如何在2019年创建在线商店 – 一步一步











  • 市场需求 – 市场需求描述了某种产品的需求以及谁想要购买它。因此,如果市场对产品的需求很高,那么人们更有可能从您的在线商店购买该产品,并为此付出更多。您可以使用免费工具来研究市场需求 Google的关键字规划工具。输入产品的关键字,例如“有机面部保湿剂”。如果这些关键字的搜索量很高,则会显示有很多在线购物者在搜索该产品。
  • 竞争 – 对产品的需求可能很高,但如果竞争太激烈,您的网上商店可能无法脱颖而出。因此,研究您的竞争对手很重要。对您的产品关键字进行简单的Google搜索,然后查看显示在搜索结果顶部的公司。确定您与他们的不同之处,以说服购物者从您的在线商店购买。
  • 什么是趋势 – 如果您可以开始在您的在线商店销售趋势产品,您将能够在竞争之前捕获在线购物者。所以,要紧紧抓住趋势。您可以查看亚马逊,eBay和Etsy等网站,浏览他们的“热门”和“最希望的”列表,找到最新,最想要的产品。








销售实体产品的流行在线商店的一些例子包括亚马逊,沃尔玛,Target,American Apparel和百思买。

walmart-website“width =”740“height =”347“class =”alignnone size-full wp-image-232748“srcset =”https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ walmart-website.jpg 740w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/walmart-website-300x141.jpg 300w“sizes =”(最大宽度:740px)100vw,740px“ ></p>
<p> 什么是数码产品? </p>
<p>数字产品,也称为电子商品,是一种无形产品或媒体形式,可以在线销售和分发,无需更换您的库存。数字产品以可下载文件,PDF,插件,视频,可流媒体文件,模板等形式出现。电子书,软件,有声读物,音乐和数字艺术都是数字产品的例子。 </p>
<p>销售数字产品的流行在线商店的一些例子包括亚马逊的Kindle商店,iTunes,Shutterstock和销售WordPress主题的Themify。  </p>
<p><img decoding=






  • 明确的价值 – 展示实物产品的价值非常容易。物理产品的目的通常是清晰易懂的。
  • 更高的感知价值 – 由于实物产品是有形的,购物者通常会将它们与更高的感知价值联系起来。
  • 易于使用 – 对于实体​​产品,通常不会涉及很多解释,培训或后续工作。只需出售,发货,客户即可立即使用。


  • 运输成本 – 由于您必须运送实物产品,因此您必须考虑运输和处理的成本。
  • 更多时间 – 将物理产品运送到全国各地的客户需要时间。
  • 存储 – 如果您销售实体产品,大多数情况下您需要大量空间来存储产品。



  • 无库存 – 使用数字产品,您没有任何库存。这意味着您不必处理订购一定数量的单位并存储它们。
  • 没有运输成本或时间 – 您不必运送数字产品。客户可以直接将数字产品下载到他们的设备上,这意味着他们可以立即获得产品,您也可以免费发送产品。
  • 易于扩展 – 由于您可以反复销售相同的数字产品而无需处理库存或存储,因此扩展和发展业务要容易得多。
  • 整体更简单 – 出于上述所有原因,数字产品总体上更易于销售和管理。


  • 更难以展示价值 – 使用数字产品,更难以展示价值。要让客户相信您的数字产品值得购买需要更多的工作。
  • 较低的感知价值 – 因为数字产品不是客户可以持有的东西,它们与较低的感知价值相关联。
  • 很多竞争 – 由于数字产品很容易在网上销售,现在很多人都在这么做。所以,你可能会有很多竞争对手。但也有与销售实体产品的竞争。






另一方面,创建自己的数字产品要容易得多。例如,如果您决定销售模板,则可以在几个小时内创建模板并一次又一次地出售 – 更容易。




亚马逊联盟商店通过 亚马逊协会 程序,允许您通过您的网站在每个亚马逊产品上获得促销和销售的百分比。

amazon-associates“width =”740“height =”429“class =”alignnone size-full wp-image-232752“srcset =”https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ amazon-associates.jpg 740w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/amazon-associates-300x174.jpg 300w“sizes =”(最大宽度:740px)100vw,740px“ ></p>
<p>成为亚马逊联盟会员是免费的,您只需注册即可。此外,您可以选择创建新的在线商店以列出和销售亚马逊产品,或者您可以使用现有网站销售其产品并赚钱。 </p>
<p>有关如何启动亚马逊联盟商店的分步教程,请查看我们的文章 <a href=如何使用WordPress创建亚马逊联盟商店。





例如, 你好新鲜 使用订阅模型。客户支付经常性费用,每周都会向他们提供餐具。










  • 每日销售
  • 每月销售额
  • 年销售额




  • 受众特征 – 目标受众的基本人口统计信息,如年龄,性别,地点,职业,生活方式等。
  • 兴趣 – 您的观众对此感兴趣?烹饪,露营,时尚,运动等
  • 价值观和信念 – 决定对观众重要的是什么?道德吗?诚实?
  • 痛点 – 您的目标受众面临哪些问题?您的在线商店如何帮助解决这个问题?










