

#js-mykinsta-video {










  • 各種不同畫廊格式的集合,例如瓷磚,馬賽克和磚石結構。
  • 燈箱檢視,方便使用者在您的圖庫中查看大圖。
  • 通過社交媒體和其他選項(如電子郵件)共享圖像。
  • 用於在照片背後創建社區和對話的圖像注釋。
  • 支持視頻和照片,以及用於鏈接到YouTube和Vimeo視頻的工具。
  • 鏈接選項,以便您可以將人們帶到您的投資組合或博客文章的描述中,並提供更多信息。
  • 打開圖形訪問即可與第三方工具集成,並自定義圖庫的外觀。
  • 為那些不希望未經許可使用其照片的人提供圖像保護。
  • 電子商務支持可通過WordPress網站出售您的照片。
  • 一個數字下載管理系統,用於編譯圖像並將其分類。
  • 當用戶在您的照片上滾動時,動畫和其他效果會引起注意。
  • 拖放構建器,無需複雜的編碼或設置即可快速構建照片或視頻庫。
  • 適合移動設備瀏覽的畫廊,以便用戶可以通過平板電腦和手機查看您的照片。
  • 延遲載入的圖像優化。如果您計劃在您的網站上擁有很多照片,這是必不可少的。它必將提高您的網站速度,並使搜索引擎滿意。
  • 庫模板,無需從頭開始創建庫。
  • 定製工具,以便您可以將品牌,字體,顏色和其他元素與當前網站的外觀進行匹配。





Modula是Macho Themes一個非常用戶友好的WordPress畫廊插件,可幫助您快速創建有趣的照片和視頻畫廊。藉助Modula的一系列靈活的自定義選項,您可以根據自己的喜好輕鬆調整圖庫。

Modula WordPress插件

Modula WordPress插件






官方WordPress插件存儲庫提供了Modula的免費版本,甚至包括其自定義網格功能。雖然您可以使用諸如邊距,陰影,邊界半徑等設置來改變畫廊的外觀,但這裡還是Modula Lite創建的畫廊風格的一個好主意。


Modula WordPress照片庫插件



  • 它使您能夠設計自定義網格。網格的所有部分都是可自定義的,具有在圖庫容器中自由調整圖像大小的選項。
  • 輕鬆創建包含不同燈箱樣式的燈箱圖庫。
  • 您可以添加圖像輸入動畫(例如滑動和旋轉)。還有40多種內置的懸停效果可以吸引人們的注意力,並使您的畫廊更具吸引力。
  • 該插件提供了用於通過CSS進一步自定義畫廊的高級工具。這不是針對初學者的,但更高級的用戶希望他們可以使用自定義代碼。
  • 一種高級擴展允許您將視頻添加到您的畫廊,所有這些都帶有指向視頻的簡單鏈接。
  • 該插件提供了社交媒體按鈕,以便您的訪客與他人共享您的攝影作品。
  • 您可以從多種網格格式中進行選擇,例如磚石,燈箱畫廊和常規正方形網格。
  • 所有畫廊都準備在移動設備上工作。
  • 將GIF添加到您的圖庫中,以便整個網格充滿運動圖像。
  • 生成相冊以更好地組織您的畫廊和照片。
  • 所有定製都是通過拖放界面完成的。
  • 該插件隨附一個「幫助網格」,可讓您了解將圖像放置在何處並顯示在發布之前畫廊的外觀。
  • 向您的圖庫添加過濾器,以便用戶可以瀏覽您的圖像並找出他們最喜歡的圖像。這對於投資組合畫廊尤其重要。
  • 該插件的高級版具有保護擴展功能,因此網站訪問者無法右鍵單擊並下載您的照片。
  • 可以使用水印擴展名來進一步保護您的攝影。
  • 擴展速度非常方便,可以優化添加到圖庫中的每個圖像。
  • 使用簡碼將您的畫廊插入您網站上的任何位置。例如,您可能考慮在博客帖子或頁腳模塊中的任何位置放置畫廊簡碼。



  • 價格:單站點許可證的免費+付費計划起價為39美元。
  • 評論:4.7 / 5星(WordPress.org)
  • 活動安裝:70,000+
  • PHP版本:5.6或更高

2. NextGEN畫廊

從數字上看,NextGEN Gallery是WordPress.org上最受歡迎的WordPress照片庫插件之一。每年,它繼續獲得超過150萬的新下載量,並且獲得了好評。它是由對攝影行業了解甚多的攝影專家Imagely開發的。

NextGEN Gallery WordPress插件

NextGEN Gallery WordPress插件

免費版本的NextGEN Gallery提供了兩種主要的畫廊樣式(幻燈片和縮略圖畫廊)和兩種專輯樣式(緊湊和擴展),所有這些樣式都具有用於控制大小,樣式,時間,過渡,控制項,燈箱的多種選項。效果等等。然後,您可以使用各種高級捆綁包對其進行擴展。


  • 電子商務功能來出售圖片。
  • 圖像保護(熱鏈接保護,水印等)。
  • 燈箱圖庫的圖片深層鏈接。

NextGEN Gallery創建的典型畫廊看起來像……

NextGEN Gallery的魅力之一就是它提供了許多不同類型的畫廊,因此沒有一個典型的畫廊。


WordPress圖片庫插件:NextGEN Gallery


使用NextGEN Gallery的理由

  • 您可以創建不同畫廊的相冊,如果需要顯示大量圖片,這將很有幫助。
  • 您可以創建幻燈片畫廊,以及許多其他畫廊類型,具體取決於您使用的版本。
  • 高級版本提供高級功能,例如水印,深圖像鏈接等。
  • NextGEN Pro包含電子商務功能,如果您要出售攝影,該功能將非常有用。
  • 您可以從免費版本的緊湊和擴展畫廊中進行選擇。因此,基本上可以在較長的照片列表或統一的布局之間進行選擇。
  • 您會獲得常規的日常畫廊的獨特選擇。其中一些選項包括縮略圖畫廊,列表相冊和博客樣式畫廊。
  • 可以通過社交媒體按鈕和其他選項(例如通過電子郵件發送)進行圖像共享。
  • 您的網站訪問者可以來到您的畫廊並對圖像進行評論。這不是必需的,因此您可以打開或關閉該功能。
  • 進行照片銷售時會自動產生營業稅。
  • 一些支付網關包括Stripe和PayPal。
  • 如果出售圖庫照片,則可以使用將優惠券發送給客戶的工具。
  • 如果您想與信譽卓著的印表機合作,則可以執行列印實驗室服務。通常這是大多數攝影師的工作方式,因為列印自己的照片既費時又費錢。
  • 高級版隨附Lightroom插件,用於快速編輯和發布過程。

