

原因是:WordPress並非開箱即用的電子商務平台。 WooCommerce是世界上採用最廣泛的解決方案之一,不僅因為它是免費的,而且還因為它提供了大量的插件(和擴展名)來改善您的商店。
















  1. 建立您的網站的目的。
  2. 問問自己,WooCommerce缺少哪些功能才能運行有效的業務。
  3. 考慮找到滿足這些需求的WooCommerce主題。
  4. 如果主題無法解決問題,請開始尋找最佳的WooCommerce插件和擴展。
  5. 要麼購買軟體包以省錢並為將來做準備,要麼選擇單個插件以省錢並堅持您絕對需要的東西。






1. WooCommerce PDF發票和裝箱單

WooCommerce PDF發票和裝箱單擁有大量的追隨者,這是有充分理由的。各種各樣的企業都需要發票和裝箱單,但是WooCommerce沒有提供這種類型的平滑功能。


WooCommerce PDF發票和裝箱單

WooCommerce PDF發票和裝箱單WordPress插件



使WooCommerce PDF發票和裝箱單訂閱成為首選的功能

  • 在安裝過程中,您可以列印出當前和過去訂單的PDF發票和裝箱單。
  • 該插件有多種語言可供使用,使全世界許多人都可以輕鬆地運行該插件。
  • 所有發票都是按順序組織的,您可以根據自己的喜好格式化編號。
  • 該插件可讓您批量或單獨生成發票和裝箱單。
  • 根據發送給誰,發送帶有已附加發票的電子郵件。
  • 在Pro版本中,您具有其他功能,可使用高級模板並連接到Dropbox將裝箱單直接發送到印表機。



2. YITH WooCommerce的願望清單

YITH WooCommerce願望清單模仿了許多較大的電子商務商店(例如Amazon)上的「收藏夾」列表。並非每個品牌都適用,但通常可以為客戶提供一種保存某些產品以備後用的方法。


YITH WooCommerce願望清單-最佳WooCommerce插件

YITH WooCommerce願望清單WordPress插件



使YITH WooCommerce願望清單成為最佳選擇的功能

  • 該插件提供了增加每次結帳銷售額的潛力,並且可以提醒客戶過去的興趣。
  • 它提供了為婚禮和嬰兒送禮會等活動提供禮物清單的功能。
  • 用戶可以在社交媒體上分享他們的願望清單。
  • 該插件具有用於創建多個列表並命名它們的工具。
  • 在網站的某些區域上顯示「添加到收藏夾」按鈕。
  • 自定義願望清單格式,並進行調整,例如列數和頁面上顯示的產品數。



3. WooCommerce的自定義產品選項卡




WooCommerce WordPress插件的自定義產品標籤




  • 快速安裝將簡單的選項卡添加到您的產品頁面。
  • 您可以在基本的WordPress編輯器中編輯所有標籤。
  • 該插件允許保存某些選項卡以粘貼到其他產品頁面。
  • 所有選項卡都允許使用簡碼,圖像,文本和其他元素。
  • 該插件與WPML兼容,將來可以翻譯。
  • 如果需要,選項卡數據將與您的產品數據一起導出。



4. WooCommerce的蜂鳴器




Beeketing for WooCommerce WordPress插件




使Beeketing for WooCommerce成為絕佳選擇的功能

  • Beeketing for WooCommerce是市場上僅有的將一整套產品組合在一起的插件之一。與將多個營銷插件鏈接在一起相比,這似乎是一個更好的價值。
  • 該插件提供向上銷售和交叉銷售,以及捆綁銷售以提高您的購物車價值。
  • 在結帳過程中的任何地方提供優惠券和折扣。
  • 從模板中選擇廢棄的購物車彈出窗口和電子郵件。
  • 該插件具有Facebook Messenger支持,歡迎電子郵件和滴灌廣告系列的選項。
  • 有大量的擴展程序可供選擇,其中包括個性化推薦,優惠券框,銷售彈出窗口和快速Facebook聊天等選項。