我们推荐的3种最受欢迎​​的电子商务平台 Shopify的Bigcommerce和WordPress + WooCommerce



shopify  - 网站建设者

Shopify是一个完全托管的电子商务解决方案,起价为每月29美元。 Shopify使得无需安装任何软件或维护网络托管服务器即可轻松启动商店。



  • 用户友好且易于学习。
  • Shopify为您管理您的在线商店。
  • 扩展您的网站既简单又实惠。


  • 您无法完全控制您的网站。
  • 你必须支付交易费用。
  • 由于无法选择您想要的功能,因此定制有限。






  • 用户友好,易于启动网站。
  • 没有交易费用。
  • 它是一个完全托管的解决方案,您不必担心管理您的网站。


  • 您无法完全控制您的网站。
  • 您网站的自定义有限,只有少数免费主题可供选择。
  • 年度在线销售限制,如果超出限制,则必须升级您的计划。


woocommerce-website“width =”740“height =”334“class =”alignnone size-full wp-image-233005“srcset =”https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/ woocommerce-website.jpg 740w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/woocommerce-website-300x135.jpg 300w“sizes =”(最大宽度:740px)100vw,740px“ ></a></p>
<p>使用自我托管的电子商务解决方案 <a href=WooCommerce,您将完全控制您的在线商店。 WooCommerce是近28%的在线商店的首选平台。最重要的是,它作为免费插件在W​​ordPress之上运行,所以如果您熟悉WordPress,那么您可以使用WooCommerce轻松管理商店。此外,如果您已经拥有WordPress网站或博客,则可以使用WooCommerce轻松将其转换为在线商店。

WooCommerce附带了许多内置功能,如运输,支付处理,库存管理,优惠券,报告等。您还可以购买WooCommerce扩展程序,为您的在线商店添加更多电量或使用多个第三方免费和付费 WooCommerce插件 帮助您增加销售额。



  • 完全控制您的网站。
  • WooCommerce是一个开源软件,定制无穷无尽的插件。
  • 比其他电子商务平台更实惠。
  • 更实惠的托管Web托管选项,特定于WooCommerce。
  • 没有交易费用。


  • 您必须管理自己的站点,包括安全性,更新,备份等。
  • 无限的功能可以使学习有点压倒性。
  • 扩展您的在线商店更加困难,因为您必须自己管理您的网站或为托管网络托管支付更多费用。

重要的是要注意,要使用WooCommerce WordPress插件,您需要使用WordPress.org而不是WordPress.com构建您的网站。查看我们的文章 WordPress.com与WordPress.org 了解更多关于2的区别。




此外,您还可以获得惊人的数量 WooCommerce主题 为您的商店提供您想要的外观。它还带有集成,支付方式,插件等。








有关更详细的说明,请查看我们的文章: 什么是域名以及它如何运作?


ssl-certificate“width =”500“height =”500“class =”alignnone size-full wp-image-232761“srcset =”https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ ssl-certificate.jpg 500w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ssl-certificate-150x150.jpg 150w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/上传/ 2019/04 / ssl-certificate-300x300.jpg 300w“sizes =”(最大宽度:500px)100vw,500px“></p>
<p>虚拟主机<br /> 在创建具有自托管WordPress和WooCommerce的电子商务网站时,您还需要购买虚拟主机。构建网站时,所有文件都存储在您的计算机上,其他任何人都无法查看它们。但是当您购买虚拟主机时,网络托管公司会将您的网站文件存储在网络空间中,以便其他用户可以访问您的网站。 </p>
<p>网站托管基本上是您的网站在互联网上的位置。就像零售商店需要一个购物者可以进入的实际位置一样,您的在线商店需要一个用户也可以访问的网络空间。网站托管将为您提供。 </p>
<p>选择品牌名称很重要。品牌名称基本上是您的在线商店的名称。您的品牌名称通常也应与您的域名相匹配。例如,想想亚马逊网上最受欢迎的在线商店。他们的品牌名称是亚马逊,他们的域名是www.Amazon.com。让您的品牌名称和域名相同,便于购物者记住并在互联网上找到您的网站。 </p>
<li>  保持简短 – 您的品牌名称应简短,以便您的客户能够轻松记住和拼写。当客户在其地址栏中输入您的域名时,较长,复杂的品牌名称可能会拼写错误,导致他们无法找到您的在线商店。</li>
<li>  独一无二 – 网上有如此多的网上商店,您的品牌名称必须独一无二,才能脱颖而出。看看你的竞争对手,如果他们在他们的品牌名称中使用“电子产品”这个词,就会想出一个可以用来区分自己的不同词汇。 </li>
<li>  使用关键字 – 在您的品牌名称中使用关键字有助于您的在线商店被更多人在线找到。例如,如果您的在线商店销售鞋子,请考虑在您的品牌名称中添加“鞋子”一词,以提高您的自然搜索结果。</li>
<p><img decoding=死亡愿望咖啡 – 世界上最强的咖啡