選擇NextGEN Gallery之前需要考慮的事項

免費版本曾經是非常基本的,但是他們一直在積極地增加很多功能。例如,基本幻燈片顯示可以顯示箭頭並更改過渡時間。話雖如此,NextGEN是一個專業級的圖片庫。我們推薦給任何負擔得起的人。請先試用免費版本,然後再升級,如果您想保護圖像並提供其他畫廊布局。請記住,NextGEN Pro是最昂貴的WordPress照片庫插件之一。

  • 價格:免費。最便宜的高級捆綁包是NextGEN Plus,價格為79美元。
  • 評論:4.3星,最高為5星(WordPress.org)。
  • 有效安裝:800,000+。
  • PHP版本:5.4或更高版本。

3. Envira畫廊

Envira Gallery於2018年初被Nathan Singh收購,是另一個受歡迎的免費增值畫廊插件。有一個免費版本。一些品牌可能會發現核心插件是製作漂亮畫廊所需的全部。但是,許多最酷的功能是保留給高級插件庫的。

Envira Photo Gallery WordPress插件

Envira Photo Gallery WordPress插件

與Modula一樣,Envira Gallery的吸引力之一是該界面旨在使它儘可能容易地快速啟動並使用WordPress中的美觀畫廊運行。


  • 社交分享。
  • 視頻支持。
  • 專輯。
  • 加水印。
  • 圖片深層鏈接。
  • WooCommerce支持。
  • 更多。

由Envira Gallery創建的典型畫廊看起來像……

儘管Envira Gallery可讓您創建多種類型的畫廊,但無需更改任何設置即可得到以下結果:

WordPress圖片庫插件:Envira Gallery


使用Envira Gallery的理由

  • 該界面經過精心設計,您可以藉助拖放生成器來創建自己的畫廊。無需弄亂任何代碼。您將圖像放到適當位置,然後單擊「發布」按鈕。
  • 專業版可讓您使用大量功能(儘管價格昂貴)。
  • 您可以使用Pro版本在圖庫中使用視頻。
  • 提供了一些有用的插件,並支持WooCommerce,Proofing,Lightroom等。
  • 社交媒體共享按鈕是標準配置。
  • 您可以鏈接到社交媒體頁面,並在畫廊中顯示這些頁面中的照片。
  • 免費版提供了很多模板,從而節省了建立一個全新畫廊的時間。
  • 為您的畫廊分配標籤和類別,以便更好地組織。
  • 可以通過深層鏈接向用戶發送有關您的照片的更多信息。
  • Envira畫廊中創建的所有畫廊都可以在移動設備上正常運行。畫廊和照片會根據屏幕的大小固定到位。
  • 您可以與WooCommerce集成,開始銷售照片,並通過諸如Stripe之類的網關收取款項。
  • Envira Gallery的獨特之處在於它包括古騰堡(Gutenberg)街區,可將您的畫廊放到網站上的任何位置。沒有很多競爭對手擁有古騰堡街區。
  • 當您想完全阻止用戶拍攝照片並在其他地方使用它們時,水印和密碼保護工具會派上用場。
  • 您可以從Instagram和Pinterest等位置自動導入圖像。
  • 如果您有使用自定義編碼的經驗,則可以完全自定義CSS樣式。

選擇Envira Gallery之前需要考慮的事項

有些人喜歡Envira,而另一些人則建議不要考慮它。它是那些WordPress照片庫插件之一,您實際上必須對其進行測試才能發現它是否適合您。如果價格是您主要關心的問題,我建議立即跳過Envira Gallery。

總體而言,如果您有錢,Envira Gallery的功能將牢不可破。但是,想要免費畫廊的用戶應該去別處。

  • 價格:免費。基本高級版本的單站點許可證起價為29美元,而全功能專業版的價格為69美元。
  • 評論:4.8 / 5星(WordPress.org)
  • 活動安裝:100,000+
  • PHP版本:5.3或更高版本

4. Gmedia圖片庫




Gmedia Photo Gallery WordPress插件

Gmedia Photo Gallery WordPress插件

Gmedia Photo Gallery插件會突出顯示一系列不錯的演示,供您在安裝插件或付費購買高級版本之前測試一下畫廊的外觀。所有的演示名稱都有一些奇怪或難以描述的名稱,但旅遊博客,滑塊,電子商務產品等還有很多選擇。



與大多數畫廊測試一樣,我們安裝了Gmedia Photo Gallery插件,並嘗試在幾分鐘內添加畫廊。無需調整任何設置即可在測試網站上發布圖片,但是絕對不像其他競爭產品那麼簡單。





使用Gmedia Photo Gallery的理由

  • Gmedia Photo Gallery插件提供了四個Gutenberg塊,可以將畫廊快速添加到帖子或頁面中。其他一些塊非常適合諸如相冊和標籤之類的東西。
  • 開發頁面上顯示了大量演示,可讓您的創意源源不斷。您可以模仿提供給您的一些演示,或從插件的後端選擇模板。
  • 每個博客文章的底部都有一個選項,可以自動創建一個相關的文章庫。這樣就無需為相關帖子獲取另一個第三方插件。
  • 窗口小部件可用於畫廊,從而減少了將畫廊添加到頁腳或側邊欄所需的時間。
  • 激活用戶評論以查看人們對您的照片的看法並收集有關您的投資組合的反饋。
  • 該插件與默認的WordPress搜索欄直接集成。
  • 您可以在畫廊中播放音樂和視頻。
  • 共享通過社交媒體按鈕和電子郵件共享工具完成。
  • 全頁圖庫模板對於使用高解析度照片的用戶很方便。我們最喜歡從一開始就通過讚美他人來賺錢的攝影師。
  • 您可以使用拖放功能來調整照片在畫廊中的組織方式。
  • 地理定位可以為所有圖像添加位置標籤。
  • 如果您想跳過古騰堡街區,可以使用圖庫短代碼。
  • 該插件將圖像編輯工具添加到WordPress網站的後端。

選擇Gmedia Photo Gallery之前應考慮的事項




  • 價格:核心Gmedia Photo Gallery插件可免費在任意數量的網站上使用。這些高級功能的售價為29.99美元,可在一個站點上放置一個畫廊。如果您需要多個許可證,則每個許可證的定價會好得多。
  • 評論:4.5星,最高為5星(WordPress.org)。
  • 活動安裝:10,000+。
  • PHP版本:未列出。

5. 10Web的照片庫

當涉及到WordPress畫廊插件的下載數量時,PhotoWeb by 10Web畫廊插件排名最高。它提供免費和高級的插件,核心插件中提供了基本的網格格式。管理界面的設計易於理解,可立即在您的網站上獲取照片。


