

best-wordpress-photography-themes「 srcset =」 https://wpjian.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-wordpress-photography-themes.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / best-wordpress-photography-themes-300x135.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/best-wordpress-photography -themes-768x347.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></p>
<p>															<img decoding=




WordPress是當今可用的最佳和最受歡迎的網站平台。它的 超過31%的在線網站使用了。有很多個人博客以及 使用WordPress的知名品牌 創建他們的網站。

WordPress平台有兩種類型:WordPress.org和WordPress.com。 WordPress.com是一個託管平台,具有有限的自定義選項,而WordPress.org是一個自託管平台,可讓您無限使用數千個主題和插件進行自定義。因此,您需要在自託管的WordPress.org平台上創建攝影網站。

有關詳細信息,您可以查看我們的 WordPress.com和WordPress.org之間的全面比較

要在WordPress.org中創建攝影網站,您需要 域名和虛擬主機帳戶域名 指您網站在互聯網上的地址,例如Google.com或 IsItWP.com。而且,您的網路託管帳戶是您網站的內容和文件在線存儲的位置。


值得慶幸的是,我們與 藍主機 為我們的用戶提供特別折扣。 Bluehost是全球最大,最受歡迎的託管公司之一。


藍主機 已經同意為您提供 WordPress託管 計劃每月僅需2.99美元,比正常託管價格低60%。此外,購買網路託管服務還會獲得免費域名和SSL證書。因此,您只需每月2.75美元即可啟動網站。

如果您不熟悉WordPress,可以按照我們的分步說明進行操作 有關如何創建WordPress網站的指南

在開始之前,請不要錯過 最受歡迎的WordPress主題商店


1. Oshine

oshine-theme-photography-site「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223103「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/10 / oshine-theme-photography-site.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/oshine-theme-photography-site-300x175.jpg 300w,https: //www.isitwp.com/cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/oshine-theme-photography-site-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Oshine是一個具有創意的多功能主題,適用於為攝影師,藝術自由職業者和創意代理商建立網站。它帶有高度直觀的可視頁面生成器,使您可以像專業人士一樣輕鬆地創建網頁。 </p>
<p>該主題包含43個精美的演示和100多個預先構建的示例頁面,您可以一鍵安裝和使用它們。設計時考慮了專業攝影師的需求,它具有現代而優雅的設計,令人驚嘆的滑塊,旋轉木馬,受密碼保護的畫廊等等。 </p>
<p>為了使您的網站獨特,它允許無限的布局可能性,對顏色和版式的完全控制,多種標題樣式以及無限的菜單樣式。這是一個很棒的主題,在Themeforest的市場中,平均5顆星獲得5星好評。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完成Oshine評論


2. Divi

divi-photograhpy-theme「 width =」 740「 height =」 500「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-243156「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / divi-photograhpy-theme.png 740w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/divi-photograhpy-theme-300x203.png 300w「 size =」(max-width: 740px)100vw,740px「></a></p>
<p>Divi是最強大的 <a href=流行的WordPress主題 做過。您可以使用此主題創建任何類型的網站,包括攝影網站。

它利用可視化的Divi Builder插件,該插件使您可以通過簡單的拖放界面創建任何您可以想像的東西。在用於構建攝影網站的插件中,共有46種精美的內容元素,包括圖庫,作品集,滑塊等。

Divi主題帶有20多種令人驚嘆的預製布局和選項,可以使用Divi社區中的幾種布局。您還會發現 Divi布局和支持的主題 在網上。此外,它具有大量的頁眉和頁腳選項,可讓您為網站創建獨特的設計。


閱讀我們的 完成Divi評論



photography-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223094「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / photography-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/photography-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / photography-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>攝影是最受歡迎的WordPress攝影主題。這是ThemeForest市場中最暢銷的攝影主題。該主題的用戶平均評分為4.5,滿分5星。 </p>
<p>攝影主題具有一整套功能,可讓您創建一流的攝影網站,在這裡您可以專業地展示照片並通過銷售賺錢。 </p>
<p>它具有70多種預先設計的照片庫和作品集模板,9種縮略圖懸停效果,2個燈箱插件等。此外,它還提供了多種選項來保護畫廊的密碼,照片校樣,客戶檔案頁面和客戶保護。 </p>
<p>有24個預定義的演示,涵蓋了白色和深色皮膚。每個演示都可以一鍵導入,因此您可以立即啟動攝影網站。 </p>
<p><a href=立即開始攝影!