  • Fuego Box – 月份俱乐部/订阅盒的热酱
  • 超级墨水服装 – 印花服装和配饰
  • Tattly – 成人临时纹身
  • 您好!幸运 – Letterpress贺卡和设计工作室
  • 如果您在提出品牌名称时遇到问题,您也可以免费使用 域名生成器 帮助你想出一些很棒的东西。







    • 1-Click安装 – 您选择的网络托管应提供一键式,轻松安装您首选的电子商务应用程序,如WooCommerce。
    • SSL证书 – 如前所述,您需要SSL证书来保护您的在线商店。这应该由您选择的网络托管公司提供。
    • PCI合规性 – 您还需要选择PCI兼容主机以安全地接受信用卡付款。
    • 支持和备份 – 选择可在您需要时提供出色支持,更新和备份的Web托管。

    有许多伟大的电子商务托管公司可供选择。我们的一些最佳建议是 SiteGround Cloud的BigcommerceShopify,和 WP引擎

    但是,由于我们建议您使用WordPress和WooCommerce构建您的在线商店,我们建议您选择 Bluehost WooCommerce

    bluehost-woocommerce-refer“width =”740“height =”361“class =”alignnone size-full wp-image-232807“srcset =”https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/ 04 / bluehost-woocommerce-refer.jpg 740w,https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/bluehost-woocommerce-refer-300x146.jpg 300w,https://www.isitwp。 com / wp-content / uploads / 2019/04 / bluehost-woocommerce-refer-330x160.jpg 330w“sizes =”(最大宽度:740px)100vw,740px“></a></p>
<p>Bluehost WooCommerce提供一键式WooCommerce自动安装,1个免费域名,免费SSL证书,专用IP地址等。 Bluehost还为全球200多万个网站提供支持,它正式成为WordPress.org推荐的首选网站。  </p>
<p>此外,他们同意为我们的用户提供服务 <a href=免费域名,免费SSL,以及他们的托管计划50%的折扣。



    第4章:创建在线商店 – 技术指南(逐步)





    要开始您的W​​ooCommerce商店,请前往 Bluehost网站 然后单击立即开始按钮。

    bluehost woocommerce托管

    在下一页,您将被要求选择一个计划。每个计划都预装了WordPress上的WooCommerce以及一个 免费的SSL证书

    SSL certificate adds a special security layer on your website, so you can accept sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other personal information. This is required for you to run an online store and accept credit card payments.

    Since you’re just getting started, you can choose the starter plan.

    bluehost woocommerce hosting plan

    You can either choose to use an existing domain that you have or get a free new domain. We recommend registering a new domain since it’s free.

    bluehost domain purchase

    You’ll now be prompted to enter your account information. For easy registration, you can sign in with your Google info with just a couple of clicks.

    bluehost account creation

    After entering your details, scroll down the page until you find the package information box. You can select the starter plan for 12 months, 24 months, or 36 months. You will also see that a few addons are preselected which are increasing your total price. We recommend that you uncheck these boxes because you can always add them later should you decide that you need these services.

    bluehost package information

    Next, you need to scroll down the page further to enter your payment details. You will also be asked to Agree to their Terms of Service, and then click Submit.


    You’ve successfully subscribed to a WooCommerce hosting plan. You’ll now receive an email with details on how to log in to your web hosting control panel (cPanel) where you can manage everything from hosting files to emails and support.

    Go ahead and log into your cPanel. You’ll be greeted with a popup informing you that WordPress, along with WooCommerce, has been pre-installed. You can now click log into your site and start managing your online store.

    woocommerce installed

    Now let’s take a look at how to launch your online store with WooCommerce.

    4.2。 Configure WooCommerce

    Using the login credentials from your email, you need to login to your WordPress dashboard where you’ll see a welcome message. Go ahead and click the I don’t need help link. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through every step of the process.

    The first step is to make sure that you specify the name and tagline of your site. To do this, you need to visit Settings » General page and insert your WordPress site title and description.