10Web WordPress插件的照片庫

10Web WordPress插件的照片庫

通過該插件,您可以創建無限的畫廊以及可以容納這些畫廊的無限相冊。10Web Photo Gallery的一個特別不錯的功能是,您還可以從嵌入式視頻創建畫廊,包括混合和匹配畫廊的選項。包含圖片和視頻


  • 圖像水印和右鍵單擊保護。
  • 社交分享按鈕。
  • 顯示Facebook相冊的選項。
  • 許多不同的庫模板選項。
  • 電子商務插件,可從您的網站上出售數字內容。


雖然該插件的高級版增加了更多創意畫廊類型,但以下是一個典型的畫廊示例,您可以使用10Web的免費版本的Photo Gallery創建該畫廊。這很基本,但是可以解決問題。

免費版中沒有太多定製工具可用於開發真正脫穎而出的畫廊。幸運的是,大多數畫廊不需要花太多錢就能升級到高級版本,包括10Web的Photo Gallery。




  • 您可以使用高級版本在您的畫廊中同時包含圖像和視頻。
  • 創建大量不同類型的畫廊,包括磚石,幻燈片,幻燈片等等(儘管大多數需要高級版本)。
  • 獲取用於顯示Facebook相冊和銷售數字內容等高級功能的插件。
  • 如果您擔心圖像被盜,該插件包括水印和右鍵單擊保護。
  • Gallery插件提供了用於擴大您的SEO效果的欄位。例如,它可以讓您插入相關的標籤和元數據,而這一切都可以從WordPress儀錶板的便利中進行。
  • 有一個博客風格的選項,可以以人們在閱讀博客時慣用的格式來展示您的圖片。
  • 燈箱功能在移動設備上看起來很棒,它提供15種幻燈片效果,可引起人們的注意並幫助訪問者毫無問題地滾動瀏覽您的照片。
  • 激活社交共享,以確保用戶將您的照片在線發送給他們的朋友。
  • 圖片評論有可能在您的圖片周圍引發對話,並推動社區支持您的工作。
  • 燈箱自動播放功能消除了人們在觀看幻燈片時單擊任何按鈕的需要。
  • 畫廊同時支持視頻和音頻,這意味著音樂家和其他以音頻為中心的企業可以以有組織的方式展示他們的作品。
  • 您可以從YouTube,Instagram,Flickr和Vimeo等地方提取媒體。
  • 插件附帶了一些小部件,可將圖庫快速插入側邊欄和頁腳等區域。
  • 該插件提供了預載入的主題以開始設計過程。但是,您可以自定義大多數元素,例如顏色和照片尺寸,以匹配您網站的品牌。
  • 可以免費出售或免費贈送一些插件來獲得成果,或免費獲得Facebook相冊,出售數字圖像等等。


像NextGEN Gallery一樣,許多外觀最好的Gallery模板僅在高級版本中可用。但是,一旦您解鎖了這些高級功能,PhotoWeb by 10Web插件即會將畫廊遊戲帶入一個新的高度。

  • 價格:免費。高級版的單站點許可證起價為30美元。附加許可證的價格上漲。您也可以註冊一個插件包,以從10Web開發人員那裡獲取每個插件。
  • 評論:4.6星,最高為5星(WordPress.org)
  • 有效安裝:300,000+
  • PHP版本:未列出









Jetpack WordPress插件

Jetpack WordPress插件









  • Jetpack插件的圖庫部分是完全免費的,並且一路沒有加價。
  • Jetpack畫廊增強了WordPress上當前的畫廊系統。它們非常適合添加簡單而乾淨的畫廊,而無需進行過多編輯。
  • Jetpack平鋪畫廊功能預包裝了幾種格式。其中之一是沒有任何裁剪的標準瓷磚,而另一種則是經過裁剪的完美正方形。另一個選項將圖片剪裁一些,使其成圓圈。
  • 如果您不想,則不必使用Jetpack的畫廊。例如,您可能會發現您喜歡Jetpack的某些部分,但寧願使用其他插件來拍攝照片。
  • 在Jetpack中運行圖庫之前,必須先打開Image CDN工具。這樣可以確保圖像快速載入,並且不會對網站性能造成影響。
  • 提供了一個平鋪的圖庫塊,用於將快速圖庫拖放到頁面或帖子中。
  • 您可以對每個圖庫進行簡單的更改,例如添加新名稱,激活隨機順序以及使用更多列。
  • 在圖庫中包含所有圖像的標題,或完全刪除標題以使外觀更清晰。
  • 對於希望更好地控制前端Jetpack畫廊外觀的開發人員,它具有高級編碼功能。例如,您可以決定添加一些自定義代碼來定義畫廊的特定寬度。


如果僅出於其圖庫功能安裝Jetpack,則可能會對它感到失望。 Jetpack並非設計為圖庫插件,而是WordPress的基本工具集合。話雖如此,圖庫工具實際上非常可靠,因此請給它一個機會。

請記住,Jetpack畫廊的靈活性不如本文介紹的其他WordPress照片畫廊插件那麼靈活。另外,安裝Jetpack之後,畫廊不會立即激活。您必須轉到設置並打開「表演」區域中的畫廊。還必須激活Image CDN,以使畫廊正常工作。



  • 價格:免費(Jetpack中的某些功能需要付費,但這取決於您決定是否想要。畫廊是完全免費的)。
  • 評論:3.9星,最高為5星(WordPress.org)
  • 活動安裝:5+百萬
  • PHP版本:5.6或更高

7. FooGallery



FooGallery WordPress插件

FooGallery WordPress插件

默認情況下,您創建的所有畫廊都支持視網膜。免費版還內置了專輯支持,因此您可以輕鬆地將多個不同的畫廊分組在一起。 Quite a few gallery templates are built into the plugin to speed up the creation process. From our testing, it』s truly one of the easiest ways to get beautiful galleries on your website. In addition, a Gutenberg block is provided, eliminating the need to use the shortcodes or custom coding.

Other helpful features that you can get in the free version and/or premium extension include:

  • Support for videos in galleries.
  • More gallery templates.
  • Image hover effects.
  • Infinite scroll.
  • Lazy loading to optimize image performance.
  • Image loading effects.
  • Simple dot pagination.

A Typical Gallery Created by FooGallery Looks Like…

While FooGallery includes multiple gallery templates across its free and pro versions, here』s an example of what the basic responsive image gallery template looks like. The free settings are still powerful, with tools for changing the width of the images, how they are cropped, and if you』d like to have a lightbox or not.


