


藉助數百萬個頁面和關鍵字來管理和報告, 企業SEO 變得越來越複雜和耗時。



  • 識別機會。
  • 跟蹤效果。
  • 優化內容。
  • 反向鏈接報告和管理。
  • 跨組織溝通。
  • 競爭分析。
  • 集成分析工具。
  • 來自的技術分析 抓取轉化
  • 本地,國家和全球。

雖然有很多 免費的SEO工具 可用,沒有人能夠管理企業站點隨附的大規模和複雜性。




  • 凈度
  • 導體
  • Botify
  • BrightEdge








seoClarity成立於2009年,是一個由Clarity Grid基礎架構提供支持的企業SEO和內容優化平台。







在這 案例分析,該公司能夠識別並解決有問題的技術要素,然後推出實時報告提供的數據,從而獲得整個搜索格局的整體視圖。




在演示期間,我停了一下銷售代表,以帶我逐步了解該工具的Actionable Insight部分。


seoClarity SEO企業平台「 width =」 760「 height =」 533「 size =」(最大寬度:760px)100vw,760px「 data-srcset =」 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2019/09 / ai_summaryview-ai-insights--768x539.jpg 768w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ai_summaryview-ai-insights--480x337.jpg 480w,https: //cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ai_summaryview-ai-insights--680x478.jpg 680w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ ai_summaryview-ai-insights--1024x719.jpg 1024w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ai_summaryview-ai-insights--1600x1124.jpg 1600w「 data-src =」 https ://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ai_summaryview-ai-insights--768x539.jpg

還談到了Content Fusion,它具有擴展內容編寫和優化的強大功能。它分析排名最高的內容並提供見解,以幫助客戶比以往更快地編寫最權威的內容。


  • Rank Intelligence提供了高級,實時的排名數據瀏覽功能,可輕鬆大規模地瀏覽和了解排名表現。它包括27多種SEO指標,可對排名數據進行切片,切分和分析,包括無限制的競爭對手比較。

    • 來自每個國家/地區的每個搜索引擎(台式機和移動設備)無限制的每日排名跟蹤。它包括Google,Bing,Yahoo,百度,Yandex,Naver等的所有實例。

seoClarity SEO工具「 width =」 760「 height =」 471「 size =」(最大寬度:760px)100vw,760px「 data-src =」 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019 /09/ranking-intelligence-gif-v3-768x476.gif

  • Research Grid提供互動式和動態關鍵字研究和發現,以分析內容的性能並提供對整個搜索格局的訪問。

  • Clarity Audits是一種站點審核技術,其中包括40多項技術運行狀況檢查,並包括內置的HTML和JavaScript搜尋器,可搜尋多達4800萬個頁面。

    • 包括無限數量的爬網項目或已爬網的頁面數,內部鏈接審核和分析。
  • 內容營銷套件包括內容優化管理功能和服務的整個生命周期,並且還將用戶搜索意圖始終應用於內容研究,內容創意以及由AI驅動的內容編寫器Content FusionTM。

  • Bot Clarity是一種高級日誌文件分析工具,可在發生搜索引擎爬網問題時識別它們。它還可以識別充當搜索引擎的欺騙機器人,以及搜索引擎抓取新頁面的速度。

  • 可操作的見解演算法旨在從數百個數據點中學習並自動生成見解,以在整個企業範圍內擴展SEO實踐。

  • 頁面級分析和高級Google Search Console集成可識別術語「(未提供)」近100%的可見性,並包含16個月的GSC歷史數據。它允許將關鍵字級數據與所有SEO指標相關聯。

  • 內置的工作流管理系統,可自定義團隊協作。




seoClarity客戶通過幫助作家在短短几秒鐘內了解如何以權威的方式涵蓋話題,就喜歡Content Fusion的即時見解。


  • 在趨勢發生時識別趨勢。
  • 提高團隊效率。
  • 顯示清晰,可衡量的結果。
  • 抓住新的收入機會。








seoClarity以開放數據平台的形式提供分析集成,可以從幾乎任何分析源(包括Adobe,IBM,Google Analytics和內部數據倉庫)導入數據。



seoClarity SEO工具儀錶板「 width =」 760「 height =」 460「 size =」(最大寬度:760px)100vw,760px「 data-srcset =」 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2019/09 / updated-ila-page-graphic-v1-768x465.png 768w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/updated-ila-page-graphic-v1-480x291 .png 480w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/updated-ila-page-graphic-v1-680x412.png 680w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp -content / uploads / 2019/09 / updated-ila-page-graphic-v1.png 950w「 data-src =」 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/updated-ila -page-graphic-v1-768x465.png