所有電子商務商店都需要營銷,因此,如果您想要的不是套件,而不僅僅是單個插件,請試用Beeketing for WooCommerce,以了解它是否適​​合您。

5. WooCommerce定製器

WooCommerce Customizer擴展了WooCommerce中可調整設置的數量。這些自定義選項已在WooCommerce中提供,但是通常必須自定義代碼才能使其正常工作。因此,可以使用WooCommerce Customizer插件通過視覺設置使這些任務更容易。


WooCommerce Customizer-最佳WooCommerce插件

WooCommerce Customizer WordPress插件




使WooCommerce Customizer成為絕佳選擇的功能

  • 它為不知道如何編碼的人打開可視化編輯設置。
  • 您可以更改銷售徽章,「添加到購物車」文本和結帳頁面優惠券等內容。
  • 提供了許多擴展供您安裝。例如,其中一些包括MailChimp,WooCommerce會員資格和Jilt for WooCommerce。
  • 絕大多數功能和擴展都是免費使用的。


建議所有WooCommerce網站所有者至少測試一下WooCommerce Customizer插件。您可能會發現,自定義小元素(如「創建帳戶」按鈕)更加容易。但是,某些主題可能會為您完成這些自定義。





適用於WooCommerce WordPress插件的PickPlugins產品滑塊




使PickPlugins WooCommerce產品滑塊成為絕佳選擇的功能

  • 在您選擇的任何頁面或帖子上添加產品滑塊。
  • 所有產品滑塊在台式機和較小的設備上看起來都很漂亮。
  • 提供數十種設置,包括自動播放,觸摸拖動和其他顏色的選項。
  • 該插件會自動隱藏缺貨的產品。
  • 它支持無限的產品和滑塊。
  • 提供了20多個導航功能區。
  • 自定義所有內容,從字體大小到文本對齊方式以及項目類別到自定義等級。
  • 您可以選擇升級以獲得更多主題和更好的組織。
  • 自定義和動畫通常比在預建的WordPress主題上可以找到的印象深刻得多。



7. WooCommerce多語言








  • 它與WooCommerce和一些最受歡迎的WooCommerce擴展集成。其中一些包括WooCommerce預訂,訂閱和選項卡管理器。
  • 該插件可立即將您的文本更改為您選擇的語言。
  • 翻譯在您網站上的所有內容(例如產品,館藏和首頁文字)上均已完成。
  • 您可以一鍵更改貨幣。
  • 該插件具有在單個站點上提供多種貨幣的功能。
  • 結帳流程和購物車會保留您選擇的語言。
  • 通過WooCommerce發送的所有電子郵件均使用該語言。



8. WooCommerce的助推器

Booster for WooCommerce啟用了有趣的功能集合,您在使用WooCommerce時可能會發現這些功能會丟失。其中一些功能包括批量價格轉換,貨幣,全球折扣,以及使客戶提供自己的價格的工具。



WooCommerce WordPress插件的助推器


核心插件(具有大量新增功能)是免費的。 Booster Plus(具有更多功能)的售價為49.99美元。

使Booster for WooCommerce成為絕佳選擇的功能

  • WooCommerce插件的Booster本身幾乎是一個完整的電子商務插件。它提供了更高級的在線商店體驗,而無需使用新主題或多個插件。
  • 使用用於多種貨幣,價格格式和批發價格的工具來更改價格和貨幣。
  • 使用自定義價格標籤,免費價格標籤和更多按鈕標籤的功能調整按鈕和價格標籤。
  • 使用產品成像,輸入欄位等功能自定義產品。
  • 藉助核心欄位,結帳費用和空的購物車按鈕來改變購物車和結帳方式。
  • 藉助最小/最大金額,按運送量分配的網關以及基於類別的網關來改善您的支付網關。
  • 藉助用於訂購數量,運輸計算和圖標的多種功能來擴大您的運輸過程。
  • 使您的電子郵件和PDF發票更好。


最好查看Booster for WooCommerce的全部新增功能列表。插件中可能有一些對您的公司有意義的內容。一長串的功能不可能一目了然。但是,這通常可以替代對其他插件或主題的需求。