FooGallery example

Reasons to Use FooGallery

  • You can create both image and video galleries with the premium extension.
  • FooGallery includes tons of helpful developer features, including a built-in tool to help you generate boilerplate extensions.
  • You get a nice variety of gallery templates even in the free version.
  • The FooGallery developers have done an excellent job of keeping up with the Gutenberg changes in WordPress. A drag and drop module is provided for you to quickly include a gallery in any post or page.
  • You receive a nice combination of standard and unique gallery templates, with options like justified, single thumbnail, and masonry galleries.
  • Lazy loading comes standard, making it so that your images don』t load on your website until they』re in view on the screen. This helps with speeding up your website.
  • A gallery widget is provided if you』d like to drop a gallery in a footer, sidebar, or anywhere else widgets are allowed.
  • Use the live previews in the admin area to simulate the look and feel of your galleries prior to publishing.
  • Although the Gutenberg block is accessible for your galleries, shortcodes are still included if that』s the way you like to insert elements onto your WordPress site.
  • You can drag and drop all of the uploaded images on the backend. This is great for reordering your WordPress Media library.
  • Quite a few premium templates are available for layouts like the Polaroid Pro gallery and the slider.
  • The gallery filtering is possible to help with larger collections of photos. We particularly enjoy this for those who want to make portfolio searching easier.
  • The plugin has hover effects and other animations that are useful for getting the attention of your users and simply incorporating some visual movements to the mix.
  • The infinite scroll features combine with lazy loading to ensure that not all images load at the same time. Infinite scroll is also essential for revealing unlimited photos on one page.
  • You can bulk copy the effects from one gallery and use them elsewhere. Some may consider this for website networks or for copying and pasting the same gallery settings from post to post.

Things to Consider Before Choosing FooGallery

You need to pay if you want access to the most advanced layouts for things like videos and sliders. On the other hand, the free version has an incredible number of customization features for simple galleries. Make sure to test out the free version prior to upgrading to the premium plugin.

  • Price: Free. The Pro version starts at $59/year for a single-site license.
  • Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org)
  • Active installations: 200,000+
  • PHP version: Not listed

8. Photo Gallery by Supsystic

Like most of the other WordPress photo gallery plugins on this list, Photo Gallery by Supsystic is another freemium plugin that offers a solid free version with additional features tucked away behind the Pro version. The premium version starts at $39 per year and goes up to $149 per year for support on an unlimited number of sites.

With Photo Gallery by Supsystic, you can create unlimited photo galleries using several different templates. Then, you can customize those galleries by editing margins, shadows, borders, and more. Some of the gallery types include videos, Polaroid, carousel, and masonry.

After testing on the free version I noticed that the average business could manage to make a beautiful gallery with customizations, all without having to upgrade. However, many companies will pull the trigger for certain layouts and alignments.

Photo Gallery by Supsystic WordPress plugin

Photo Gallery by Supsystic WordPress plugin

If you need to bulk import images or import images from social networks, Photo Gallery by Supsystic has a couple of cool features that let you:

  • Add images to your gallery via FTP.
  • Import images from Facebook, Instagram, and more.

And if you have the Pro version, you』ll also be able to display videos in your galleries, including the ability to import videos straight from YouTube.

A Typical Gallery Created by Photo Gallery by Supsystic Looks Like…

Like many of the others, Photo Gallery by Supsystic includes several different templates. Even the free plugin has a handful of creative templates to choose from. Here』s what the free mosaic gallery type looks like. I didn』t touch any of the settings so I could give you an idea of what the galleries produce by default.

Photo Gallery by Supsystic

Photo Gallery by Supsystic

Reasons to Use Photo Gallery by Supsystic

  • You can add images to your gallery via FTP, which is helpful if you』re working with lots of different images.
  • You can import images from social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • The Pro version includes pagination and image categories (gallery filters).
  • You can add watermarks to your galleries (even in the free version).
  • Dozens of gallery types make this plugin stand out from the competition. For instance, you can find unusual galleries with social sharing buttons, personal captions, and mosaic designs.
  • The galleries have interesting styles to customize in both versions. Some of these style changes include settings for shadows, borders, and icons.
  • The galleries are SEO-friendly.
  • All photo collections made with Photo Gallery by Supsystic are ready for viewing on mobile devices.
  • A few elements are included for fast loading, such as the Load More button, pagination, and lazy loading of all images.
  • Image compression is done whenever you upload new images. Combine this with built-in optimization and you don』t have to think much about whether or not your image files are too large.
  • The plugin comes with CDN (content delivery network) options.
  • You』re able to translate the plugin into dozens of other languages, including Japanese, Italian, and Turkish.
  • Captions and image filters come standard with the Photo Gallery by Supsystic plugin, allowing for effects like faded gallery images and titles for those images.
  • You』re able to incorporate animations when people scroll over your photos.
  • Manage your photos by making albums and tags. We like this most for large collections of photos, especially if you plan on searching for, or filtering, those images.
  • You have full control over the visuals such as buttons and captions. Change around items like colors and fonts with a few simple clicks.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Photo Gallery by Supsystic

The gallery creation interface is a little busy and complicated, though it』s not a major negative.

We believe that Photo Gallery by Supsystic has a solid niche for those looking to create fun galleries. The Polaroid template is a great example since it basically puts all of your images in staggered Polaroid prints.

Other than that, it』s clear that some companies will have no problem working with the free version of Photo Gallery by Supsystic. However, the real customizations come into play when you start paying for a license.

  • Price: Free. Pro version starts at $39 for a single-site license.
  • Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org).
  • Active installations: 70,000+
  • PHP version: Not listed.

9. Justified Image Grid

Justified Image Grid is one of the few WordPress photo gallery plugins on this list that isn』t available for free at WordPress.org. But, it is a best-selling WordPress photo gallery plugin at CodeCanyon with over 20,900 sales. So, that』s a good sign!

Although you can』t test out the plugin on CodeCanyon, a demo is provided for you to at least see how the galleries appear on the frontend of a website. We also encourage you to scan through reviews, comments, and screenshots.

Justified Image Grid WordPress plugin

Justified Image Grid WordPress plugin

Beyond the beautiful horizontal image grid that preserves the original aspect ratio of your images, one of the coolest things about Justified Image Grid is that it lets you import content from a ton of different external services like:

  • Facebook.
  • Flickr.
  • YouTube.
  • Vimeo.
  • RSS.

And you can even import recent posts or WooCommerce products as items in your gallery.

Even though a Gutenberg block isn』t provided with the Justified Image Grid plugin, the developers have made strides to ensure that all galleries still work with the drag and drop builder. In addition, the plugin features a WPBakery integration with live previewing included.

A Typical Gallery Created by Justified Image Grid Looks Like…

One of the selling points of Justified Image Grid is that its horizontal image grid preserves the original aspect ratio of all of your images. You can see this in the example below.