    Your WordPress hosting package came with a free SSL Certificate. This certificate is pre-installed for your domain name. However, your WordPress site needs to be configured, so it loads as https vs http. You’ll also need to change your WordPress Address and Site Address to use https instead of http.

    wordpress welcome message on bluehost

    Next, you need to run the WooCommerce setup wizard. Simply click the Run the Setup Wizard button. The setup wizard will walk you through the basic configuration of WooCommerce storefront.

    woocommerce setup wizard

    In the first step, you’ll be asked to specify your store’s location. You’ll also be prompted to select the currency you’d like to use. After completing the first step, you can proceed to the Payment step.

    woocommerce store setup

    By default, WooCommerce only allows you to accept payments via PayPal. You can simply enter your PayPal email in this step without linking your PayPal account. If you want to add additional payment methods, then you’ll need to install respective addons (which you can do later).

    woocommerce payment

    If you choose to sell physical goods on your WooCommerce store, then you’ll be asked to setup shipping methods and shipping fees for both national and international shipping.

    woocommerce shipping

    After setting up the shipping options, WooCommerce will persuade you to connect your site with Jetpack. Setting up Jetpack is not a necessary step for building a WooCommerce store, so you can skip it. You can find the Skip this step option at the bottom of the page.

    woocommerce with jetpack

    You’re done with the setup wizard.

    woocommerce ready

    4.3. Change Your WordPress Theme

    WordPress themes control the visual appearance of your website. To give a unique design to your website, all you have to do is find and install the right theme on it. With WordPress, you can customize an existing theme or even install a custom-built theme per your unique requirements.

    By default, your WooCommerce store comes preinstalled with the Storefront theme。 Storefront is a free WordPress theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce.

    If you want to customize your Storefront theme without touching a single line of code, then you can get the Storefront Extensions Bundle that helps you delight your customers with a unique look.

    Alternatively, you can easily find another WooCommerce-compatible theme in the free plugin repository. Before you choose a random theme from the official directory, it’s in your best interest to take a look at some WooCommerce compatible theme reviews, and decide which one would be a perfect choice for your needs.

    A premium theme has to be downloaded from the theme vendor’s site and manually uploaded to your WordPress.

    If you decide to go with a free WordPress theme from the official theme repository, then you can search and install it directly from your WordPress dashboard without having to download it to your computer.

    To install a free theme, navigate to Appearance » Themes in your WordPress dashboard. Then click the Add New Theme box. You can now find some featured themes in your dashboard.

    add new theme

    Before installing, you can preview your theme by clicking on the thumbnails displayed. You can also filter themes based on layouts, features, and niches by clicking on the Feature Filterbutton.

    Since you are looking for an eCommerce theme, you can simply check the E-commerce option in the subject column. This way it’ll only show you eCommerce-compatible themes.

    filter eCommerce theme

    In the right-hand corner, type the theme name in the search bar. Once you’ve found the right theme, hover on its image and click the Install button. Then click Activate to change your website’s appearance.

    theme install

    4.4。 Extend Your Online Store With Plugins

    WooCommerce supports tons of different addon plugins that let you enhance your online store without writing code or hiring a developer.

    Just like WordPress themes, you can easily find and install free plugins from the WordPress plugin repository within your WordPress dashboard.

    All you have to do is visit Plugins » Add New. Use the search box in the right corner to find a plugin and click the Install Now button. And then, click Activate.

    install a plugin

    Chapter 5: Getting Started with Your Online Store

    chapter 5 getting started online store

    WordPress is a fully-featured website builder solution that gives you endless possibilities to customize your site the way you want. Unlike other popular eCommerce solutions, WordPress makes it easy to integrate a blog with your online store and create standalone web pages.

    If you’ve never used WordPress before, then we’ll walk you through how to kick start a fully-featured website along with your online store. Below are the things we’ll cover:

    1. Add a blog to your online store
    2. Create standalone pages
    3. Add a navigation menu
    4. Add a widget
    5. Setup a static homepage

    5.1。 Add a Blog to Your Online Store

    Do you want to help your eCommerce customers stay connected with your brand? Want to attract more website visitors, generate more sales and revenue? Then, you need to integrate a blog with your online store.

    Every eCommerce business needs a blog. By integrating a blog with your store, you can update your brand’s news and stay connected with your customers. Keeping a regular blog is one of the best ways to drive organic traffic to your site as well.

    Let’s take a look at how to create and publish a blog post in your WordPress website.

    In the left-hand menu of your WordPress dashboard, you’ll find two similar options that may confuse you as a new user: Posts and Pages.

    Choose Posts if you want to create a website post that appears in reverse chronological order (newest first) on your WordPress website. Posts are also organized into categories and tags. You can read the difference between categories and tags for more information.

    To create your first blog post, head over to your post editor by going to Posts » Add New. You need to start by adding a title for your blog post. After that, you can start writing your blog post content in the post editor. To upload images to your website, all you have to do is drag and drop your images to the text editor from your computer. Alternatively, you can use the Add Media button to upload your images and videos.

    add media

    5.2。 Create Standalone Pages

    Just like a blog, you’ll also need to add standalone pages to your site such as an About us page, Contact page, Terms of Service page, etc.

    Adding a page is almost similar to adding a blog post. The only difference is that you’ll need to visit Pages » Add New to create a new page. Once you’re done, click the Publish button to publish the page.

    add new page

    5.3。 Add a Navigation Menu

    Your navigation menu sticks to the top of your website, so your visitors can easily find the most important pages and links.

