传统上,黑色星期五和其他Q3 / Q4购物季节与实体连锁店有关。您可能会想像排长队,疯狂的客户争夺有限的空间和资源。
但是,越来越多的消费者选择留在家里,跳过潜在的暴力人群,而转向在线商店购买假日商品。 2018年,黑色星期五的在线销售额达到创纪录的62.2亿美元,其中许多来自移动设备。对于实体商店,黑色星期五的净销售额下降了4%至7%。随着整个世界开始更喜欢在智能手机上购物,这个数字预计只会增长。
而且不只是在黑色星期五。由于销售额下降以及来自亚马逊等在线卖家的竞争加剧,传统零售(步入式)中的一些知名品牌仅在2017年就关闭了5,000多家商店,2018年亚马逊占据了全部电子商务销售额的49%。 2019年将关闭7000多家商店。
通常,当人们研究电子商务选项时,会想到两个大选项:WooCommerce和Easy Digital Downloads。这个市场也在快速增长。 WooCommerce负责人Todd Wilkens估计,2017年WooCommerce商店的总销售额将超过100亿美元,并表示这一数字可能高达150亿美元。奥勒(Owler)目前估计它每年赚120亿美元,因此这些说法似乎是正确的。
查看WooCommerce和Easy Digital Downloads的BuiltWith数据也很有趣:
- 截至2019年11月,目前有超过380万个网站在使用WooCommerce,高于2018年的220万个。
- 截至2019年11月,现在有超过43,000个站点在使用Easy Digital Downloads,而2018年为40,000个。
如果我们看一下Google趋势,我们肯定可以在过去五年中看到“ WooCommerce”搜索字词的稳定增长。不幸的是,“轻松的数字下载”仍然没有足够的市场份额,无法在这里大放异彩。但是请放心,两者每天都在吸引更多用户。
Google趋势中的“ WooCommerce”一词
- 专注于电子邮件
- 利用您的电子邮件列表
- 使用社会证明来促进购买
- 提高优惠券/折扣的可见性
- 使用会员提升假日销售
- 尝试推送通知
- 在社交媒体上推广
- 考虑托管托管
- 减少加载时间
- 简化,优化和保护
- 测试一切
- 使用实时聊天即时连接
- 通过市场营销自动化使买家回头客
如果您需要与WooCommerce或Easy Digital Downloads商店一起使用的高质量电子邮件重定向工具,我们建议使用Jilt。虽然它在整个电子商务生命周期中都可以用作电子邮件自动化工具,但它的最佳功能之一是能够自动重新获得丢失的销售额。只需进行一些设置,即可处理所有幕后操作。
Jilt是由SkyVerge的团队创建的,他们在电子商务优化和了解客户的想法方面并不是新手。实际上,我们采访了他们的产品负责人Beka Rice。实际上,Jilt会连接到您的电子商务网站,并在有人放弃购物车时发送自动电子邮件。
Easy Digital Downloads折扣码
Google Store折扣代码示例
- 3小时后自动发送一封电子邮件,标题为“(名字),您忘记了吗?”