This is particularly useful because there』s nothing more frustrating than configuring a gallery plugin only to find out that some, or most of your images, are either cropped the wrong way or not cropped at all.

Justified Image Grid

Justified Image Grid example

Reasons to Use Justified Image Grid

  • The image grid preserves the aspect ratio of your images, rather than cropping them without your permission. Sometimes the images are cropped, but that』s only if you specify that you want that in the settings. Overall, this is a great plugin to maintain the quality of your photos.
  • The plugin features a link to many content sources. This means you can connect the gallery to places like your blog or WooCommerce so that the photos are automatically updated. Some of the other sources include Facebook, Flickr, NextGEN, and RSS.
  • Video support involves you pasting in the link of the video from places like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • The entire plugin is mobile-friendly and retina-ready for all of those visitors on their tablets and phones.
  • The lightboxes have social sharing buttons attached to them.
  • Some of the special effects are entirely unique to the Justified Image Grid plugin. All you have to do is choose an effect for one image or the entire gallery.
  • The plugin works well with Gutenberg, even though it doesn』t provide a block for immediately placing a gallery into a page.
  • There』s a WPBakery integration if you』re interested in utilizing a drag and drop builder.
  • Custom photo behavior is adjusted by using some settings for custom links, filtering, and infinite scrolling.
  • The visual aspects are easy to customize, with options for special effects like blurring, glow, and sepia.
  • The plugin has tools for changing aspect ratios and redefining the shapes of all images in your galleries.
  • The shortcode editor ensures that you always have a way to place a gallery somewhere on your website.
  • The lightboxes are actually compatible with other plugins (including some on this list,) like Foobox, NextGEN, and Jetpack.
  • The plugin provides support for translations with the help of the WPML plugin.
  • You have the option to upload animated GIFs and transparent PNGs to your galleries.
  • The CDN compatibility speeds up your site and cuts down on the need to incorporate yet another performance plugin.
  • Include links to downloads or blog posts from your gallery photos.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Justified Image Grid

There』s no free version for Justified Image Grid, but this premium solution provides great customer support and an onslaught of incredible features.  Not to mention, it sells for a low, one-time cost.

If you like how some of the other WordPress photo gallery plugins do crop images, you』ll want to stick with them instead of Justified Image Grid. However, we know that plenty of people enjoy the lack of cropping from Justified Image Grid, especially since it doesn』t seem to diminish the image views or make things look silly.

  • Price: $27 for the entire plugin. There』s not a free version of this plugin. A fee is also required to extend the length of your customer support.
  • Reviews: 4.79 out of 5 stars (CodeCanyon.net)
  • Active installations: 20,000+
  • PHP version: Not listed

10. Everest Gallery Lite

Everest Gallery Lite is one of the newer WordPress photo gallery plugins on the market. However, it』s developed by the team over at AccessPress Themes who have a long history of creating high-quality themes. The plugin offers multiple templates including a grid layout and a masonry layout.

Everest Gallery Lite WordPress plugin

Everest Gallery Lite WordPress plugin

The free version of the plugin actually includes quite a bit in it. The plugin features 30+ seamless gallery layouts and allows you to configure the columns to adjust to the screen size. It has hover animations, lightbox options, and the ability to preview everything before publishing. You can also extend the plugin with its premium version.

A Typical Gallery Created by Everest Gallery Lite Looks Like…

One of the selling points of Everest Gallery Lite is that all of its layouts have a very modern feel to them. The best configurations are only offered in the premium version, but it』s still pretty solid when utilizing the Lite plugin.

The below example is a view into what the gallery looks like after I installed the Lite plugin and uploaded a few images, all without touching a single setting.

Everest Gallery Lite grid layout

Everest Gallery Lite grid layout

Reasons to Use Everest Gallery Lite

  • The plugin is great if you want a modern feel for all of your gallery layouts, along with responsive support.
  • It allows you to take advantage of their drag and drop system.
  • You have control over every customization aspect, from the size of images to how they react with effects when a user scrolls over an image. This is essential for developers who crave full control.
  • There are four layouts in the free version and over 30 of them in the premium plugin to get your design juices flowing.
  • You receive some excellent predesigned hover animations that are bound to grab attention when people scroll over the images.
  • A handful of unique gallery formats allow you to stand out from the competition. For instance, the filmstrip design looks wonderful and the blog gallery links directly to your featured images.
  • The plugin supports images and videos from a wide range of sources like Instagram and YouTube.
  • The image filters are predesigned and ready to be customized to match the branding on your website.
  • Pagination and Load More buttons are provided with multiple colors, effects, and fonts.
  • The lightbox provides various options showing larger versions of your images.
  • You can insert your own custom CSS if you have that experience.
  • The backend is easy to use once you figure out all of the controls.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Everest Gallery Lite

Everest Gallery Lite is one of the newer WordPress photo gallery plugins on the market, but it also stands as one of the more advanced tools. It includes tools that are adjusting just about every detail of your gallery, making it ideal for developers.

This may sound like a good thing for everyone, but the configuration gets confusing if you』re not interested in an endless number of settings. If you』d rather just upload your photos and have a standard grid layout, think about one of the other plugins on this list.

Finally, the Premium version is sold through Envato Market, which means you have to pay extra to extend support for a full year.


  • Price: The Lite version is free, and the Pro version on CodeCanyon is $21. After that, additional customer support requires payment as well.
  • Reviews: 5 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org).
  • Active installations: 1,000+
  • PHP version: Not listed.

11. Image Gallery by Robo

Image Gallery by Robo has a free plugin through WordPress.org, complemented by a premium version. The plugin produces attractive results without much need for adjusting the settings from the start. Furthermore, a Gutenberg module is provided for instant publication, removing the need for any shortcodes, unless you really like using those.

Similar to some of the other WordPress photo gallery plugins with Gutenberg blocks, this particular feature speeds up the process dramatically. There』s no question as to whether or not you forgot to save the gallery or how it』s going to look before publication. You can test out the gallery and see what to expect prior to launching the collection.

Image Gallery by Robo WordPress plugin

Image Gallery by Robo WordPress plugin

We like the fact that the developer has provided dozens of demos on the WordPress.org page for you to test out and find inspiration for your own gallery designs. The YouTube demo is nice to look at and the blog style is certainly worth considering if you want to include featured images in a gallery that constantly updates.

Connections to Vimeo are also provided, turning your gallery into a more flexible solution for all content creators. It appears that a large library of settings are available in the free version of the plugin, but it』s not a bad idea to look at the premium demos to figure out what you might be missing.