    To add a navigation menu, go to Appearance » Menus. You need to start by specifying a menu name in the Menu Name field and click Create Menu.

    create menu in WordPress

    You can now choose from your existing pages, posts, custom links, and categories. After selecting, click Add to Menu. With drag and drop, you can position the menu’s structure. You can also use drag and drop to make nested dropdown menus. Once you’re done, select the display location and click Save Menu.

    position menu structure

    5.4. Add and Customize Your Widgets

    Within your WordPress website, you can easily add the right sidebar widgets per your preference.

    Adding a widget is helpful if you want to display dynamic content in your sidebar such as social media buttons, facebook feeds, testimonials, etc. If your WordPress theme has support for footer widgets, then you can use it to add copyright notices, links, and more.

    Go to Appearance » Widgets and select from the available widgets. Next, you need drag your choices to the widgetized area of your WordPress site.

    add widgets in wordpress

    5.5. Set Up a Static Homepage

    By default, WordPress shows your blog’s latest posts as your homepage instead of a static page. If you want to set a custom static page as your homepage, then simply follow the steps below.

    After creating a page, go to Settings » Reading. In the Your Homepage displays section, you’ll need to choose A static page and then select the page you want to display as your front page in the dropdown menu. Once you are done, click Save Changes.

    static homepage

    Chapter 6: Extend Your Online Store

    chapter 6 add more features

    Expanding the core features of your WooCommerce store is as easy as installing plugins (apps). While every online store is unique in terms of the product lines, target audience, etc., there are some recommended plugins that almost every store will have to use, such as a contact form plugin, Google Analytics plugin, SEO plugin, and more.

    Below are some recommended WordPress plugins that you’ll find useful for your online store:

    • Build contact forms with WPForms – | 自由
    • Connect your site with Google Analytics using MonsterInsights – | 自由
    • Improve your SEO with Yoast SEO – | 自由
    • Add an extra layer of security with Sucuri
    • Take a regular backup with Updraft Plus – | 自由
    • Improve WordPress performance with W3 Total Cache
    • Prevent spam comments with Akismet – | 自由
    • Grow your subscribers and sales with OptinMonster

    Since a detailed explanation about all the plugins would be overwhelming, we’ll explain just the four most important:

    1. Enable customer tracking with MonterInsights
    2. Add online forms to your site with WPForms
    3. Improve your store’s SEO with Yoast
    4. Reduce shopping cart abandonment with OptinMonster

    6.1。 Enable Customer Tracking with MonsterInsights

    Want to know how your customers interact with your site? Want to track the sales and revenue of your store?

    Then, you need to enable eCommerce tracking with Google Analytics on your store. Google Analytics is the most comprehensive tracking tool for your website. It gives you detailed insights into how your visitors find your site and interact with your pages. Best of all, Google Analytics is absolutely free to use.

    The default Google Analytics setup doesn’t allow you to track complex user interactions like eCommerce transactions, form submissions, file downloads, etc. This is where the MonsterInsights plugin come in. MonsterInsights makes Google Analytics easy for your website. With just a few clicks, you can track complex user activities, including eCommerce transactions.

    Read the complete MonsterInsights review

    Let’s take a look at how to enable Google Analytics tracking on your site.

    Head over to Plugins » Add New. Search for MonsterInsights and, when the plugin shows up, click Install Now and then, Activate.

    install monsterinsights

    Head over to Insights » Settings to authenticate your site with Google Analytics. Click Authenticate with your Google account.

    click authenticate with your google account

    On the next screen, select your Google account.

    choose a google account for analytics

    Next, allow MonsterInsights to manage your account.

    allow monsterinsights to manage analytics

    Finally, select the correct website profile for your site and click Complete Authentication.

    authenticate monsterinsights

    After authentication, you can easily find how your website is doing by visiting Insights » Reports.

    wordpress google analytics with monsterinsights

    eCommerce tracking is a pro feature of MonsterInsights. You’ll have to upgrade to MonsterInsights Proenable eCommerce tracking

    Get started with MonsterInsights today to easily set up Google Analytics on your site.

    Want to start with the free version instead? Try MonsterInsights Lite

    6.2.Add Online Forms with WPForms

    When you run an online store, you’ll need to build a lot of different online forms, such as contact forms, customer support forms, product review forms, survey forms, registration forms, custom login forms, etc.