- 1天后自动发送一封电子邮件,标题为“我们仍在保留您的物品-不要错过黑色星期五的折扣。”在此电子邮件中,让Jilt自动生成15%的折扣代码。
- 3天后自动发送一封电子邮件,标题为“立即完成交易以获取巨大的网络星期一折扣!”。在此电子邮件中,让Jilt自动生成20%的折扣代码。
Jilt还提供您需要的所有报告和数据分析,以了解通过吸引您否则会失去的客户而获得多少额外收入。尽管此服务并非完全免费,但其定价模式可能是市场上最灵活的定价模式之一,因为您只需为通过恢复广告系列吸引的客户付费。 Jilt的WordPress插件的WooCommerce和EDD版本在WordPress资料库中均获得5星5星评分。
查看其中一些评论,这些评论是从该领域的知名人物那里获得的,例如WP市长,OceanWP和Macho Themes。
您还可以尝试使用Abandoned Cart Lite,这是一个免费的WooCommerce扩展程序,使您可以跟踪和恢复废弃的购物车,包括访客购物车,并使用可自定义的模板对其进行个性化设置。还有一个专业版,具有其他功能,例如自动生成优惠券代码和高级分析。
FOMO被定义为普遍的担心,即他人可能缺少有益的经验,而FOMO的特征是希望与他人所做的事情保持持续联系。 –科学直报
如果您想利用FOMO,我们建议使用HollerWP。这是一个很棒的潜在客户生成工具,具有很多很棒的功能,例如灯箱弹出窗口和虚假实时聊天,但是节目的明星是销售通知弹出窗口。这些都是完全可定制的,并且只要您商店中的任何人购买产品就会显示出来,从而说服新访客您值得信赖并值得购买。是的,它与WooCommerce或Easy Digital Downloads完全集成。
HollerWP由Scott Bolinger开发,他还创建了流行的AppPresser插件。我们喜欢来自致力于WordPress社区的开发人员的插件,Scott是其中之一!实际上,我们也对他进行了采访。
而且,如果您喜欢FOMO,则可能还想看看WPfomify。它是由IdeaBox Creations开发的,目的是允许网站所有者更好地利用社交证明。与HollerWP一样,它也与WooCommerce和Easy Digital Downloads集成在一起,并且可以显示客户购买或显示限时优惠。
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,为您的客户所喜爱的网络使用社交共享号。营利性网站在其页面上进行了A / B测试以确定这一点。他们本质上测试了一个没有计数器的按钮,一个计数器为零份额的按钮和一个具有1,000多个份额的按钮。你猜怎么着?拥有1,000股的按钮的点击率比计数为零的按钮高60%。
Social Warfare关于社交共享证明和共享按钮的帖子很不错。实际上,他们发现不显示股份数量比显示低股份数量更好。
我们鼓励您运行自己的A / B测试,但您会感到惊讶的是,网站顶部产生了多少点击栏!礼品购物者也不会引起太多关注。您可能正在进行快速促销,他们需要快速结帐。但是CTA栏很难忽略,它使重要信息(如优惠券代码和假期公告)不容错过。
有两种简单的方法可将通知栏添加到WooCommerce或Easy Digital Download网站。我们建议使用以下插件,因为它们提供了自定义通知栏外观,创建CTA按钮/链接以及创建应在何时何地显示过滤器和规则的简便方法:
WP Notification Bars:由MyThemeShop开发。有免费版和高级版。
您也可以轻松创建一个通知栏,如上面的屏幕快照所示,根本不需要任何插件。只需将以下代码添加到您的header.php文件中,就在 标签。
#dabar {
填充:10px 0px;
#dabar a {color:#ffffff;边框底部:点缀1像素;}
根据尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)的一项研究,如果以较低的价格出售购物车中剩余的产品,则有54%的购物者会购买。因此,给客户一种降低价格的方法。您会获得销售和一些免费的社会营销!
- Woocommerce社会奖励
- EDD社会折扣
优惠券示例。 (图片来源:WPExplorer.com)
但是,AM Navigator的另一个有趣的事实是,在大多数会员计划中,只有10%的会员负责90%的活动。这很可能是由于您会吸引很多人报名参加创意或梦想赚钱的事实,但实际上,他们永远不会实现。
AffiliateWP由与Easy Digital Downloads相同的开发人员创建。但请放心,它也适用于WooCommerce!而且,如果您担心它的复杂性,那就不用了。我们已经多次设置了它,您实际上可以在几分钟内接受新的会员。
- WooCommerce电子邮件集成
- 轻松数字下载电子邮件集成
- Easy Digital Downloads MailerLite集成
People will also respond well to personalization, which OneSignal can do with its user segments. Personalize based on behavior, device, and location, and people will be a lot more interested.
Before moving onto the next strategy, I have to say this: this method can be a little too intrusive for some store owners. Though they can be a big help if implemented well, some users aren’t a big fan of push notifications. It’s always best to test out how it performs on smaller, less impactful campaigns. Save your big experiments for after the holidays are over.