儘管內部鏈接分析很有價值,但seoClarity平台還通過合併的鏈接配置文件數據與Ahrefs,BuzzStream,Majestic,Moz和Google Search Console的集成,將多個反向鏈接數據源結合在一起,從而為客戶提供對其反向鏈接產品組合的整體視圖。





seoClarity將報告或分析收集到數據存儲系統中以進行長期存儲,或者通過Adobe Marketing Cloud,Amazon Web Services,Box.com,FTP數據交換或自定義數據倉庫集成到內部數據倉庫中。






  • 24/7電話和電子郵件的關鍵支持。
  • 在線聊天。
  • 文章,培訓視頻和用例研究的在線知識庫。
  • 活躍的在線用戶社區。














  • 沒有人為的限制,包括:
    • 無限的競爭對手比較(即時分析)。
    • 站點審核技術允許無限的爬網頁面和項目。
    • 直接在平台內提取和下載數據。
    • 無限的用戶。
    • 無限的儀錶板用於報告。
  • 在每日排名更新上構建並支持基礎架構,在此基礎上,所有SEO數據和指標都會連續更新(每24小時一次)並無限期存儲。
  • 不斷開發可幫助解決客戶最複雜的SEO挑戰的解決方案。他們的開發路線圖是100%建立在客戶反饋上的。 seoClarity的方法是,如果有兩個客戶要求,他們會將其放入開發路線圖中,並在2周的開發周期內更新和升級現有功能。

您可以了解seoClarity並閱讀其客戶案例研究 這裡


我是由一位朋友(一位《財富》 500強中200上市公司的高管)介紹給我的。

這個朋友非常熱情地推薦了SEO企業平台,並將我與公司的首席執行官聯繫在一起。 2010年,Conductor Searchlight SaaS進入SEO世界給我留下了深刻的印象。



  • 提供有關客戶搜索內容的見解。
  • 提供建議的操作,以便用戶提高可見度和收入。
  • 衡量通過SEO努力產生的影響。




  • 了解觀眾。
  • 調查競爭。
  • 跟蹤可見性。
  • 分析內容效果。
  • 優化內容報告和共享




導體SEO工具「 width =」 178「 height =」 517「 data-srcset =」 http://tracking.feedpress.it/「 data-src =」 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads /2019/09/pasted-image-0.png客戶始終如一地為Conductor提供9或10 NPS(導致公司的NPS超過50)的兩個主要原因之一就是可用性。

該平台的核心是Insight Stream,它為客戶提供活動新聞提要(交通變化,新內容創意,競爭性警報等)。







Conductor的Insight Stream分析客戶的搜索數據,以突出顯示跨多個域和國家/地區的內容效果,關鍵字警報,競爭見解和優化機會。


此外,隨著不同的數據源(包括Web分析,Google Search Console,DeepCrawl,關鍵字對象等)被引入到Conductor中,Insight Stream變得更加強大。


Conductor可以識別出出現在首頁上的競爭,並添加Conductor的Market Share視圖來標識在搜索中擁有通用結果的域(即答案框,視頻圖像等)。





  • 內容專門排在哪裡。
  • 競爭對手出現的地方。
  • 有機會佔領尚未開發的市場。
  • 內容在SERP中的競爭者中所處的位置。







Conductor提供了與Google Analytics(分析)和Adobe Analytics的基於安全API的集成。無需自定義標籤。






  • 刪除重複的和過時的內容:考慮刪除,取消索引或規範化過時的內容。

  • 處理主要的導航問題(網路爬網深度報告):只需單擊幾下滑鼠即可訪問所有頁面。

  • 進行技術檢查:斷開的鏈接,指向返回404的內部頁面的任何鏈接,未鏈接的頁面,站點地圖中未鏈接的頁面。所有鏈接都應包含來自該站點至少另一個區域的鏈接。

  • 檢查鏈接是否過多的頁面:鏈接數超過100的頁面(包括頁眉和頁腳中的鏈接)對於搜索引擎而言是垃圾郵件。



  • 使用反向鏈接重定向URL
  • 帶有反向鏈接的頁面損壞
  • 帶有反向鏈接的不允許的URL
  • 帶有反向鏈接但沒有鏈接的頁面
  • 帶有反向鏈接的不可索引頁面