    The best way to create all the different type of forms for your site is by installing the WPForms plugin. WPForms makes it easy to create any type of forms on your site with its powerful drag and drop builder. Besides the ease of use, below are a few reasons why WPForms is the best WordPress form builder:

    • Tons of built-in form templates: The plugin is bundled with tons of useful pre-made form templates, so you don’t have to create every form from scratch. With their Templates Pack addon, you get a huge variety of pre-built templates for every niche and industry.
    • Integrations with your favorite apps: WPForms seamlessly integrate with your email marketing services and other third-party apps you use.
    • Custom registration and login forms: Have a consistent branding throughout your site including your registration and login forms.
    • And a lot more…

    Read the complete WPForms review

    To create a form on your blog, first off, you’ll have to install WPForms by navigating to Plugins » Add New. Search for the WPForms plugin and, when it shows up, click Install Now, and then Activate.

    install wpforms

    You’ll now be directed to the beautiful welcome page of WPForms. You can either click the Create Your First Form button or click WPForms » Add New to create your first form.

    create your first form

    Next, you’ll be prompted to choose a template. You can select one of the premade templates or start with a blank form. If you want, you can give a custom name to your first contact form.

    choose a form template

    WPForms makes it easy to build a form with drag and drop. Click on the appropriate form fields in the left panel to add them to your form. You can also easily re-arrange them and even remove any unnecessary fields with ease. After making the necessary changes click Save.

    create a simple form

    To add a form on your site, simply go to your post or page editor and click the Add Form button above the text editor.

    click add form

    Select the right form you want to publish and then click Add Form and then, click Publish.

    choose a form

    而已! You’ve now successfully published a contact form.

    Want to create a contact form the easy way?然后, get started with WPForms today

    Want to start with the free version instead? Try WPForms Lite

    6.3。 Improve Your Store’s SEO with Yoast

    Do you want to expand the reach of your products? Do you want to drive more targeted traffic from search engines that are likely to purchase your products?

    Then you’ll essentially need to improve your SEO. The best way to improve the SEO of your online store is installing an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO.

    In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins » Add New. Search for Yoast in the search bar that you can find in the top right-hand corner. The Yoast SEO plugin will now have appeared on your page. Click Install and then Activate.

    yoast seo install

    In your WordPress dashboard, you can now find the SEO menu in the left-hand menu. Simply click on it.

    If the plugin detects any SEO errors, then you can fix them by following the suggestions provided.

    Setting up Yoast SEO is easy using the configuration wizard. Simply click on the configuration wizard to get started.

    yoast seo configuration wizard

    In the first step, you’ll be asked whether you want to configure Yoast SEO yourself or hire an expert to do it for you. Select CONFIGURE YOAST SEO to do it yourself.

    configure yoast seo

    In the next step, you’ll be asked whether your site is ready to be indexed. You can choose option A. Then, click Next.

    yoast seo indexing

    Next, you need to choose your website type. In this case, you want to select – An online shop. Then, click Next.

    yoast seo site type

    For Google’s knowledge graph card, you’ll be asked whether the website is run by a person or a brand. If Person is selected, then you’ll have to specify the name of the person. If Company is selected, then you’ll have to add the logo as well. Then, click Next.

    yoast seo company or person

    You can now enter your social media profile URLs in their appropriate fields. Then, click Next.

    yoast seo social profiles

    In the Search engine visibility step, you don’t have to change the default settings because they’re set up to index your posts and pages. Simply click Next.

    yoast seo search engine visibility

    Author archives might create duplicate content issue for search engines. To prevent it, you can disable it if your blog doesn’t have multiple authors.

    yoast seo multiple authors

    Next, you’ll be prompted to connect your website to Google Search Console, which is a free tool that gives you detailed insights into how your blog content is being perceived by Google.

    yoast seo google search console

    Next, you can set up the title for your blog, and then, click Next.

    yoast seo title settings

    You can now exit the configuration wizard because the other steps were created for promotional purposes such as signing up for Yoast’s newsletter.

    Get started with Yoast SEO today to improve your store’s SEO.

    Want to start with the free version instead? Try the free Yoast SEO

    6.4. Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment with OptinMonster

    Did you know the average online shopping cart abandonment rate is around 70%? That means only 3 out of 10 customers are completing the checkout.

    Evidently, shopping cart abandonment is the single largest obstacle for eCommerce business to overcome. But, you can reduce shopping cart abandonment with a plugin like OptinMonster

    OptinMonster is a popular lead generation tool that allows you to display targeted popups that convert abandoning visitors into subscribers.

    For instance, when a customer is about to leave your site before completing the checkout, you can prompt them to complete it with a targeted popup campaign. You can use OptinMonster’s exit intent technology to display a targeted campaign.

    To create a targeted exit-intent popup campaign, first create an account with OptinMonster on their official website. Once you’ve signed up for an account, you can start creating your first exit-intent popup campaign to reduce cart abandonment. First, click on the green Create Campaign.


    Next, choose the campaign type by clicking on Popup.


    After that, you’ll be prompted to choose a pre-designed template for your campaign. OptinMonster has a pre-built template specifically for shopping cart abandonment, so let’s choose that one, titled Abandoning Checkout. Hover over the template and click the Use Template button.


    After clicking the Use Template button, you’ll be prompted to name your campaign and choose which website your popup will go on. Then, click the Start Building button to continue.