4. Novo攝影

novo-photography-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223102「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / novo-photography-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/novo-photography-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / novo-photography-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Novo Photography是一個很棒的WordPress主題,適用於攝影師,博客作者,代理商和照相館。它可以幫助您立即建立專業的攝影網站。它簡單易用-您可以配置主題設置並根據需要調整設計,而無需觸摸任何代碼或僱用開發人員。 </p>
<p>該主題具有強大的照片保護選項,包括密碼保護,右鍵單擊保護和水印。這些功能可幫助您保護照片以供專業使用,並保護您的作品免遭複製和盜竊。 </p>
<p>此外,由於它具有功能齊全的電子商務選項,因此您可以輕鬆地從網站上出售照片。要快速啟動新的攝影網站,您可以導入預定義的演示之一併對其進行自定義以滿足您的需求。 </p>
<p><a href=立即開始使用Novo Photography!

5. Photocrati

photocrati-theme-wordpress「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223107「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / photocrati-theme-wordpress.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/photocrati-theme-wordpress-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / photocrati-theme-wordpress-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Photocrati是WordPress的完全響應式強大攝影主題。該主題具有多種驚人的功能,可讓您在線展示照片。 </p>
<p>有60多種初始設計,內置畫廊,電子商務功能, <a href=SEO工具,社交媒體集成以及此主題中包含的無限自定義選項。您可以創建漂亮的照片庫,並通過電子商務選項,縮略圖自定義,燈箱效果,幻燈片放映等專業地對其進行管理。



6. Themify Ultra

超主題攝影「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223105「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / ultra-theme-photography.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ultra-theme-photography-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / ultra-theme-photography-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Themify Ultra是另一個強大且超靈活的WordPress主題。您可以創建各種各樣的網站,包括代理,攝影,婚禮,飯店,電子商務或健身網站。它還允許您創建 <a href=一頁WordPress網站

內置Themify Builder頁面構建器插件的主題,可讓您輕鬆而精美地設計網站。這是其中之一 最受歡迎的拖放頁面構建器 市場上有售。

Themify Ultra主題提供了10多種預先設計的主題演示和60多種設計布局,您只需單擊一下即可導入它們,並用於快速自定義。主題的攝影演示具有令人驚嘆的滑塊,磚石風格的項目和畫廊。這是時尚攝影網站的絕佳選擇。

閱讀我們的 完成Themify Ultra評論

立即開始使用Themify Ultra!

7. Neve攝影


Neve Photography是WordPress的絕佳攝影主題。它具有全形布局和自定義標題圖像。您可以在標題中添加文本,標語和號召性用語按鈕。它還包括導航菜單和自定義徽標。


Neve Photography主題與所有流行主題高度兼容 拖放頁面構建器。它具有充分的響應能力,並針對性能和速度進行了優化。

立即開始使用Neve Photography!


uncode-theme-photography-site「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223108「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/10 / uncode-theme-photography-site.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/uncode-theme-photography-site-300x175.jpg 300w,https: //www.isitwp.com/cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/uncode-theme-photography-site-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Uncode是最受歡迎的代碼之一 <a href=廉價高級主題 在ThemeForest市場中。該主題的銷售量超過41,000,平均獲得其用戶5星(滿分5星)的好評。您可以使用此主題創建任何類型的網站,包括攝影或照片博客網站。

該主題與著名的WordPress拖放式WPBakery Page Builder捆綁在一起,可通過其直觀的拖放選項來創建所需的任何類型的設計。另外,它還有其他高級插件,即 革命滑塊,LayerSlider和iLightbox插件,用於創建滑塊和燈箱圖庫。