FlexHub 是自定義報告疊加層,Conductor數據分析師可以在其中利用Conductor及其合作夥伴的API端點來提供對特定業務需求的見解。















Conductor的一項獨特功能是提供各種可交付成果,可通過其Orchestra Menu產品按需提供。






Conductor獨特的Training Camp是一項綜合計劃,旨在在短短兩周內對團隊成員進行培訓,認證並執行Conductor內部的計劃。


  • 關鍵字發現:深入的關鍵字識別和選擇,可反映業務設置和搜索範圍。

  • 分類(關鍵字類別):動態類別創建,以反映關鍵字級別的網站結構和潛在的內容機會。

  • 內容細分(頁面組):動態內容細分以在URL級別反映站點結構和潛在的內容機會。












  • 指導的工作流程。
  • 入門指南。
  • 常見問題
  • 產品發布。
  • 行業新聞。
  • 和更多。






在Conductor的「全球市場份額」 FlexHub報告中可以看到一個例子,該報告可以配置為將公司的所有網路媒體資源和市場匯總為一份全球競爭報告。


除了自己的數據收集過程之外,Conductor Searchlight還利用各種技術來源為客戶提供真正一流的解決方案。




除了來自Trust Radius和G2Crowd的客戶評論外,與該領域的其他產品相比,Conductor被認為是性能最高的產品。

導體SEO企業平台「 width =」 624「 height =」 351「 size =」(最大寬度:624px)100vw,624px「 data-srcset =」 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2019/09 / pasted-image-0-1.png 624w,https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/pasted-image-0-1-480x270.png 480w「 data- src =「 https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/pasted-image-0-1.png

您可以了解有關Conductor的更多信息並閱讀其客戶案例 這裡












  • 分析他們的SEO網站架構。
  • 查找和解決索引問題。
  • 識別熱門關鍵字。
  • 還有更多。



The crawler component (and really the foundation) of the Botify platform allowing customers to evaluate the structure and content of every page of every version (AMP, mobile, desktop, etc.) of their site just like a search engine would, and keep track of changes over time.

Botify Log Analyzer

This allows customers to feed their server log files into a dashboard built specifically for SEO pros.

The log file analyzer provides insight into how search engine bots are crawling a site, paired with crawl data, customers gain a deeper understanding of what』s going on.

Botify SEO Enterprise Platform" width="760" height="443" sizes="(max-width: 760px) 100vw, 760px" data-srcset="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/botify-768x448.png 768w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/botify-480x280.png 480w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/botify-680x397.png 680w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/botify-1024x597.png 1024w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/botify.png 1200w" data-src="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/botify-768x448.png

Botify Keywords

The keyword and position tracking component of Botify, which comes from their integration with the Google Search Console API.

The GSC API provides users with more data than the GSC performance dashboard allows.

Botify Studio

It allows users the ability to custom build dashboards based on Botify data collected in the crawl and schedule them to send to SEO stakeholders.

Botify Data Station

This incorporates the ability to export data via pre-set exports or custom scenarios depending on the user』s needs.

Botify API

It can be used to pull information from Botify』s database to use in other tools, or even on a client』s own website! The Botify Chrome extension is a great working example of this.


There are a few key features within the Botify core platform worth calling out.

JavaScript Crawl

Users can render pages of a website the way a search engine might.

Track which resources are executed, and collect valuable user-centric performance metrics (time to first paint, time to interactive, and other performance metrics) to ensure their JS content is rendered and seen by search engines.

Data Layering

Users can layer any other data point onto their URLs to get insight into the 「why」 behind what they are seeing.

For example, is a URL not ranking?

Layer on log file analysis data and a user could find that Googlebot hasn』t been crawling that URL – no wonder it』s not ranking!