A Typical Gallery Created by Image Gallery by Robo Looks Like…

The default settings from the Image Gallery by Robo plugin appear sleek and user-friendly. As with most of my tests, I didn』t touch a single setting to publish the gallery and see what it looks like right out of the box. Quite a few settings are available in the free version, but without adjusting anything I think the standard gallery looks rather nice.

Image Gallery by Robo

Image Gallery by Robo

Reasons to Use Image Gallery by Robo

  • It takes no more than a minute or two to install the plugin, upload photos, and drop the Gutenberg block into a page or post. The default designs are also beautiful and reliable in terms of making your images look like the originals.
  • The plugin produces responsive galleries so that it doesn』t matter what screen sizes are being used by customers or clients.
  • The fade effects are activated when someone hovers over your images with their mouse.
  • You can batch upload a large collection of images without causing problems with WordPress limits.
  • The plugin has settings for automatically resizing and cropping images. The default tools are meant to keep your images the way they were before, but it』s nice to know that you can experiment with thumbnails and resizing.
  • Over 15 additional hover effects come standard with the plugin. You have to pay for some of them, but the pricing isn』t bad for the premium version.
  • The code for the plugin is stable and lightweight, minimizing conflicts with other plugins and themes, while also removing any effects it might have on-site performance.
  • Choose from Polaroid effects to add a bit of fun and nostalgia to your galleries.
  • A built-in color selector allows you to figure out your branding colors and match your galleries with those.
  • Borders and shadows are already configured into the default settings, but you also have the option to remove these.
  • The font settings are fully customizable, with tools for titles, captions, and descriptions on each of your images.
  • The advanced caching and lazy loading adds value to the plugin by making sure that your images aren』t causing problems for site performance.
  • Cropping and resizing can be done via a manual tool.
  • Each lightbox offers a myriad of effects and features like font transparency, social sharing buttons, and font colors.
  • The Image Gallery by Robo plugin supports videos from a wide range of sources like Vimeo and YouTube.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Image Gallery by Robo

This is one of the gallery plugins with a Gutenberg block, making it extremely valuable compared to plugins without one. It』s also impressive how many free features are packed into core plugin. Some people might find the interface a little too cluttered, but the gallery results should ease those concerns.

Don』t sacrifice page load times for better photo galleries—especially when you can have both with Kinsta. Check out our plans!

Creativity is the name of the game with the Image Gallery by Robo, seeing as how the animations and effects are like nothing we』ve seen in other plugins.

  • Price: The core plugin is free. The premium version starts at $30 and this is a one-time payment. Multiple website installations require a higher-priced plan.
  • Reviews: 4.4 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org)
  • Active installations: 40,000+
  • PHP version: Not listed.

12. Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery is developed by Meow Apps, a small team of French and Japanese developers based in Japan. The free version of the plugin includes five free layouts (tiles, masonry, justified, square and cascade,) a Gutenberg Block, and even a shortcode to make it easier for you to manage your galleries.

This is by far one of the fastest WordPress photo gallery plugins. Compared to all of the other tests I』ve done for this article, Meow Gallery cuts the amount of time for uploading and inserting into a post quite a bit. As for pricing, most companies will be fine with the core plugin.

But you can upgrade to the premium version for extra customer support, additional features, and licenses for multiple sites.

Meow Gallery WordPress plugin

Meow Gallery WordPress plugin

Meow Gallery also works with Lightroom (through WP/LR Sync): synchronizing it with your galleries is just a matter of a click.

A Typical Gallery Created by Meow Gallery Looks Like…

Out of the five layouts provided in the free version of this gallery plugin, the Titles layout option shows how this plugin is an interesting option for those running photoblogs.

As mentioned in the introduction for this plugin, I would argue that the Meow Gallery plugin was the fastest in this list when it came to uploading photos, publishing them, and actually being satisfied with how they look. As you can see, none of the images are cropped, there』s a decent margin between them, and it has a modern tiled design.

Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery: Tiles layout

Reasons to Use Meow Gallery

  • The Meow Gallery plugin has many photo filters for adding interesting effects to the pictures in your galleries.
  • This is one of the WordPress photo gallery plugins that helps with getting a satisfactory gallery up and running on your site within seconds. It』s the quickest experience I』ve had so far when testing these plugins. Not to mention, I didn』t have to edit any of the settings after publishing.
  • It』s a light, fast, responsive, and retina-enabled plugin that works on all mobile devices.
  • The plugin connects with Lightroom for editing in that program and sending the finished products to the gallery on your website.
  • The Gutenberg module is available with a quick search. All you have to do is configure the settings the way you like prior to launching a gallery in the Gutenberg editor.
  • There are quite a few layouts to choose from, including justified, masonry, and square. All of them look beautiful and modern, with margins and cropping done rather well.
  • It』s possible to link your gallery items to external and internal links. You may consider this when linking to portfolio items or even third-party articles that are relevant to the image.
  • Music, and other types of audio tracks, can be added to your images. The music plays when someone clicks on the gallery items.
  • The plugin features a lazy load tool and infinite loading. Both of these combine nicely for a speedier overall website and a smoother experience for the end-user.
  • The carousel design is available in the premium version, presenting your images in a slideshow fashion.
  • There』s also a unique gallery format called the 「Map Layout,」 which is ideal for sharing photos of a trip. We like it best for travel bloggers or photographers who frequently travel around the world. You can even link the gallery to a Google Map to give site visitors the full experience.
  • Animations provide movement to your galleries. You get to choose from a list of these effects once you upgrade to the premium version. Some of the selections include fade-ins, colorization, and highlights.
  • Choose the size of all images prior to publishing a gallery. Some users go for thumbnail images, while others stick to the full-size images. You can enable captions that get automatically pulled from the file names.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Meow Gallery

A few nice features, like the carousel formatting and the animations, are only available with the pro version of the plugin.

On the upside, Meow Gallery makes absolutely beautiful image galleries without much work on your end. It makes sense to test this one out prior to committing to a paid solution. The reason the process is so fast is because there』s a Gutenberg block and because the default formatting doesn』t typically require you to go back and edit anything.

  • Price: The core app is free. The premium version starts at $19 per year.
  • Reviews: 4.9 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org)
  • Active installations: 4,000+
  • PHP version: 7.0 or higher

13. Portfolio Gallery

Portfolio Gallery delivers stunning galleries to your WordPress site without any requirements for complicated coding. It lacks a Gutenberg block, but the gallery design process takes no more than a few minutes. Both advanced users and beginners will have no problem creating beautiful presentations with Portfolio Gallery.

The core plugin is given away as a free download, but you do have the option to upgrade to the premium version for $25. This provides premium support, more templates, unlimited filters, and a longer list of features to make your galleries stand out.