7. Promote on Social Media
Black Friday and the months after it are big on social media. Everyone’s talking about the sales and the hype, and it’s a great time for you to join in. Push coupons, advertise your promotions, and get people talking about your brand.
To start, you’ll need a plan for your holiday social media marketing. Create a social media calendar that outlines exactly what you’ll post on what days, get it all written out early, and fill it with plenty of diversity. Between promotions and giveaways, engage the community with questions and polls. It’s the holidays, so make it fun!
HubSpot social media calendar
Remember to reply to anyone who mentions your brand. Always re-share positive feedback on Twitter and Facebook, especially when it’s from influencers with a large following in the space. It can and will turn into new leads and sales for your business. Consider adopting an influencer strategy to get some big exposure, and make sure your affiliates drop links on their social media pages.
Below are just a few examples of feedback that we received about Kinsta and re-shared.
Joe from WPbuff.com
Julien from Craftpeak & Roots
People will be hunting social media for the best deals during the big holiday promotions, and positive social proof can drive them directly towards your store. Do whatever you can to get people talking about your brand.
Take Advantage of Product Hunt
This ecommerce strategy is really more applicable to new businesses, but could also easily work if you’re launching a new product. And that is to take advantage of Product Hunt!
We have seen this work time and time again. It can result in huge traffic, especially if you get featured as product of the day. Take Draftsend for example. This was a new product that recently launched on Product Hunt and blew up! They received over 900 upvotes in 24 hours alone.
Product Hunt
You can almost guarantee this resulted in a lot of signups and eyeballs on their product. And the best part of it is, it’s free to list your item on Product Hunt. It’s definitely something you should introduce into your online ecommerce strategies going forward.
It can be a little bit of a gamble like Reddit, as you don’t know if your product will take off on there or not, but there are things you can do to improve your odds. Check out this complete guide on how to launch on Product Hunt.
8. Consider Managed Hosting
Expecting a big influx of customers this year? If you haven’t already, you should really consider getting managed hosting. If your website goes down during a big rush, it could have a disastrous effect on your sales. Managed hosts are equipped with the systems to handle a lot of concurrent visitors, and the expertise to manage resources and reduce the strain.
A fast host and website become even more important during high-traffic seasonal periods, where your site is going to be under heavy load, and at the same time, you’re dealing with fierce competition. If you can’t hold up, you’re going to lose sales for sure. Customers will quickly take their business elsewhere if they can’t even complete a speedy transaction.
We offer managed WordPress hosting here at Kinsta, built for high speed even during heavy loads. Our architecture is built is last and totally scalable to match your traffic. We check your uptime every 2 minutes, and if something does go wrong, our speedy support will be there to help you fix the problem.
Kinsta features
Did you know 40% of users abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load? Mobile represented 66% of ecommerce traffic for the 2018 holiday season. And the holidays are likely to make people even more impatient. You need a guarantee of lightning-fast load times or you could lose customers.
If you’re afraid your host may not be equipped to handle all the visitors you’re expecting, managed hosting can take that fear off your mind. We’ll handle everything so you can focus on running your store.
Does your site have a tendency to crash right around the winter months, when customers begin pouring in? Many systems are perfectly sustainable most of the year but just can’t handle the holiday rush. Paying for resources that go unused except for two or three months out of the year would be a waste.
Kinsta offers free auto-scaling for the occasional sudden uptick in traffic, but if you know a big event is coming up that’s going to slow your website to a crawl, look into our temporary surge traffic upgrade. We can safeguard your site against crashes long enough for your big sale to run, and you won’t need to continue paying for the resources once it’s over. Overall, it’s a win for you.
Not sure if you need it? You could try a load test like loader.io and see how your site holds up under heavy traffic. Imagine what will happen on Black Friday or Cyber Monday if your site can’t even stand up to a stress test. If it’s struggling, plan accordingly and temporarily up your resources.