Page not getting crawled by Googlebot?

Users can layer data from their Botify crawl and find a possible correlation between low crawl rate and low content uniqueness. The possibilities are virtually endless.


Users can look at specific sections of their site in isolation (e.g., evaluate blog content separately from ecommerce content). Learn more from Botify』s knowledge base

Content Quality Analysis

This gives the user the ability to evaluate content like a search engine would, including the ability to eliminate template content from their analysis.

Deep Learning or Artificial Intelligence

Data science is a part of Botify』s DNA and every new project includes some component of this.

That being said, they have informed me that they are planning an announcement in Q4 that speaks exactly to this question, so stay tuned!

Competitive Reporting & Analysis

While the focus of the Botify suite is to provide users more insights and information on their website, they can also use Botify Analytics to crawl a competitor』s site.

The technical issues they』re experiencing may or may not be valuable for them to know, but they』ll be able to get a good grasp of on-page optimization and content.

Understanding a competitor』s content makes it easier to perform a content gap analysis on a site to see where they may be missing out on opportunities. Just as an agency or consultant would spend hours and charge large fees for.

Analytics Integration

Botify works seamlessly with Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and also AT Internet. They can connect with a site』s analytics account to bring in valuable visits data to overlay with their Botify Analytics crawl data.

Users can see real-time trends and report on how technical issues are impacting site traffic and ultimately revenue.

Botify also connects via API with Google Search Console through Botify Keywords – showcasing an entire keyword profile, and uncovering hard to find trends.

Link Evaluation: Internal and/or External

Most enterprise-level websites have no shortage of backlinks, but where the real wins come from are often found in internal links and distribution of PageRank throughout the site.

Botify can evaluate an internal linking structure and showcase how well a site is connected.

From the distribution of internal links (follow/nofollow), compliant URLs with low counts of internal links, non-compliant URLs that are being linked to, links going to non-200 URLs, to page depth metrics.

User Level Settings

Users are allowed Guest(Read-only) and Admin level access. All owners share a library of dashboards and features. There is no limit to the number of dashboards or filters an account has.

One of the nicest features of Botify is that it doesn』t limit the number of logins. Larger teams are also allowed to group users into what they call 「Organizations」.

Organizations have teams, which can essentially determine access to projects and reports that only they are allowed to see and use.

Access to Tool, Reports & Data

Any report across Botify Analytics, Botify Keywords, and Botify Log Analyzer can be exported to their Data Station where users can download the report.

Additionally, Botify has a range of APIs that tie into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, or most CMSs. The Botify API Developer site is a great resource with more information.

Platform Updates & Technology Trends

Botify, as a company, works in an agile technical environment so they are always releasing new updates – from backend improvements like crawl speed or JavaScript rendering capabilities to UI/UX improvements.

New functionalities are typically released every 3-4 weeks, but sometimes even more frequently.


Botify offers support through their Customer Success Managers, who are their customer advocates helping to get clients everything they need.

They also offer professional services, which blends SEO expertise and platform expertise to answer some of the more difficult and technical questions a client has.

Pricing Structure

There are a few different variables that go into Botify』s pricing structure, but they don』t share these publicly.

Suffice it to say, their pricing is built to ensure customers are getting the most value out of the platform.

What You Should Know Before Getting Started

The Botify enterprise SEO platform team has never seen any websites with zero potential. Using Botify will help identify where that potential is.

Expect to be able to save a lot of time and energy uncovering those opportunities. The team recommends starting with simple features and then moving on to more advanced features.

If there are ever any questions, their SEO support team is available to help.


The ease of uncovering insights that a client may miss with other tools is where Botify shines the most.

Clients respond well to how Botify can combine data from the Botify Suite to see how content quality, technical issues, and internal page rank impact the crawl rate and keyword rankings.

Botify also provides various reports within the platform – and a powerful API that can be used with any BI platform to create dashboards that can leverage data to influence organic search and development projects.

Having daily log analysis to see how Google is crawling a site and the types of errors in real-time is something that clients also love.

Seeing how a code push or content update last night is impacting their site this morning is what sets Botify from the competition.

