll be hard to convert the people who message you into buyers without a specific plan of action.

One last tip for dealing with customers:

Some buyers are jerks and will keep requesting modifications after you deliver an order, claiming that it』s not what they want, until you give in and let them cancel it — refunding their money from your account.

I』m sorry to be the one to break it to you but in most cases, you』ll save a lot of time by just giving in. Even if you fully stand by the work you created.

Trust me when I say that it』s just not worth the fight, especially over a small order value. At this point in time, Fiverr cares more about the customer than they care about you — and they probably always will.

How Fiverr can create a better seller experience

If you』ve made it this far, you know that overall, I』m very happy with my experience as a seller on Fiverr. But you also know that I have a few bones to pick.

Although Fiverr has made many improvements since their early days of Gigs that had to start at $5, they still have some work to do to create an ideal seller experience.

Here are my suggestions:

  • Don』t take a percentage of tips. If I』m overdelivering for a client, I should keep the extra money I make. This overdelivering also helps to create a loyal Fiverr customer who buys more Gigs from other sellers — that』s enough of a benefit to Fiverr on top of the service fees they』ve already collected from me and the client.

  • Measure delivery time in business days. I often get orders with a due date on weekends or holidays. There are no safeguards from this besides setting reminders, then manually setting your Out of Office during these timeframes (orders could still come through for those due dates before setting your Out of Office, though). I don』t think I』m alone in wanting to maintain a decent work/life balance — not arbitrarily being forced to work on weekends or holidays.

  • Take the buyer』s side publicly but compensate the seller if they』re technically in the right. Look, I don』t care what you have to tell a buyer who reaches out to Customer Support to get them to stop complaining. But don』t screw me over to make someone happy who』s technically in the wrong about their complaint. If you take 20% of each order I sell, there must be enough of a buffer to account for the occasional bad client scenario — especially for sellers who』ve paid their dues and have seniority on the platform.

  • Manually review for every seller level. I』ve pointed out some issues with Fiverr』s seller levels algorithm in this article that an automated process can』t always account for. I think that sellers should at least have the option to request a manual review when applicable, offering their own evidence for why their level shouldn』t be downgraded.

  • Don』t automatically create one star reviews for late orders that get cancelled. By all means, give the buyer the option to do so (up to suggesting a one star review for having to deal with the bad experience) but it seems unfair to deploy this rating automatically, based on its impact on your level maintenance.

  • Fix mobile application issues. My inbox messages and notifications don』t completely match what I see on the desktop website, which means I sometimes miss important communications if I』m working out of pocket that day. As a result, metrics are negatively impacted for no reason other than technology problems.

Using Fiverr as a buyer to outsource business tasks

Besides using Fiverr as a seller, I highly recommend trying it out as a buyer.

Doing this will help to inform the experience you』re providing to your own customers. It might even be a good idea to buy Gigs that are similar to the ones you offer, to get a better understanding for the competition in terms of how they merchandise their Gig, what their deliverables look like, and how they communicate throughout the process.

But you should also consider using Fiverr to outsource business tasks that you neither want to deal with nor have the experience to execute well.

Personally, I』ve used Fiverr for basic graphic design needs, help with specific WordPress fixes I don』t want to deal with, and help setting up Mailchimp.

It』s worth noting that you can use the balance you』ve accrued from completing Gigs to pay for other Gigs without a service fee.

Final thoughts on how to make $2-3k every month with a Fiverr side hustle

If you』re serious about learning how to make money on Fiverr, this checklist, mirroring my own approach, will help you cover your bases and set you up for success:

  • Sign up as a Fiverr Seller
  • Brainstorm the Gigs you want to set up
  • Create a compelling Fiverr profile
  • Research how the competition is setting up their Gigs
  • Take a first attempt at setting up a Gig, then ask someone in your industry to review it and point out anything that isn』t clear or compelling
  • Refine your initial attempt at setting up a Gig with representative imagery, a clear title, a keyword-rich description, relevant search tags, and a helpful FAQ
  • Set Gig requirements that aim to get all relevant information from the buyer to limit the need for revisions
  • Acknowledge every incoming order, if only to keep your metrics high
  • Set aside a specific time each day to address client communications and to work on Fiverr orders
  • Use client feedback to refine Gig messaging (including FAQs), Gig extras, and to launch new Gigs
  • Underpromise and overdeliver whenever possible

Regardless of how you find clients, making enough money for your freelance business to thrive doesn』t happen overnight. It probably won』t happen in a year, either. It』s a long game and the only way to find success is to be consistent.

It also doesn』t hurt if you』re constantly exceeding clients』 expectations for you.

Fiverr isn』t so different from other freelance platforms in terms of how you need to represent your skills to get clients. The metrics that determine your seller level provide useful guidance around how to be a good communicator with clients — even outside of the platform. Keeping any client happy means responding in a timely manner, completing all the orders you take on, and delivering on time.

Fiverr isn』t perfect — it』s still finding itself and determining the type of company it wants to be. But I think that Fiverr has made massive strides forward from their initial days as the platform deplored for its insistence on Gigs starting at $5.

Today, I feel like they』re team partners with me to both of our mutual success.

Fiverr employees, including those who work for Fiverr』s sister brands (And.co and Veed.me), regularly purchase my full price Gigs (often my $400 blog writing package) and are a dream to work with. When the Fiverr team needs help with a project, they start with their own marketplace and reward sellers who demonstrate professionalism and produce high-quality deliverables.

The longer you stay consistent on Fiverr, the more opportunities that will open up for you. Once you understand the system, it will be easier to navigate and you』ll have a better understanding of how to make money on Fiverr.

But I』m not the only one who』s created a successful side gig with this freelance marketplace. Tell me: how have you made good money on Fiverr? Or if you』re just getting started, what other questions do you have about navigating this platform?

Sound off in the comments!

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