9. Reduce Load Times
While reducing load times is nothing new to anyone (here’s our massive guide on how to speed up your WordPress site), we’re including this because it’s probably the most important optimization you can make for your ecommerce store!
We get a lot of WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download clients that come to us because their previous managed WordPress host was too slow or couldn’t hold up under the load. There should be no doubt by now that the speed of your ecommerce site has a direct correlation with conversions and user interaction. Here are a few quick stats for you:
- AliExpress revealed in a presentation that by reducing the load time for their pages by 36% they recorded a 10.5% increase in orders and a 27% increase in conversion rates for new customers.
- Ancestry.com saw a 7% increase in conversions after improving render time by 68%, page weight by 46% and load time by 64%.
- Portent found that your website conversions drop by 2-4% for every second that passes.
- 53% of visits to mobile sites are abandoned after 3 seconds according to research from Google’s DoubleClick.
WooCommerce sites especially are very demanding as they generate a lot of data, as well as un-cachable requests, which means you need robust PHP and database resources in place. It is important when choosing WooCommerce hosting that you use a container-based host that is built for scaling, as well as isolated resources.
Subscribe Now
When you’re running a demanding ecommerce site, you may want to consider switching to a managed hosting platform. Leaving your host in the right hands can seriously optimize your speeds and bring your load times way down. A managed host that knows what they’re doing can make all the difference.
When it comes to high-traffic WooCommerce sites, that is our specialty here at Kinsta. Our knowledgeable support engineers look at each case on an individual basis and are used to working with all sorts of setups, from large WooCommerce solutions to small EDD shops.
Previously we have helped companies such as DartDrones prepare their WooCommerce site for the flood of traffic they were going to get from appearing on the popular television show Shark Tank.
As expected, their traffic skyrocketed right around 8 PM eastern time (shown in EU below). In the heavy 6 hour period after airing, there was a total of 1,263,233 requests with 2 TB cached bandwidth used and only 3 GB of un-cached bandwidth. We were able to provide 100% uptime while delivering faster page load times than their previous host.
Data transfer analytics
Here are just a few additional ways that Kinsta goes further to find the perfect balance between performance and functionality for ecommerce sites:
- Fast server-level caching in place with rules to ensure proper WooCommerce and EDD functionality.
- Being able to provide additional PHP workers on higher plans if needed. Additional PHP workers allow for multiple requests to execute simultaneously.
- By default, certain WooCommerce and EDD pages like cart, my-account, and checkout, are excluded from caching.
- Users automatically bypass the cache when the “woocommerce_items_in_cart cookie” or “edd_items_in_cart” is detected to ensure a smooth and in-sync checkout process.
We also utilize New Relic to help clients easily diagnose what might be causing abnormal load time on their sites. Typically this can be from third-party plugins, slow queries, or badly written code.
New Relic
Besides moving to a fast managed WordPress, there are a lot of other optimizations you can make to reduce your load times. Here are some additional steps you can take:
- According to HTTP Archive, images make up on average 66% of a total webpage’s weight. And because of product catalogs, this is usually even worse on ecommerce sites! So optimizing your images is essential.
Offload and cache additional files such as MP3s, PDFs, etc.
- Utilize a content delivery network (CDN) to instantly speed up the delivery of your assets around the globe. In our tests, sites across continents saw over a 50% decrease in page load times.
- Implement caching on your WordPress site. We handle caching for clients at the server level, but if yours doesn’t you can install a caching plugin like Cache Enabler WP Rocket.
- Disable and limit scripts that aren’t needed to ensure faster page load times. WooCommerce is known for getting hammered with AJAX requests from (wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragment). You can make sure that this only loads on WooCommerce pages and doesn’t bog down the rest of your site. You can use a premium plugin like perfmatters to do this with a single click or dive into our in-depth tutorial on how to disable scripts and plugins on a per-page/post basis.
- Optimize your WordPress database. If your database gets too big with thousands of tables, it can start slowing down queries on your site. We always recommend limiting your post revisions, deleting old ones, clearing out transients, converting tables from MyISAM to InnoDB, and cleaning up your wp_options table.