Overall, because Botify really aims to be the best solution for enterprise SEO teams, their customers can really tell that they are designing everything for their needs: scale, speed, granularity of data, security, API features, and more.

What Sets Botify Apart From the Competition?

One of the key differentiators is that Botify takes a URL-first approach to SEO data, rather than a keyword-first approach.

They start by providing a complete picture of every URL on a website (not just desktop, but AMP versions, alternate language versions, mobile versions, etc.) and then layer onto everything needed to understand each individual URL.

Botify does this in a way that』s compliant with Google』s terms of service integrating with Google Search Console for keyword data rather than scraping the SERPs.

A few specific differentiators include:

  • JavaScript rendering at scale: Get the results of JS crawls quickly and accurately.

  • Speed and scalability: Botify can crawl through up to 50 million URLs at speeds around 250 URLs per second.

  • Structured data: Automatically extracting 15+ different types of structured data without needing to set up custom extracts to pull information.

  • Daily log file analysis: See search engines crawling a website in near real-time.

  • Google Search Console integration: Keyword and URL organic search performance and rankings trended daily, monthly or even year over year.

  • They also have a pretty incredible engineering and SEO support team.

You don』t have to just take my word for it, Botify has provided a lot of great testimonials on their G2 profile

You can learn about Botify and read through their customer success stories here


Founded in 2007, BrightEdge is a global search and content marketing platform driven by massive data collection, artificial intelligence, and real-time insights with a robust customer success model.

My first demo of BrightEdge was in 2011 while working for ADP managing usedcars.com』s online marketing and analytics.

BrightEdge stayed in my head as I continued on with my career and I was able to use it with various clients and other companies.

BrightEdge is a great resource for digital marketers, content marketers, and SEO managers alike.

You don』t have to be an expert in SEO to be able to use the tool, gain benefits from it, or understand the data.

Companies that would benefit from BrightEdge are those with a strong presence in:

  • Ecommerce/retail.
  • Travel/hospitality.
  • 金融。
  • B2B and B2C tech.
  • Consulting/services.
  • Universities/educational institutions.
  • Real estate.
  • Restaurants.
  • Healthcare agencies.
  • Media/entertainment.

BrightEdge』s focus is on developing an all-encompassing search and content marketing strategy by bringing all aspects of a strategy into one platform.

This includes keyword research, competitive analysis, technical SEO, content optimizations and creation, backlink research, keyword tracking, and reporting.

What sets BrightEdge from the competition is the DataCube tool which brings its proprietary keyword index of over 3.5 billion topics (and growing) enabling users to perform on-demand research and hone on the specific area of focus or site section that matters most.

BrightEdge SEO Enterprise Platform" width="512" height="234" sizes="(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px" data-srcset="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/datacube.png 512w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/datacube-480x219.png 480w" data-src="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/datacube.png


There are four big key selling points to BrightEdge that sets them apart from the competition.

BrightEdge Instant

Search is becoming a real-time industry with how fast things are changing on Google.

BrightEdge Instant is the industry』s first solution to the need for having real-time insights into:

  • Rank.
  • Search volume.
  • Recommendations.
  • Page speed performance.
  • Competition.
  • Voice search opportunities.

It covers tens of thousands of locations and languages across the globe, including non-Google engines like Amazon and YouTube – and without having to add keywords (which won』t affect pricing).

As search moves into non-traditional search engines, BrightEdge enables users the ability to identify how they stack up against competitors』 content.

More specifically, it looks into how users are performing on sites like YouTube and Amazon to ensure clients are developing content strategies for all areas where their customers are looking.

BrightEdge Instant" width="760" height="506" sizes="(max-width: 760px) 100vw, 760px" data-srcset="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image17-768x511.png 768w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image17-480x319.png 480w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image17-680x452.png 680w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image17-1024x681.png 1024w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image17.png 1048w" data-src="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image17-768x511.png

BrightEdge Data Cube

One of their 「greatest hits,」 the proprietary keyword index of over 3.5 billion topics and growing, empowers BrightEdge clients to perform on-demand research – quickly identifying search terms with how any website ranks in comparison while easily honing-in on the specific area of focus or site section that matters most.

Using their simple, flexible, dynamic filters such as keyword, URL, search volume, rank, universal listing type, and more make this tool a favorite among users.