9. WooCommerce的歐盟增值稅合規助理




WooCommerce WordPress插件的歐盟增值稅合規助理




  • 無論您的公司位於歐盟還是客戶從歐盟購買,它都可以確保您遵守歐盟法律。
  • 該插件無需任何操作即可識別客戶的位置。
  • 顯示位置後,該插件會自動將您的網站價格更改為包含歐盟增值稅費用。
  • 所有額外費用都會記錄下來,以防萬一您通過審核或需要將這些費用包括在自己的會計中。
  • 增值稅費用不僅會顯示在購物車中。您可以放心,您的客戶會在產品頁面和產品集上看到最終的增值稅價格。
  • 各個國家/地區的增值稅率不同。因此,該插件會嘗試為您計算所有這些。如果需要,您也可以輸入自己的自定義增值稅費用。
  • 有一個設置可以拒絕所有包含增值稅費用的購買。
  • 包含高級報告,以便您可以在合併增值稅後細分成本和購買行為。
  • 同時支持數字商品和實物商品。




Checkout Field Editor插件具有用於在Checkout區域中添加,編輯和刪除自定義欄位的工具。名稱,地址和付款信息的標準欄位仍然存在,但是此插件可識別某些公司是唯一的。







使Checkout Field Editor成為絕佳選擇的功能

  • 該插件可立即使您的結帳模塊更易於自定義。更改WooCommerce結帳上的元素並不是最簡單的任務,但這很有幫助。
  • 提供了數十個新的欄位項,以合併諸如類,標籤和類型之類的選項。
  • 無需了解編碼就可以編輯欄位。因此,現在更改標準的運輸和計費欄位是一種可行的選擇。
  • 該插件的核心版本完全免費,具有選擇,文本區域和電子郵件等欄位類型。
  • 您可以在欄位之間移動以將其放置在結帳流程的不同區域。例如,您可能決定在訂單詳細信息頁面之前不需要顯示電子郵件欄位。
  • 隨意刪除您想要的任何欄位。
  • 單擊按鈕即可啟用和禁用欄位。
  • 該插件提供了一些拖放界面,用於調整當前欄位和新欄位的順序。
  • 高級版本價格適中,並且打開了一批全新的演示和領域。



11. WooCommerce菜單車

WooCommerce菜單購物車插件可與許多電子商務插件一起使用,例如WooCommerce,WP-Ecommerce和Easy Digital Downloads。其主要目的是在主導航菜單中添加一個購物車按鈕。







  • 該插件將「非WooCommerce」主題轉變為功能齊全的在線商店,因為購物車圖標對於推動銷售和提醒人們有關其購物車的重要性如此高。
  • 只需幾分鐘即可安裝插件,並在菜單中看到購物車圖標。
  • 您可以選擇添加購物車圖標,也可以僅添加商品和價格。
  • 可以使用設置將購物車圖標浮動到導航菜單的不同區域。
  • 自定義CSS可以用於更高級的編輯。
  • 專業版增加了令人印象深刻的列表,其中包括更多購物車圖標,彈出按鈕,自動更新等。



12. YITH WooCommerce比較

YITH開發人員以通過使用插件和擴展為WooCommerce添加一些功能而聞名。如果您要銷售可以直接比較功能的產品,那麼YITH WooCommerce比較插件是最重要的插件之一。


YITH WooCommerce比較

YITH WooCommerce比較WordPress插件


YITH WooCommerce Compare插件是免費使用。但是,您可以升級到YITH Premium Club,以獲得對所有YITH插件和高級支持的訪問許可權。 Premium訂閱的價格為63.99美元。

使YITH WooCommerce比較出色的功能

  • 它允許您添加快速功能,使用戶的購物體驗更好。
  • 無需擔心編碼問題,因為該插件會在幾秒鐘內安裝完畢,您可以將「比較」按鈕放在任何地方。
  • 提供一些翻譯。
  • 您可以選擇在表中比較哪些功能。
  • 比較模塊是一個彈出窗口,因此不會使客戶離開當前頁面。相反,他們看到帶有比較表的乾淨桌子,然後就可以回去購物了。
  • 客戶可以直接從比較頁面將商品添加到他們的購物車中。
  • 在比較表中可以顯示幾個欄位。其中一些包括可用性,圖像和標題。還可以刪除其中的任何一個。
  • 提供了一些簡單的設置來調整項目,例如按鈕文本,表格標題和產品圖像大小。