Portfolio Gallery WordPress plugin

Portfolio Gallery WordPress plugin

One of the reasons we like this compared to other WordPress photo gallery plugins is because of the simplicity of the backend. It may appear a little cluttered at first, but it only takes a few moments to realize where the large Upload button is located, along with the shortcodes for placing the galleries elsewhere on your website.

What』s more, is that we tested the mobile galleries on tablets and smartphones to see that they come out beautifully.

A Typical Gallery Created by Portfolio Gallery Looks Like…

The image below is what a gallery comes out as without touching any of the settings. It』s not bad, considering you still get sleek effects like the shadows and rounded edges. You can』t reproduce this with the screenshot, but the primary gallery also results in animations that make the images move a bit as you scroll your mouse over the photos.

The gallery is inserted with the use of a shortcode. When making your gallery, you also have options for adding links and implementing the use of captions. The captions are pulled from the file names. I personally find this annoying, but some may differ in their views on this.

Overall, the results from the Portfolio Gallery plugin appear stylish and professional. And you can always go back to change around the settings if it doesn』t look quite right.

Portfolio Gallery

Portfolio Gallery

Reasons to Use the Portfolio Gallery Plugin

  • This is one of the WordPress photo gallery plugins that includes filters for most of the galleries you insert on your site. This way, you can instantly turn your photo galleries into filterable portfolios for easy browsing.
  • The lightbox works wonderfully on mobile devices and it loads quickly for rapid browsing.
  • Choose multiple columns from the settings area with the click of a button.
  • You have options for showing text, captions, filters, and numbers on your images.
  • Each time you create a gallery you』ll be asked whether you』d like to add spacing or no spacing.
  • Quite a few templates come along with the Portfolio Gallery plugin, including masonry formats and regular grids.
  • You can customize everything from colors to the roundness of your images in the gallery.
  • More hover effects and optimization tools are included with the premium version.
  • You have options for adding multiple galleries to posts, pages, and as widgets.
  • The custom CSS area is great for advanced developers who want full control over how the galleries appear.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Portfolio Gallery

The primary reason we like the Portfolio Gallery plugin compared to other WordPress photo gallery plugins is because of the number of features packed into the free version.

From filters to lightbox tools, and premade templates to image optimization, it』s not unlikely that many brands will take this plugin and decide that there』s no reason to upgrade to the premium version.

Having said that, you should keep in mind that it』s not the cleanest backend interface on the market. So, some beginners or neat freaks may not enjoy this plugin.

Finally, the Portfolio Gallery plugin lacks a Gutenberg block.

  • Price: Free for the core plugin, and $25 for the premium plugin.
  • Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org)
  • Active installations: 10,000+
  • PHP version: 5.4 or higher

14. Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

The Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin has thousands of installations and impressive ratings. It』s primarily free with plenty of settings. There are several extensions to consider when you』re thinking about the features you need the most. Not only that, but some of the extensions are completely free. Others have price tags, but they aren』t going to break the bank.

The beauty of your galleries and lightboxes is what makes this gallery plugin stand out. You can launch a gallery with just a few clicks, and there are many lightbox formats to implement. This is refreshing when you look at so many other plugins with only one or two lightbox options.

Responsive Lightbox & Gallery WordPress plugin

Responsive Lightbox & Gallery WordPress plugin

Overall, the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin is lightweight, beginner-friendly, and flexible with its extensions. A few of the extensions we like the most include features for hidden galleries, more lightboxes, masonry galleries, and more.

A Typical Gallery Created by Responsive Lightbox & Gallery Looks Like…

It takes only a few minutes after the installation to publish a gallery on the frontend of your site. The example below is the basic gallery that』s already configured in the settings.

The Settings area is filled with customization options for you to make your gallery look beautiful. I actually think this is pretty good for just a few minutes of work. Not to mention, the lightbox tools create sleek and flexible lightboxes.

Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

Reasons to Use Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

  • The gallery builder is flexible and easy to use for all skill levels. There』s only the slightest of learning curves, so most beginners should have no problem at all.
  • Three gallery templates are included with the core plugin to get you started.
  • The lightboxes are the true standouts here, with eight lightbox formats provided with the plugin.
  • You can create galleries by uploading your own images or by linking them to posts.
  • Many of the design tools provide drag and drop interfaces.
  • A remote image gallery is connected to the plugin so that you can find Creative Commons photos that fit in your galleries.
  • The plugin is compatible with the Gutenberg builder. A block comes with the plugin so you don』t have to mess with any shortcodes or widgets.
  • You have the opportunity to link to videos.
  • You can automatically add a lightbox to links throughout your website.
  • Gallery widgets are available if you plan on placing your image galleries in places like footers or sidebars.
  • There』s WooCommerce support to showcase your product images in one beautiful gallery.
  • You gain access to a collection of premium extensions. Some of these are great for adjusting your lightbox visuals, while others are more for expanding the functionality of your normal galleries.
  • The plugin offers multisite support.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

It only takes a few moments to create a gallery with the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin. However, it takes a bit of customization to get the right gallery formatting. It』s not quite as straight-forward as other options, but it does allow for both experienced developers and beginners to make beautiful galleries.

The big advantage of the plugin is that it has Gutenberg blocks. If that』s your style, consider trying out the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin. It』s also nice that there』s not much of a need to pay anything for the plugin, and the extensions are all sold separately, giving you flexibility.

  • Price: Free, with the option to download other free and premium extensions or get all for a discounted price (Photo Art Bundle).
  • Reviews: 4.9 out of 5 stars
  • Active installations: 300,000+
  • PHP version: 5.2.4 or higher

15. WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

The WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank serves as an excellent solution for creating your own galleries from scratch. You can produce showcases and portfolios with ease, posting your galleries on pages with the help of widgets and shortcodes.

The developers boast that over 200 features are included with the plugin and that you can make everything from masonry designs to thumbnail layouts. We found that the interface is rather easy to understand. It may look a bit cluttered to some, but all of the settings are consolidated into one area, with clearly marked buttons for uploading images and getting the shortcodes.

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

It appears that a significant portion of the features you need to assemble your galleries are in the free version of the plugin. However, to reach the 200 feature mark you must sign up for the premium version.

This also gets you customer support outside of the standard forums on WordPress. It would be nice if a Gutenberg block were available instead of the shortcodes, but we』ll have to hope for that in the future.

A Typical Gallery Created by WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank Looks Like…

The gallery comes out beautifully without touching a single button in the settings module. You can choose between standard or masonry to begin, but that』s all you have to think about before adding it to a page on your website.

The shortcodes are really long (which is kind of the opposite of what a shortcode is supposed to be) but it』s easy to find and copy the code into the page of your choice.