閱讀我們的 完整的Uncode審查



photography-wiso-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223109「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / photography-wiso-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/photography-wiso-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / photography-wiso-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>攝影Wiso是攝影師的創意WordPress主題。它帶有34個現成的演示以及95個相冊和畫廊,您可以一鍵將其導入WordPress。然後,您可以自定義,用原始內容替換虛擬內容,然後在線發布網站。 </p>
<p>攝影Wiso具有先進的攝影站點功能,例如畫廊校樣,啟用下載,給圖像加水印,創建PDF文件等。此外,您可以輕鬆地創建客戶端頁面,事件,預訂日曆等。 </p>
<p>此外,您還可以通過創建商店頁面或直接從投資組合頁面來銷售產品。主題是性能優化和SEO友好。 </p>
<p><a href=立即開始使用攝影Wiso!

10. Impreza



它與流行的插件WPBakery Visual Page Builder,Slider Revolution和Visual Composer的Ultimate Addons進行了深度集成。藉助這些插件的功能,您可以使用此主題創建任何類型的網站,包括一個精美的攝影網站。


閱讀我們的 完成Impreza評論



framed-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223110「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / framed-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/framed-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / framed-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>裱框是專為專業攝影師設計的美麗WordPress主題。它帶有7個令人驚嘆的網站演示,可以一鍵導入和自定義。可用的演示是針對不同類型的攝影師製作的,例如時裝,美食, <a href=活動和會議,旅行和婚紗攝影。


該主題與WooCommerce插件具有深度集成,可讓您創建商店並出售照片。該主題還包含Flickr和 Instagram整合 這樣您就可以直接從Instagram或Flickr帳戶顯示照片。



photosy-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223111「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / photosy-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/photosy-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / photosy-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Photosy是WordPress的美麗攝影主題。它帶有19多個漂亮的模板,可以製作出精美的攝影網站。它為您的主題提供了一個簡單的拖放自定義界面,因此您無需編寫任何代碼即可進行設計和重新設計。 </p>
<p>藉助Photosy,您可以使用內置的滑塊,高級博客布局,作品集布局,頁眉和頁腳。您可以使用Google字體完全配置版式,並更改各種選項,例如顏色,大小,行高等。 </p>
<p>Photosy主題具有30多種自定義的內容元素和塊,您可以在網站上的任何位置使用它們。它們還可以幫助您快速設計理想的攝影網站。  </p>
<p><a href=立即開始使用Photosy!


kreativa-photography-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223112「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / kreativa-photography-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/kreativa-photography-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / kreativa-photography-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Kreativa是在Themeforest市場中可用的功能豐富且令人驚嘆的WordPress攝影模板。使用Kreativa主題,您將獲得高級功能,例如水平和垂直菜單,全屏幻燈片演示,圖像和圖片庫,喜歡Ajax的人等,從而可以創建專業的攝影網站。 </p>
<p>此外,主題還捆綁了其他功能,例如照片校樣,客戶管理,燈箱,圖庫縮略圖懸停效果等。要添加更多功能,它包括強大的插件,例如Revolution Slider,Yoast SEO, <a href=WPML,WooCommerce等。




solstice-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223113「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / solstice-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/solstice-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / solstice-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Solstice是一個簡單但美麗的WordPress主題,適合攝影師和博客作者。該主題的特點是整潔乾淨的首頁布局,帶有令人驚嘆的幻燈片演示,特色頁面,帶有側邊欄小部件的特色帖子以及頁腳社交圖標。   </p>
<p>該主題具有充分的響應能力和視網膜就緒性,使其在所有設備和屏幕上看起來都很棒。使用WordPress Customizer構建,您可以使用實時實時預覽來自定義網站上的每個元素。它使設計網站變得輕鬆快捷。 </p>
<p>此外,您可以使用自定義顏色,自定義Google字體,多個標題布局選項等,使您的網站與眾不同。要展示您的藝術品,您可以使用乾淨的網格布局,可過濾的作品集或帶有此主題的自定義布局。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完整的冬至評論