- Work on lowering your ecommerce site’s time to first byte (TTFB).
- Properly diagnose and fix any high Admin-AJAX usage.
And don’t forget about mobile! More and more traffic every year is coming from mobile devices and Google is now running its mobile-first index.
Beware also of this: not everyone is using fast connections like 4G yet. It’s important that load times are snappy so you don’t lose customers. You have three seconds to make an impression before you lose them, so don’t miss out on potential sales.
All of the above recommendations will also help you increase speeds on mobile or you can look at testing Google AMP on your site. AMP offers a way to serve up a stripped-down version of your current web page at lightning-fast speeds. Some big ecommerce sites are already using it and have seen great results!
We tried Google AMP on our site but were not impressed with the results. And there is currently no SEO advantage (for the moment). You can read about it more in our case study. However, every site is different.
So we always recommend testing on your own site. Especially if your site is bogged down with ads or third-party scripts. AMP could really benefit you and in some ways, speed up the optimization process! There are new plugins constantly emerging in this new space. Here are a few to check out:
- AMP WooCommerce
weeblrAMP (includes WooCommerce and EDD support)
10. Simplify, Optimize, and Secure
The holidays are a critical time for your sales, and they bring in an unusual set of customers. People are a lot more impatient during a big seasonal sale than they would be normally. Now is the time to optimize your site’s design and add features that can speed up the buying process.
For the best results, simplify everything and make your product pages as easy to access as possible. Overly complex UI can seriously turn off a customer.
Remove or relocate anything that doesn’t contribute to your sales funnel, and highlight links leading to your promotional and product pages. Use images and banners linking there to draw the eye. Ensure that your navigation is de-cluttered and getting around is easy.
Also, consider simplifying your navigation menu. Make it easy to see and access the search bar and your core categories and ensure that the “Add to Cart” button is easily reachable once they get to your products. Eliminate clutter and use clever web design to highlight the links leading your store areas.
From your homepage, users should be able to start browsing a category, choose a product, and add it to their cart in 3-5 clicks or less.
You can have the best prices on the internet, but if your website is a nightmare to navigate, you won’t get any sales.
Don’t forget to take extra security steps as well. This is prime time for attackers to try to steal user info, so you need to ensure that you and your customers are protected.
Backup your website, and do it now.
- Update WordPress, your theme, and your plugins. Outdated extensions are the leading cause of WordPress hacks.
- Update your PHP to the latest version.
- If you’re accepting sensitive customer information, you should already have an SSL certificate.
- Invest in secure managed hosting to prevent server exploits.
- Secure your admin login (change your username off “admin” and choose a password with uppercase, lowercase, symbols, and numbers) and use two-factor authentication.
There are a lot more advanced steps you can take, so check out our guide to WordPress security.
Remove Barriers from the Checkout Process
People are always in a hurry, a lot more than they were 10 years ago. So removing any barriers you might have from the checkout process could drastically increase your sales. If checkout is a five-step process, they’re going to drop their cart.
According to a study, 23% of users will abandon their shopping cart if they have to create a new user account. That is a lot! Here are three recommendations. The first is to create a guest checkout for new customers.
This way can they can quickly add products to their cart, purchase, and be on their way. In a lot of scenarios you can still create an account for them, it’s simply automatically generated instead of prompting them for all the information. This way they can reset the password later on from their email when they have more time.
In WooCommerce, you can enable guest checkout under the “Checkout” tab. In Easy Digital Downloads, guest checkout is actually enabled by default.
Easy Digital Downloads has guest checkout selected automatically
The second recommendation is to utilize social logins for checkout. Some customers might not like this due to security concerns, while others are probably fine with it. The great part is you can offer both to speed up the checkout process for everyone.
The official WooCommerce Social Login extension is actually developed by SkyVerge, who also developers Jilt, the product we mentioned earlier. There’s also the Social Login extension for Easy Digital Downloads.
Social Login for Easy Digital Downloads
And the third recommendation is for those with physical products, and that is to get rid of those shipping charges! According to that same study, 28% of shoppers will abandon their shopping cart if presented with unexpected shipping costs.