    You’ll then be taken to the Campaign Builder. In this area, you can begin customizing your campaign to make it your own. You can change the colors, add your own image and text, and more.

    edit-cart-abandonment-popup" width="740" height="358" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-232827" srcset="https://wpjian.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/edit-cart-abandonment-popup.jpg 740w, https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/edit-cart-abandonment-popup-300x145.jpg 300w, https://www.isitwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/edit-cart-abandonment-popup-330x160.jpg 330w" sizes="(max-width: 740px) 100vw, 740px"></p>
<p>When you’re happy with the way your popup looks, it’s time to set the display rules. Click on the Display Rules tab at the top of the screen. Then in the dropdown menu, choose exit detected. You can also choose the level of sensitivity of the exit-intent to be low, medium, or high. </p>
<p><img loading=

    You can also add other rules such as only showing the popup to users who have visited your checkout page as well. Play around with the rules to see what works best for you.

    After designing your campaign, setting the display rules and making sure your campaign is connected to your email marketing service, hit the green Save button, then click on Publish.
    From here, toggle your campaign to Live in the Status section.


    In the platform section, select WordPress, and follow the simple instructions to embed the campaign on your website.


    Now instead of losing precious sales, you’ll be able to convert those abandoning visitors into happy customers.
    Some other ways to reduce shopping cart abandonment include adding security badges to your site and offering guest checkout. Adding a security badge helps instill confidence in your customers and guest checkout makes it easy for your customers to complete an order, so they don’t have to create an account.

    Chapter 7: Adding Your First Products

    chapter 7 add first products

    You can now start listing your products in your store by clicking the Create a Product button. This will direct you to the Products editor in your dashboard. Adding a product in your WooCommerce store is easy.

    Just like creating a page or post, you’ll need to add product details like title, product description, product categories, product tags, product image and gallery by navigating to Products » Add New.

    woocommerce add new product

    Just below the text editor, you can find a product data box where you can specify the product specific details like:

    • Regular and sale price
    • Manage inventory
    • Shipping details like weight and dimensions
    • Product upselling and cross selling details
    • And more…

    woocommerce product data

    You will also find a short description box which is used when there are multiple products on a page.

    Chapter 8: Before-Launch Checklist

    chapter 8 before launch checklist

    Now that your online store is nearly completed, before you go live, you need to make sure you have everything in order. Launching your online store before it’s ready can cause problems for you and can even drive away your potential customers.

    So, here’s a before-launch checklist that includes every step you should cross off your to-do list. Be sure to complete each of these steps before launching your online store to the world.

    1. Build Your Online Store – Build your online store and make sure everything looks perfect for your future customers. Be sure you have all the pages you need such as product pages, about page, contact page. As an online store you also need a shopping cart and checkout page.
    2. Prep with a Coming Soon Page – Get your audience excited about your online store before it’s even launched by adding a coming soon page to your site. You can easily do this using a plugin like SeedProd
    3. Add Your Products – Add all of your products to your online store. This includes high-quality images, product descriptions, prices, etc.
    4. Optimize Your Images – Online stores are image-heavy which can slow down your site. Be sure to optimize your images using an image optimization plugin like reSmush.it
    5. Adjust Your Tax and Shipping Settings – Double check your tax and shipping settings to make sure you’re charging the right price for the products you’re selling.
    6. Test for Mobile – Many consumers do their online shopping from their mobile devices, so make sure your online store is mobile-friendly.
    7. Test the Performance of Your Site – Test the speed and performance of your online store to make sure it’s optimized for shoppers. You can use our free Website Speed Test Tool to test your site and get suggestions for improvements.
    8. Install Analytics – Create a Google Analytics account and use MonsterInsights to track your website data. Test to make sure it’s tracking accurately before launching your online store.
    9. Optimize Your Site for SEO – Install a plugin like Yoast SEO in order to optimize your website for SEO.
    10. Set up Email Marketing – You’ll need to email your customers and vice versa, so make sure to set up your email marketing. You should also start growing your email list with a lead generation tool like OptinMonster.
    11. Place a Test Order – Make sure your shoppers can buy products from your store successfully by placing a test order using your payment gateway. You can refund the order right after confirming it works.
    12. Market Your Online Store – Start marketing your online store to drive more shoppers to your eCommerce website. For instance, start promoting your online store on social media and start blogging.

    Chapter 9: Promote and Grow Your Online Store

    chapter 9 grow your online store

    If you’re an eCommerce merchant, your ultimate goal should be to grow your sales and revenue. There are many different ways to generate more sales on your online store. Let’s take a look at a few of them below:

    • Drive targeted traffic.
    • Turn your visitors into leads and customers by building an email list.
    • Resources to learn and master WordPress and WooCommerce.

    9.1. Drive targeted traffic

    Driving more traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, but keep in mind that more traffic doesn’t always equate to more sales. You need to ensure that you’re attracting targeted traffic who’s interested in your products.