nova-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223114「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / nova-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/nova-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / nova-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Nova是高雅主題(Elegant Themes)提供的簡單易用的WordPress主題。該主題帶有一組標準功能,可讓您創建任何類型的網站,例如商業網站,作品集或攝影網站。 </p>
<p>它具有簡單而美觀的畫廊布局,可將您的項目展示在網格中。您可以顯示帶有側邊欄且無文本的小型,中型或大型尺寸的投資組合。您也可以使用密碼保護站點上的某些項目。 </p>
<p>Nova主題具有充分的響應能力,因此您的網站將在所有設備上完美顯示。為了幫助您輕鬆設計網站,它具有出色的「主題選項」面板,短代碼和頁面模板。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完成Nova審查


16. Moone

moone-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223115「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / moone-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/moone-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / moone-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>主題帶有3種不同的首頁變體,它們看起來絕對令人讚歎。如果您喜歡它們中的任何一個,則可以一鍵安裝它們,並根據自己的想像進行自定義。它具有不同類型的照片畫廊,包括磚石畫廊,網格畫廊,全屏網格和滑塊,功能區滑塊以及受密碼保護的畫廊。 </p>
<p>此外,Moone主題具有強大的標題構建器,可讓您發揮自己的創造力。它具有先進的排版和高速性能。 </p>
<p><a href=立即開始使用Moone!


themify-infinite-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223116「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/10 / themify-infinite-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/themify-infinite-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https: //www.isitwp.com/cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/themify-infinite-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>如果您喜歡無限滾動設計,那麼Themify Infinite是您的理想選擇。這是一個漂亮的,響應式WordPress主題,用於與全尺寸大照片共享故事。攝影師可以通過這個奇妙的主題分享他們驚人的照片故事。 </p>
<p>主題由Themify使用功能強大的頁面構建器構建,以確保無需編碼技能的用戶即可輕鬆進行自定義。您可以添加粘性標題,大型菜單,粘性側邊欄,自定義共享按鈕等,以使故事更美觀。 </p>
<p>該主題具有完整的WooCommerce支持,因此您可以在您的網站上創建商店並銷售產品。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完成Themify Infinite評論

立即開始使用Themify Infinite!


avada-theme-photography-site「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223117「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/10 / avada-theme-photography-site.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/avada-theme-photography-site-300x175.jpg 300w,https: //www.isitwp.com/cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/avada-theme-photography-site-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Avada是ThemeForest市場上有史以來最暢銷的WordPress主題。這是過去6年來最暢銷的主題,並且成功地將5顆星平均保持4.7顆星。 </p>
<p>閱讀此之間的比較 <a href=迪維vs阿瓦達

Avada是一種多用途主題,可用於任何類型的網站。使用功能強大的Fusion Builder構建,您可以精確地將元素拖放到位,並使用此主題創建精美的頁面。對於攝影主題,它提供了網格和砌體畫廊布局,圖像懸停效果以及更多自定義選項。


閱讀我們的 完成Avada評論



enfold-theme-photography-site「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223118「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/10 / enfold-theme-photography-site.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/enfold-theme-photography-site-300x175.jpg 300w,https: //www.isitwp.com/cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/enfold-theme-photography-site-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Enfold是另一個最暢銷的高級多功能主題。您可以使用此主題為不同的細分市場創建網站,包括商業,投資組合,攝影和自由職業者網站。它具有廣泛的功能和自定義選項,可讓您構建自己喜歡的任何類型的網站。 </p>
<p>Enfold主題經過了速度優化,因此載入速度更快,可以幫助您在受眾群體中留下良好的印象。這是一個完全自適應的主題,可讓您的網站內容在所有設備(包括手機,平板電腦和筆記本電腦)上看起來都很棒。 </p>
<p>為了創建專業攝影主題,它提供了構建令人驚嘆的幻燈片放映,作品集頁面和Ajax作品集的選項。它提供了多個攝影演示,因此您只需單擊一下即可安裝1,並快速為您的站點自定義。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完成收件審查