So the best advice would be to either show them right from the beginning what shipping will cost or figure out a way to price your products with shipping included. Have you ever tried free shipping to see how it impacts your conversions?
You could also skip the lengthy checkout process altogether and implement quicker checkout systems using plugins. You can do this in Easy Digital Downloads with a buy now button, or try a WooCommerce extension that condenses the product and checkout page or offers one-click checkout for registered users.
11. Test Everything
This one is simple, but it’s something many people forget. Go through your website and click on everything. Look carefully over each page, click every link, scan over your crucial copy, test out your navigation. Sign up for an account, add products to your cart, and test checkout only stopping short of clicking “purchase”.
It’s common to neglect this step, but you’d be surprised how many tiny issues you’ll spot doing this. A broken link or a typo here, a glitch in the shopping cart there… you want to test early with enough time to correct any issues, then again right before your first seasonal promotion is set to launch.
Test it yourself, test it on multiple devices and browsers, and ask friends to test as well. Even if you don’t find anything, you’ll feel lucky if you caught something that would have damaged many customers’ experiences.
Take Advantage of A/B Testing
When it comes to ecommerce strategies, A/B testing should always be towards the top of the list. This is something that many marketers discuss, but there is usually little follow-through. If you sell products online, the bottom line is that you should be constantly running A/B tests.
Turn this into a weekly or monthly habit and you should be able to see improvements to your sales, CTR, time on site, and even SEO in no time!
A/B Testing example with Nelio
A/B testing, also called split testing, essentially pits two-page elements against each other in a head-to-head scenario that tells you which element readers respond to more. For instance, if you want to test a new product title, you can design two identical web pages that feature separate titles and direct traffic to each web page to see which headline results in more page views, time on page, higher conversions, etc.
You then simply take the winner, and rinse and repeat the process. There are also other types of testing, such as multivariant tests you can dive into.
A/B testing becomes especially important in the weeks and months leading up to a big sale. You want to be ready with the element that’s guaranteed to win you the most conversions.
Be careful when A/B testing during the holidays. Running tests during large surges in traffic can be done, but it tends to skew the data. Customers tend to act irregularly, many aren’t from your target audience, and your other sales campaigns can artificially inflate urgency.
Holiday A/B testing is a great time to get lots of results fast, but you need to run the same test once things calm down or you may end up implementing a change that actually damages your business due to skewed data.
Here are a few of the best A/B testing plugins and tools we recommend checking out. Most, if not all of them have integrations for WordPress and can be used to run A/B experiments with your WooCommerce and or Easy Digital Downloads store.
- Google Optimize
- Nelio A/B Testing
- Simple Page Tester
- A/B Press Optimizer
- Unbounce
And remember that no A/B test is too small! Brian Massey conducted a study in which he ran A/B tests on ecommerce site navigation.
He discovered that the words you use on your main navigation may influence your visitors more than the way your main navigation works. For example, he replaced the navigation item “Product Categories” with “Shop Products” and saw a 13% decrease in the sitewide conversion rate.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply change a word and see more sales? Well, it might very well be that easy. There is no way to know unless you A/B test, and then A/B test some more.
12. Use Live Chat to Instantly Connect
Sending a support ticket and waiting for someone to get back to you takes an awfully long time. And when customers are scrambling to get presents bought before it’s too late, they’re not going to bother with that cumbersome process.
But if your site incorporates prompt and speedy live chat, it’s a much different situation. Customers are much more likely to contact you if they have a question, and then go through with their sale. If you don’t have any way to instantly get in contact, there’s a chance they’ll just abandon ship.
In a study by eMarketer, 62% of users said they were likely to return to a site that offers live chat.为什么? Because customers like to know they can get their answers right away. Does it help with sales? Of course it does.
Drift was able to increase their inbound leads by 200% simply by putting live chat on their website.