The index can not only be used for head-to-head site benchmarking but also spans back over 5 years, providing clients with a tremendous wealth of insight into consumer behavior/demand for any site of focus.

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BrightEdge Recommendations

This takes the guesswork out of search by providing a simple, actionable to-do list to improve clients』 organic performance, leveraging the ability to analyze the top-performing pages for every keyword of focus.

For more experienced SEO pros, this analysis is displayed in one convenient view, saving the time of manually checking the source code/HTML for each competing page individually.


BrightEdge』s technical site audit solution is built directly into the platform allowing users to gain a deeper insight into how their SEO is performing.

Deep Learning or Artificial Intelligence

Because BrightEdge collects and stores all of their own information, they are in a unique position in the market to be able to analyze the data on behalf of their customers using artificial intelligence.

BrightEdge Insights digs deep into thousands of data points on behalf of their customers to save hours of time on analysis and enabling their customers to spend more time on making changes that can drive performance.

BrightEdge SEO Tool Quick Answers" width="1095" height="400" sizes="(max-width: 1095px) 100vw, 1095px" data-srcset="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image5.png 1095w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image5-480x175.png 480w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image5-680x248.png 680w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image5-768x281.png 768w, https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image5-1024x374.png 1024w" data-src="https://cdn.searchenginejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/image5.png

For example, Insights will analyze a client』s keyword footprint and automatically identify the best pages that should be optimized for Quick Answers based on where the keyword is in the current top 5 positions, but not yet owning Quick Answer for that particular keyword.

Additionally, BrightEdge』s platform analyzes the top 10 ranking pages for all tracked keywords and identifies trends/themes that are causing the other pages to outperform the website and provides prescriptive steps/changes to make in order to improve performance.

Competitive Reporting & Analysis

BrightEdge enterprise SEO platform looks at competitors in two different buckets, natural competitors and named competitors.

Natural competitors are any websites that are currently outperforming a site for any keywords/topics the user wants to perform well for.

Named competitors are the websites a client will identify as directly competing with from an overall business perspective.

Natural Competitors

For natural competitors, BrightEdge identifies the top-performing websites for all of a client』s most important topics, analyzes content and provides recommended changes to make in order to improve performance.

BrightEdge also regularly tracks performance and market share over time to account for the constant changing of the search landscape and identification of emerging sites/competitors.

Named Competitors

For named competitors, BrightEdge tracks keyword movement and performance week over week for in-depth reporting. They also use this rank data to drive reporting of other metrics such as market share against top competitors.

Brighedge』s Data Cube also enables customers to perform unlimited research against any website they want to identify keywords and competitors where they are lacking.

By understanding the competition users can ensure they are benchmarking themselves against who Google is rewarding today, not who they think Google is rewarding.

Additionally, this analysis saves hours of time of looking at competitors』 content in an attempt to understand what they are doing differently.

Analytics Integration

BrightEdge integrates with Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and Coremetrics through multiple options including API, SFTP, and hybrid options.

It also supports custom analytics integrations, so be sure to ask a BrightEdge representative during a demo.

Link Evaluation: Internal and/or External

Providing analysis on both internal and external links, BrightEdge partners with Majestic for their backlink information and connects the data directly into the platform on a weekly basis.

Customers use this to:

  • Monitor trends in their overall backlink performance compared to their competitors.
  • Correlate this to rankings or other metrics.
  • More importantly, identify where their competitors are getting links that are helping to drive their performance on Google.

BrightEdge looks at Trust Flow, Domain and Page Authority, anchor text, etc. to help their customers know where to get not only a high quantity of links, but high-quality links.

BrightEdge analyzes internal links in a similar way. They strive to help customers understand where they have internal linking opportunities ensuring that they have strong anchor text (mapped to consumer demand) and are linking from high authority pages to low authority pages to improve on their SEO.

User Level Settings

The enterprise SEO platform has multiple levels of access that can be assigned to individual users.

There is typically an organization admin user that has full access to the platform and the ability to assign permissions of other users.

Standard users have the ability to use the full platform including tracking keywords, creating dashboards, and access to all aspects of the platform. There are read-only users as well.

Access to Tool, Reports & Data

All reports and dashboards within the platform are exportable on an unlimited basis in PDF or CSV format.