highend-theme-photography-site「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223119「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/10 / highend-theme-photography-site.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/highend-theme-photography-site-300x175.jpg 300w,https: //www.isitwp.com/cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/highend-theme-photography-site-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Highend是一個流行的多功能WordPress主題。這是Mojo市場上最暢銷的WordPress主題,擁有29,000名用戶和5星級評分。該主題適用於創建各種網站,包括博客,在線商店,登錄頁面,攝影或作品集。 </p>
<p>主題帶有超過16個專業設計的網站演示。您可以安裝任何演示,輕鬆地開始使用您的網站。定製的高端主題令人讚歎的拖放頁面構建器令人愉悅。 </p>
<p>該主題包括著名的用於WordPress的WPBakery Page Builder高級插件,Slider Revolution,Layer Slider 5和Essential Grid免費。這些插件為主題添加了出色的功能,進而幫助您創建專業的攝影網站。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完成高端審查



pinhole-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223120「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / pinhole-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/pinhole-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / pinhole-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Pinhole是專為創意攝影師設計的專業WordPress畫廊主題。它具有攝影師需要的大量不同的畫廊風格和選項。 </p>
<p>以「針孔」為主題,您可以精美展示自己的照片,並提供專業的攝影服務。您可以輕鬆設置受限制的客戶端登錄功能,圖像下載和照片校樣選項。 </p>
<p>Pinhole隨附8個時尚的攝影網站演示和30多個畫廊布局,可輕鬆設計您的攝影網站。 </p>
<p><a href=立即開始使用Pinhole!


shape-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223121「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / shape-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isi.tw/com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/shape-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / shape-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>如果您想通過使用圖像來展示您的最新作品和項目,Shape是您的理想選擇。這是一個美麗的攝影主題,可讓您創建網站並在互聯網上共享照片。 </p>
<p>Shape主題具有簡潔,簡約的設計,並具有平滑的過渡效果。它具有完整的功能包,例如可過濾的畫廊,Ajax聯繫人表單,具有拖放功能的Google地圖等,可幫助您創建功能全面的網站。 </p>
<p>此外,它具有自定義徽標和背景,社交共享選項,自定義小部件以及用於設計網站的短代碼。 </p>
<p><a href=立即開始使用Shape!

23. BeTheme

betheme-photography-site「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223122「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / betheme-photography-site.jpg 775w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/betheme-photography-site-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / betheme-photography-site-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>BeTheme是Themeforest市場中另一個最暢銷的WordPress主題。這是一個功能強大的多功能主題,可用於創建各種網站。 </p>
<p>BeTheme具有大量的預建網站,可輕鬆進行一鍵安裝。每個演示網站都經過精心設計,充滿愛與關懷,以提供輕鬆自如的專業外觀。要創建攝影站點,您可以導入攝影演示,輕鬆對其進行自定義並開始使用。 </p>
<p>主題輕巧,快速,因此即使有很多圖像,您的網站也可以更快地載入。 </p>
<p>閱讀我們的 <a href=完成BeTheme評論


24. Creativo

creativo-wordpress-theme「 width =」 775「 height =」 452「 class =」 alignnone size-full wp-image-223123「 srcset =」 https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 10 / creativo-wordpress-theme.jpg 775w,https://www.isi.tw/com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/creativo-wordpress-theme-300x175.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / creativo-wordpress-theme-768x448.jpg 768w「 size =」(最大寬度:775px)100vw,775px「></a></p>
<p>Creativo是面向創意人士的用戶友好但功能強大的多功能WordPress主題。您可以創建一個攝影網站以及用於博客撰寫的各種創意網站, <a href=婚禮和訂婚,生活方式,健身等使用此主題。

Creativo theme includes 3 premium WordPress plugins: WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress, Revolution Slider, and LayerSlider. With the power of these plugins, you can enjoy great features and functionalities using this theme.

The theme has 17 ready-to-use websites which can be imported with 1 click. Then, using the visual page builder, you can edit each section, drag and drop elements, and design your site.

Read our complete Creativo review

Get started with Creativo today!

25. Kallyas


Kallyas is a creative multipurpose theme. Built with the powerful Visual Builder, it offers endless design possibilities and a pleasurable designing experience. You can simply drag and drop elements, then edit them easily by clicking on them. There』re over 100 pre-built elements to suit any application or site.