We’ve used Intercom since day one here at Kinsta and it’s worked very well for us. Intercom has provided an easy way for us to integrate chat and support tickets (seen below) it into our dashboard so customers know we’re always one click away, 24/7.
Still, to this day we get compliments from customers that are impressed with our chat solution. You can decide on your own situation whether or not you only want logged-in customers to have access to chat, or everyone. We suggest testing both methods!
At Kinsta we use Intercom
Thankfully, due to the way chat solutions and plugins work, they pretty much all support WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads in some form or another. Here are a few we recommend checking out:
Intercom (as seen above)
- Drift
- WP Live Chat Support
And if you’re looking for even more to compare, don’t miss our in-depth post with 11 chat solutions for WordPress.
Don’t let sales slip through your fingers just because you didn’t give people an easy way to contact you. Implementing live chat will help you keep up with shoppers’ fast pace.
13. Keep Buyers Coming Back with Marketing Automation
When you’re dealing with thousands of concurrent users, you need a way to streamline the process of recommending products, tracking sales, and applying incentivizing discounts. If you give your customers a seamless experience during their stressful holiday shopping, you can be sure that they’ll come back.
You can take your ecommerce site to the next level by employing marketing automation and AI to convert more customers into revenue. If you have a WooCommerce store we recommend checking out Beeketing.
This allows you to basically put your store on steroids and employ proven marketing tactics with a click of a button, such as recommending targeted products upon adding something to the cart.
The Beeketing WordPress plugin has over 700 reviews with an impressive 5 out of 5-star rating. Here are just a few of the other amazing features they include to really fine-tune your store:
- Add sales countdown clock and low-stock indicator on product pages to create urgency and scarcity.
- On mobile web version: add a Buy Now button fixed on top or bottom when customers browse.
- Upsell & Cross-sell related products (support both manual product selection and auto-recommendation).
- Bundle up frequently bought together products and sell the combo at a value discount.
- Sales Gamification: Motivate customers to spend more to reach a cart value threshold and receive a reward discount.
- Offer a cart-level discount, free shipping, or free gift, if customers complete order.
- Upsell more products after checkout to invite repeat purchases (offer coupons to incentivize).
- Send cart & browse abandonment emails.
- Show how many people have viewed and bought products to build social proof.
You should also make an effort to reach out to holiday shoppers. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the December festivities tend to bring in a huge spike in revenue. But many of your new customers are just here temporarily to take advantage of your great deals, they’re not planning on sticking around.
But you’ve already captured their interest, and gotten many of them to sign up for an account. That’s a huge opportunity to retain a fair number of your new customers. Don’t let it slip.
The trick is convincing them to re-engage and at the right time. People tend to spend a lot around the Christmas season, so a campaign that starts too early could be ineffective but if too late you might have lost their interest entirely. Timing is crucial.
However, you time your next promotion, keep the ball rolling and run them through the new year. Get a big event going during one of the early months. It can reignite interest and bring back customers who had a good experience with your brand during their seasonal shopping.
Some smaller ways to re-engage holiday customers are to offer them a coupon for returning, ask them for a review in exchange for something, or use automation to recommend products similar to what they bought. It’s a good way to reach out and remind them that you exist while giving them incentives to return.
With the right strategy, the surge of new visitors in the last few months of the year doesn’t have to be temporary. This is a great time to bring in some permanent customers and turn them into loyal, long-term fans of your store.
The holiday season is approaching and you need to capitalize on it. Get these 13 solid ecommerce strategies to grow your sales! ???
Every little change you can afford to implement before the holiday season arrives could make all the difference. This is the time of the year where you’re making the most sales, but you need to be ready to accommodate the influx of new customers. With the right approach, you might even be able to convince them to stick around.
But you have to make a good impression. If your website is hard to use, poorly optimized, and constantly going down, you can both drive away what would have been new long-term customers and disappoint your current ones. Make sure your WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads stores are prepared and don’t dawdle: you can be sure your competition won’t!
Did we miss any important tips or do you have another unique one to share? We would love to hear from some fellow ecommerce site owners. Feel free to leave your comments below.
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