    A couple of ways to drive more targeted traffic to your site are:

    • SEO: Improve your SEO and help your potential customers discover your products on Google and other search engines.
    • Paid ads: SEO can be time consuming, so if you want a quick solution to drive targeted traffic, then you might want to spend your marketing dollars on paid ads.
    • Affiliate program: Start an affiliate program and encourage people to promote your products to earn referral revenue.

    9.2. Build and Grow Your Email List

    One of the reasons you’re not turning your visitors into customers is that you don’t have a relationship with them. Your customers don’t know you, so they’re afraid to make a purchase from your store.

    Building an email list is the best way to start and foster relationships with your potential customers.

    Building an email list helps you qualify your leads, build a longlasting connection with them, and ultimately, helps you turn your visitors into leads and customers. In fact, 根据一项调查, email has an ROI of around 4,300%, so if you’re not taking your list seriously, then you’ll fall behind quickly.

    OptinMonster, you can skyrocket your email list by showing targeted list building campaigns by detecting their individual user behavior.

    9.3. Learn and Master WordPress and WooCommerce

    To be able to run a successful online store, it’s imperative to learn and master WordPress and WooCommerce.

    Below are a few resources you’ll find helpful.

    • OptinMonster blog: OptinMonster blog is a go-to resource on the web for all things online marketing and conversion rate optimization.
    • IsItWP: At IsItWP, we regularly publish WordPress tutorials, WordPress theme and plugin roundups, reviews, WordPress deals and a lot more.
    • WPBeginner: WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource on the web for WordPress beginners. They regularly publish useful tutorials, videos, coupon codes for WordPress products and a lot more.
    • WPForms blog: If you want to read tutorials that help you grow your business using the WordPress platform, you need to follow the WPForms blog. You can also find tips and recommended practices to build any types of online WordPress forms.
    • MonsterInsights blog: The MonsterInsights blog is an excellent resource you can follow to get a handle on Google Analytics best practices and recommendations. You can find a lot of WooCommerce specific articles including setting up enhanced eCommerce tracking, individual customer tracking, etc. for WooCommerce.

    Chapter 10: FAQs

    chapter 10 ecommerce store faqs

    Having helped many users set up their online stores with WordPress + WooCommerce, we’ve found that people often ask the same sort of questions again and again. This is why we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions, so you can easily launch your online store without hassle.

    When should a business start creating an online store?

    As online sales are rapidly growing, having an online store gives you a huge advantage over your competitors.

    If you want to expand your business online and grow your revenue, then you should launch an online store as soon as possible.

    How much does it cost to start an online store?

    To start an online store powered by WooCommerce, you’ll have to purchase a domain name for $14.99 per year and a hosting account, which costs around $7.99 per month. Altogether, starting a site will cost you as low as $110.87 annually.

    Can I start an online store without purchasing a hosting account?

    No. Every website needs a hosting account. You can find several eCommerce platforms that allow you to build an online store with a premium subscription which includes hosting as part of it.

    Can I start an online store without WordPress/WooCommerce?

    Yes, there are a lot of eCommerce platforms that let you build an online store easily. However, the main thing that sets WooCommerce apart from the competition is its ease of use. WooCommerce works on top of WordPress, the world’s most popular website building platform. That means the interface will be familiar if you’ve ever used WordPress before.

    Another benefit is that, unlike other self-hosted eCommerce platforms, WooCommerce doesn’t require you to go through a tedious installation process. In fact, most web host providers, including Bluehost supports WooCommerce hosting, so you can quickly get your online store up and running without any software installation or manual setup on your end.

    How do I add a blog to my online store?

    Adding a blog to your WooCommerce-powered store is easy. All you have to do is to create articles by navigating to Posts » Add New, and publish them by clicking the Publish button.

    In addition, make sure to add a link to your blog in your navigation menu so your visitors can easily discover it.

    How do I make my products Google searchable?

    If you want your potential users to discover your product on Google, then you’ll need to improve your SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the practice of increasing your website traffic from search engines by getting your web pages to rank higher in search engine results.

    How can I learn more about WordPress terminologies?

    Refer to this WordPress Glossary Terms for Beginners whenever you’re puzzled by strange WordPress terms or abbreviations.

    What payment methods are supported on WooCommerce?

    By default, WooCommerce allows you to accept payments via PayPal. To add more payment gateways to your store, simplify the find the right WooCommerce addon and install it on your store. You can use credit cards via Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree, and several other gateways. You can also accept bank transfers, bitcoins, and more.

    How do I manage shipping in WooCommerce?

    WooCommerce supports a few shipping options:

    • Free Shipping
    • Flat Rate Shipping
    • 国际航运
    • Local Delivery / Local Pickup

    If you’re selling a lot of products, then you can install a shipping addon like FedEx Shipping Method. This way you don’t have to worry about shipping the orders your customers’ make, giving you a peace of mind.

    How do I drive traffic to my online store?

    Some ways to drive traffic to your online store are:

    • Search engine optimization
    • Drive social media traffic
    • Invest in online ads

    We hope this article helped you create an online store with WooCommerce.