With Kallyas, you』ll get over 60 stunning pre-made demos. You can install a demo with 1 click, change the content, and make your site publication-ready in a matter of minutes.

For a professional photography site, you can choose from a huge variety of sliders, multiple portfolio layouts, photo and video galleries, etc. Then, using powerful features, you can build a professional site.

Read our complete Kallyas review

Get started with Kallyas today!

26. Exposure


If you』re looking to build a website for exposure on the internet, Exposure theme is the perfect theme for you. It』s a wonderful, responsive photography theme that lets you present your site content with stunning photos.

The theme comes with 2 built-in sliders to allow you to create graceful slideshows. You can showcase your most gorgeous photos on the sliders and attract users』 attentions. To further customize your site』s look, it has easy options to change colors and fonts.

Most importantly, it has a visual drag and drop page builder that allows you to edit anything on your site with ease. For beginners, there』re a bunch of built-in page layouts which you can choose from and use with just a little modification.

Get started with Exposure today!

27. Brooklyn


Brooklyn is a multipurpose WordPress theme that』s great for photography sites, along with other types of sites. It comes with over 42 complete pre-built websites ready for 1-click installation and use. You can choose a photography demo and quick-start your website in no time.

Brooklyn theme has a powerful admin panel with which you can configure all the theme』s settings and customize your site. You don』t need to have any coding knowledge to use this theme.

The theme has advanced portfolio layouts and options including a carousel portfolio, filterable grid portfolio, column layout, portfolio items gap, the caption position, etc. Similarly, it has advanced header options, blog layouts, and options for professional sites.

Read our complete Brooklyn review

Get started with Brooklyn today!

28. Gleam


Gleam is a unique-styled WordPress theme suitable for creative photographers. It features flashy effects and smooth Ajax loading techniques to create a distinctive experience. The theme allows you to use custom full-page background images for each page of your site.

For making your portfolio photos look stunning, the theme allows a full-screen portfolio section. The gallery and blog sections are also presented in an equally beautiful way.

Gleam theme is fully responsive and retina-ready. Thus, your site will adapt well to any type of device or screen.

Get started with Gleam today!

29. Salient


Salient is a responsive multipurpose theme that empowers you to build a site like an expert. It comes with over 25 complete website demos and 250 professionally-designed section templates designed for making website building easy for beginners.

In addition, it has 525+ shortcodes and numerous configuration options. You can use 3500+ beautiful icons, unlimited colors, and over 800 Google fonts to customize the look of your site. Additionally, it has many header layouts for styling your website』s header section.

To help you create a photography site, it features masonry image galleries, infinite scroll for your blog and portfolio, a sortable portfolio, and 9 portfolio styles. The theme is SEO optimized and fast loading.

Get started with Salient today!

30. Camera


Camera is a wonderful photography WordPress theme for camera lovers or photographers. Whether you love taking photos just as a hobby or you do it professionally, you can build a cool website with the Camera theme and showcase your photos gracefully.

Camera theme features a minimal distraction-free design for displaying your photos. You can add featured images along with unique photo series in a full-width carousel for both landscape and portrait images. It』s a great theme for travel blogs, food blogs, lifestyle blogs, and photo series.

It』s fully responsive and mobile-ready. Thus, your site will look great on all types of devices and screens.

Get started with Camera today!

31. Zephyr


Zephyr is a clean and elegant WordPress theme for beauty lovers. You can create a beautiful photo blogging website using this theme.

The theme features 30+ stunning homepage layouts, 10+ header styles, multiple gallery options, etc. You can choose any design because each design has a professional look. For customizing the design, it has front-end customizer that allows you to change options with real-time live previews.

The theme lets you create galleries in a single column, 2 columns, 3 columns, or 4 columns. You can also add slideshows to share photos on your blog.

Read our complete Zephyr review

Get started with Zephyr today!

32. North


North is an aesthetically-designed WordPress theme for showing off your latest projects, photographs, and videos. Unlike other themes, it has just the most useful features with nothing unnecessary. You can, therefore, get straight to building a beautiful portfolio site without having to wander here and there.