BrightEdge also has an open API to pull information out of the platform and into data warehouses or reporting tools like Domo, PowerBI, and Tableau.

Platform Updates & Technology Trends

The BrightEdge platform rolls out with updates every 5-6 weeks with new features as well as system improvements.


100% of BrightEdge customers are assigned at least two dedicated resources in the form of a Customer Success Manager and a Strategic Account Manager.

These resources are simply not there to 「teach you how to login or XYZ」 (as they put it) but are there as extensions of a client』s team to ensure that they are seeing success in the channel and hitting goals.

Pricing Structure

There are a couple of different factors that can influence pricing including the number of keywords tracked, domains tracked, competitors tracked, and the number of pages crawled for technical audit.

BrightEdge customers get unlimited users, downloads, reports, exports, etc.

What You Should Know Before Getting Started

BrightEdge works with organizations of all shapes and sizes, from some of the biggest to some of the smallest companies in the world.

They have experience working with every industry out there and are well-positioned to leverage both their experience and the expertise to help any organization regardless of size or experience.

Their passion is to help clients exceed their goals by capitalizing on the largest and most proactive channel on the planet.

BrightEdge has built a platform that is easy to learn for newcomers to search, but also flexible enough to grow and scale within large, experienced teams.

In addition, their award-winning customer success model is designed to align with clients』 level of experience, introducing many to the channel for the first time, while also enabling sophisticated SEO professionals to hit the ground running.


BrightEdge』s Data Cube and Customer Success Team are what their customers respond to most. BrightEdge customers love the support they get with the BrightEdge team.

BrightEdge likes to see themselves as not just a simple vendor that provides training and usage of the platform but integrated into a client』s business goals and metrics and an extension of the team.

The company reports that customers who have moved from other solutions to BrightEdge continuously boast about the move to everything being housed in one platform, that they save hours of time a month on historically manual, non-revenue driving, tasks.

By automating those tasks and analysis for them, their customers are able to spend more time on creating and optimizing their content, which helps to move the needle.

Flexibility and customization of the platform allow customers to essentially create an unlimited number of reports/dashboards within the technology. This helps them tell a much more clear story of the value of their work within the channel.

Additionally, within the Data Cube, BrightEdge customers love how they are able to narrow down on their sites to find the best opportunities.

What Sets BrightEdge Apart From the Competition?

Ease of Use

Everything needed to effectively optimize a site is accessible in one place, utilizing a unified methodology, where each 「system」 is able to speak to each other.

This allows their clients to track something in one place, the platform to produce an associated action in other, and quickly generate a corresponding report to capture everything.

Artificial Intelligence

With an endless amount of data available on the web, it is almost impossible for even the most sophisticated SEO professionals to make sense of it all.

Their artificial intelligence engine, Data Mind, takes much of this effort off of our clients』 plate, by analyzing tremendous amounts of data to:

  • Identify trends at scale and stay ahead of market/industry changes.
  • Capitalize on the best opportunities to drive growth.
  • Make data-driven decisions.

Real-Time Insights

BrightEdge Instant is the industry』s first solution to the need for having real-time insights into rank, search volume, recommendations, page speed performance, competition, and voice search opportunities

Pace of Innovation

BrightEdge develops its technology internally. They are not reliant on other data providers where they have no control over the product roadmap or SLAs.

This allows them to take feedback directly from their customers and build technology suited directly to their needs.

BrightEdge releases updates to the platform every 6 weeks based on this feedback to constantly keep their customers ahead of Google.

You can also learn about BrightEdge and read through their over 50 customer storiescase studies

Wrapping Up

While there are many SEO tools for agencies available, the tools reviewed here are focused on users that work within large corporations that need a quick and easy resource to:

  • Report on ROI.
  • Track keywords.
  • Work across the organization to successfully drive SEO to success.

In my years, I have used many free tools as well as the reasonably priced monthly fee SaaS tools like Moz, SEMrush, and even Keylime both for my own websites and some SMB clients during my consulting and agency days.

That said, enterprise-level companies need more robust platforms that can provide a one-stop-shop for the most experienced SEO all the way down to the marketers, product managers, and executives.

Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, September 2019