Other than that, the margins, dimensions, cropping, and lightbox elements all come out nicely. You can』t ask for much more with a gallery plugin, especially considering there are so many plugins out there that look terrible right out of the box.

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

Reasons to Use WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

  • The WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin has responsive galleries that look very nice on mobile devices. It』s too often where we stumble upon plugins that claim responsiveness but then the gallery fails on mobile devices.
  • You receive a clean and modern design for galleries, without having to adjust any settings.
  • The plugin provides masonry and thumbnail layouts.
  • Each gallery is built by quickly uploading your photos, then generating a shortcode for you to paste on pages and posts.
  • You』re able to create an unlimited number of galleries with an unlimited number of photos in those galleries.
  • All images you upload are stored in a different folder so as not to cause problems in the wp-uploads folder.
  • The premium version expands upon the core features, with a long list of additional layouts, albums, and upload tools.
  • Slideshows and blog layouts are possible. There are tools for linking to your blog posts so that the gallery gets constantly updated based on how much you publish.
  • There are lots of lightboxes to choose from in the premium version, including colorful lightboxes and fully customizable ones through the CSS module.
  • The special effects come in handy for when you』d like to have your images bounce or spin as users scroll over them.
  • Watermarking is allowed in the premium version as well, protecting your images from thieves and making your branding a little easier.
  • You have some options for adding advertisements to the gallery. Some website owners may have a gallery full of ads, whiles others may sneak them in there to appear less obvious.

Things to Consider Before Choosing WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin by Gallery Bank

This plugin is perfect for launching a gallery within seconds. If you』d rather not mess with too many settings, this is a viable choice for you. We can』t imagine most people would need to pay anything for this plugin, seeing as how the majority of the best features are in that version.

Keep in mind, that the extensions are sold both individually and in packages. If you plan on purchasing some of the extensions, the best value by far is paying for a collection of ten extensions. However, the whole point of having these separate plugins is for flexibility in buying, so don』t pay for a combination of extensions if you only need one or two.

  • Price: Free, with a premium upgrade starting at around $32 per year. Lifetime memberships are inexpensive as well.
  • Reviews: 4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Active installations: 10,000+
  • PHP version: 5.4 or higher

16. Photo Gallery by GT3

The Photo Gallery by GT3 plugin offers the simplicity and compactness that a gallery plugin should have. After the installation, it provides a Gutenberg block to instantly add a group of pictures into any post or page.

It took me a moment to figure out how to add photos to the gallery, but it』s actually inside the Gutenberg editor, keeping all of your settings and upload modules in one area. Upon discovering this area, it』s clear just how simple it is to use the plugin since all adjustments are made in one area.

Overall, the Photo Gallery by GT3 plugin generates awesome photo galleries by extending the functionality of the editor on WordPress and adding nicely formatted presentations for your photos.

Photo Gallery by GT3 WordPress plugin

Photo Gallery by GT3 WordPress plugin

What』s more is that you receive access to multiple Gutenberg blocks, allowing you to make a masonry gallery or a standard grid. The free version appears to do the trick for basic galleries, and there isn』t much time you need to spend customizing.

There』s also a premium version that sells for $39. This plan provides new layouts, social sharing options, image download buttons, and more. You can also pay for an image optimizer plugin if you』d like.

A Typical Gallery Created by Photo Gallery by GT3 Looks Like…

As you can see from the screenshot, my first result while working with the Photo Gallery by GT3 plugin looks clean and modern, without any severe cropping or image degradation. It』s exactly what we look for in a quality gallery plugin.

It』s also nice that the Gutenberg settings are all available in the WordPress editor. This consolidates all of the tools in one area so your adjustments are shown in the visual editor.

Photo Gallery by GT3

Photo Gallery by GT3

Reasons to Use Photo Gallery by GT3

  • The Photo Gallery by GT3 plugin includes a few Gutenberg blocks for instant gallery additions to posts and pages.
  • The free plugin is filled with great features, while the premium plugin is also impressive and still affordable.
  • All settings are changed right in the WordPress editor, meaning that you don』t have to work from two windows. Adjusting margins, image sizing, and other changes are done in one area, with the results shown in the editor.
  • Support is provided for a wide range of page builders.
  • You can choose to link to your Instagram account for a dynamic feed whenever you update your Instagram account.
  • Several sliders and gallery formats are provided. You can also choose to include a filter to your gallery for organizing in categories.
  • There are options for adding instant download buttons to your images.
  • The custom lazy loading is sure to help out with how quickly your galleries load.
  • Watermarks and other security measures are available for purchase.
  • The premium version incorporates elements like social sharing, video control, and the ability to convert a gallery into a slider with one click.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Photo Gallery by GT3

The GT3 photo gallery plugin has strong advantages in terms of security and performance. Not only does the free plugin allow for a quick and beautiful gallery, but the upgrades are cheap to completely secure your photos.

Furthermore, the image optimizer extension only costs $10. If you have any experience with image optimization plugins, you know that they can get rather expensive with more photos on your site. However, it』s essential to optimize your photos, otherwise, your site speed and SEO will suffer. This cuts out the need to have a second plugin that could cost more.

  • Price: Free, with a premium upgrade for $39. An image optimizer extension is sold for $10.
  • Reviews: 4.9 out of 5 stars
  • Active installations: 10,000+
  • PHP version: Not listed

With the right photo gallery plugin, your images will shine ✨ …and this list has everything you need to choose the right one for your site ?


Which of the WordPress Photo Gallery Plugins Should You Choose?

As is usually the case with WordPress plugins, there』s no one-size-fits-all recommendation for WordPress photo gallery plugins. If you just want the quickest way to create good-looking galleries, Modula probably has the most user-friendly interface, while NextGEN and Envira Gallery are tied for a close second.

If you』re a photographer looking to display albums and maybe even sell your photos, you』ll be happier with something a little more heavy-duty like NextGEN Gallery or Envira Gallery. On the other hand, if you』re more concerned with finding a template style that fits your needs, you』ll want to put in the legwork to wade through all the various demos from WordPress photo gallery plugins.

We also suggest that you go through our list above and note the ones that have Gutenberg integrations. It』s amazing how much faster a Gutenberg block makes the gallery creation process. Other plugins will add this functionality in the future, but for now, we highly recommend considering the WordPress photo gallery plugins that already have it.

Overall, most of these WordPress photo gallery plugins are available for free, so you can play around with them for yourself and see how you like the templates and interface.

Now it』s your turn. Did I miss a great gallery plugin? Let us know about it in the comments! Also, share your thoughts on any WordPress photo gallery plugins you』re currently satisfied with.

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