With the North theme, you can easily add a beautiful carousel and tiled, square, or mosaic galleries to your site projects. Then, you can easily customize the projects and the entire site design with a live preview in the Customizer. You can change colors, logo, fonts, etc. simply to make smart styles.

It』s a 100 percent responsive theme that scales to all of your devices, including small-screen mobile devices, tablets, and desktops. Plus, it』s blazing fast and SEO optimized.

Get started with North today!

33. Wunderful


Wunderful is a clean, minimal WordPress theme with a wonderful appearance. It』s perfect for photographers who want to share their photographs along with blog stories. It has a grid and list-style front page layout for featuring your blog articles with featured images.

To present your photos in galleries, you can create a beautiful gallery with lightbox and justified gallery. It has a built-in easy and user-friendly theme options panel for designing your website in your favorite style.

It has unlimited accent colors, a logo and favicon uploader, Google fonts, sticky sidebar, widgets, etc. for customizing the design of your site. The theme is a great choice for a basic photo-blogging site.

Read our complete Wunderful review

Get started with Wunderful today!

34. Themify Elegant


Themify Elegant is a sophisticated WordPress theme created by Themify. It』s a multipurpose theme that you can use for building a blog, corporate site, portfolio, or photography site.

The theme is crafted with minimal design and great attention to typography to make your posts look great. It has portfolio options in the grid and masonry layout, image filter feature, and stylish gallery thumbnail effects to present your photos beautifully.

To allow you quick appearance changes, it has 6 alternative color skins to choose from. And, to change everything from the header to footer, it has simple Customize panel.

Get started with Themify Elegant today!

35. Eclipse


Eclipse is an elegant photography and blogging theme for WordPress. It features a fluid responsive layout that shows all your pages, images, and galleries perfectly on all screens, regardless of their screen resolution and size.

The Eclipse theme has included a gallery template and portfolio posts to present your photography and artwork in an interesting manner. It has a standard blog template where you can add images, and use featured images as well. It also lets you display your latest Instagram photos with the full-screen widget.

If you want to sell your photographs or any kind of products, you can easily create a shop page and start selling. The theme has deep integration with the most powerful eCommerce software: WooCommerce.

Get started with Eclipse today!

36. Narcos


Narcos is a creative multipurpose theme created by Tesla Themes. The theme is suitable for creating simple business websites, creative freelancing sites, portfolios, and photography sites. It has 6 stunning website demos to show you what its able of building.

For a photography site, it features multiple portfolio page options like a single portfolio, 2 column wide portfolio, or 3 column boxed portfolio. You can also showcase your videos beautifully using this theme.

The theme is speed-optimized, cross-browser compatible, social media ready, and localization ready. It』s a perfect theme to download and start building a photography site.
Get started with Narcos today!

37. Optimizer


Optimizer is a free and premium WordPress theme suitable for different types of sites. It』s a multipurpose theme with a huge bundle of features and customization options. You can create a corporate site, blog, portfolio, as well as a photography site using this theme.

Optimizer theme comes with dozens of pre-made templates to choose from. If you like a demo template, you can import it into your WordPress site with 1 click and get your site ready with little changes to the content.

Great for photography sites, it has advanced header customization options, 5 gallery styles, custom font uploads, drag and drop widgets, etc. With its extensive set of options, you can create a fully-functional photography site with Optimizer.

Read our complete Optimizer review

Get started with Optimizer today!

38. Noah Lite


Noah Lite is a free WordPress photography theme created by Pixelgrade. It has a charming design that highlights your unique personality and helps you build a brand of your own. The theme layout looks clean and simply stunning.

Using this theme, you can create a complete photography site with a featured photo on the homepage, and photo galleries in a grid layout. You can add photos in the galleries, set thumbnail images, and choose hover effects. You can also add social share buttons for your gallery images.

The theme is mobile-ready and responsive for all devices. No matter which device people use to see your site, your site content will look great.

Get started with Noah Lite today!

39. Themify Stack


Themify Stack is a stylish, responsive WordPress theme inspired by Windows 8 Metro design. It』s ideal for showcasing your portfolios (design and photography) and creating eCommerce or corporate sites.

The theme comes with the Tiles addon built into it. It allows you to create tiled masonry layouts where you can showcase your latest works. It also has a post filter for the portfolio section and different WordPress post formats in a masonry layout.

If you want to sell your photographs or any other products, you can easily sell them as it has full WooCommerce support.

Read our complete Themify Stack review

Get started with Themify Stack today!

40. Photograph


Photograph is a free responsive WordPress theme created for photographers and bloggers. You can easily create a photography or portfolio site using this theme. It features a full-width header image and stunning masonry image gallery in the homepage.

The theme is clean, so your photographs are sure to look great. Besides, it』s fully responsive, meaning your site and images will fit well on any screen and look great.

Other features of the theme are infinite colors, WooCommerce support, social media integration, SEO-friendly, etc.

Get started with Photograph today!

41. Infinite Photography


Infinite Photography is another free WordPress theme for photography websites available on WordPress.org. The theme provides options for photo blogging, photo sharing, and galleries.

The theme is so simple and easy-to-use that anyone can configure theme settings and customize its design. It has Live WordPress Customizer fully integrated into it, so you can easily and quickly change your site design with live previews.

The main features of the theme are responsive design, header and footer options, custom background and colors, beautiful featured section, social media integration, etc.

Get started with Acme Photography today!

42. Fotografie


Fotografie is a modern photography WordPress theme with a minimal design and high-quality features. It helps you create a simple and elegant photography site easily. It』s built with WordPress Live Customizer and allows you to design your site with live previews, making the work simple and quick.

The theme includes a featured content section and hero content to highlight your recent and popular posts. Then, to showcase your professional skills and photographs, it has a beautiful portfolio layout in a grid style.

Fotographie theme was created using the standard code and features a fully responsive design. So, your site will look great on all types of devices and screens.

Get started with Fotografie today!

43. Photopress


Photopress is a simple and beautiful WordPress theme for photographers, designers, and creative freelancers. The theme lets you create a gorgeous portfolio website to showcase your works in a great way.

The theme features robust code and performance as it』s built with the industry-standard codes. It』s so easy-to-use and customize that anyone can build a complete photography site using this theme.

The theme features custom fonts, colors, and logos to allow you to use your own design. Besides, you can make your site footer attractive by adding your Instagram photos, custom copyright information, address, and social media icons.

Get started with photopress today!

44. Photo Perfect


Photo Perfect is a free responsive WordPress theme that』s perfect for photographers, photo bloggers, and creative professionals. The theme features a large header image along with a masonry portfolio section to showcase your photos.

The theme also allows you to customize the header and give your site a new look. You can also change the design with custom widgets, custom colors, custom menus, etc.

Photo Perfect theme is a fully responsive theme that adapts well to any screen or device. It』s built with the WordPress Live Customizer, making it easy to customize the theme.

Get started with Photo Perfect today!

45. Free Photography Theme by CyberChimps

photo studio by cyberchimps

CyberChimps free photography theme comes with essential features for photographers』 and photo studios needs. Their featured includes image gallery, masonry portfolio, 1-click import, and more.

With the free version of this theme, you』ll get pre-designed 6 section homepage, prebuilt about and contact pages, Google Fonts support, custom post and page layouts and more.

The full version also supports online store, homepage slider and animations, 10 section homepage, and priority support to help you solve any issues you may have.

We hope this article helped you find the best photography themes for WordPress. The themes listed in this article were carefully handpicked after a thorough review of features and functionalities. So, you can pick any theme listed and get started with your photography site.

You may also want to check out our handpicked lists of the best eCommerce platforms for multivendor marketplaces 27 best WordPress plugins that you absolutely must have!Are you looking for the best photography themes for WordPress? If you』re a passionate photographer looking for the right platform to showcase your photos, creating a photography site in WordPress is the best option available. Using a WordPress photography theme, you can easily create a professional photography site and share your photos in a meaningful way.