13. WooCommerce的訂單交貨日期




WooCommerce WordPress插件的訂單交付日期




  • 該插件為客戶提供了更高的透明度,因為可以為客戶提供他們可以選擇的確切日期。這與選擇USPS和UPS等傳統選項的方法相比。
  • 您可以選擇禁用某些日期和時間。
  • 該插件提供了一些設置,以配置產品出廠所需的最少天數。例如,您可能希望完全封鎖一兩天內的日期。
  • 您可以限制每天的發貨數量。
  • 專業版在功能集上進行了相當大的擴展,提供了與Google日曆同步,阻止時段和設置周末送達時間的選項。



14. YITH WooCommerce快速查看

如前所述,YITH有許多WooCommerce插件可以擴展基本插件如何為您的商店使用。 YITH WooCommerce快速查看會添加一個快速查看彈出窗口,使您的客戶不必一直走到產品頁面。

現在,他們可以直接從彈出窗口中將商品添加到購物車,然後在模塊外添加「 X」以繼續購物。快速查看功能的目的是減少客戶將物品放入購物車所需的步驟數。

YITH WooCommerce快速查看

YITH WooCommerce快速查看WordPress插件



使YITH WooCommerce快速查看成為最佳選擇的功能

  • YITH WooCommerce快速查看插件是一種為客戶加快購買過程的簡便方法。
  • 安裝插件並查看所有產品的快速查看模塊僅需幾分鐘。
  • 將按鈕添加到產品循環和收藏庫中,以打開帶有快速產品信息的窗口。
  • 快速查看燈箱由AJAX提供支持,因此可以快速載入並且不會中斷您網站上的任何內容。
  • 您可以自定義模塊的樣式以適合您自己的品牌。


對於那些希望為客戶加快結帳流程的人,建議使用YITH WooCommerce Quick View插件。但是,請記住,有時快速查看工具會使客戶的購物體驗更加混亂和困難。對它進行測試,並嘗試幾天來首先從您的客戶那裡獲得反饋,然後再在整個網站上實施它。

15. Livechat – WooCommerce的高級實時聊天軟體

所有在線商店都應具有實時聊天工具,以為已經瀏覽該網站的用戶提供客戶支持。 LiveChat –用於WooCommerce插件的高級實時聊天軟體是添加實時聊天區域並從網站後端進行管理的最佳解決方案之一。


Livechat – WooCommerce的高級實時聊天軟體

Livechat –用於WooCommerce WordPress插件的高級實時聊天軟體



  • 入門級–每個代理每月$ 16。
  • 團隊–每個探員$ 33。
  • 業務-每位代理商$ 50。
  • 企業–自定義定價。



使LiveChat成為可能的功能– WooCommerce的高級實時聊天軟體是一個不錯的選擇

  • 它在您的網站上提供了一個漂亮的,高度可定製的實時聊天框。
  • 訪問者跟蹤對於了解客戶在您的網站上正在做什麼以及何時需要幫助是必不可少的。
  • 在與您的一位銷售代表進行實時聊天之後,從客戶那裡收集反饋。
  • 實時聊天觸發自動實現與客戶聯繫的過程,而無需等待客戶提出問題。
  • 所有離線通信均作為支持憑單存儲,因此您可以再次與他們聯繫並為您的客戶提供幫助。
  • 實時聊天記錄將記錄到系統中進行分析,並查看您的哪些代表最有幫助。
  • 該插件具有多渠道交流功能,因此您可以在Facebook,您的網站等地方與客戶聯繫。
  • 提供了罐頭答覆,這樣您就不必在其他客戶之前問過問題時也鍵入答覆。



16. WooCommerce的直接結帳

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce has a unique and potentially lucrative purpose. It completely overrides the shopping cart page on your WooCommerce site, speeding up the checkout and making it easier for your customers to get to the payment area.

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

It』s always a struggle to try to figure out ways to make the checkout simpler. Some stores won』t like the idea of removing the shopping cart, but it definitely makes sense for some. After all, the customer can still go back if they would like to edit something.


Free, with a $15 upgrade option for a handful of other features.

Features That Make Direct Checkout for WooCommerce a Great Choice

  • 免費。
  • The plugin lets you add single, grouped, and variable products to the cart without having to reload the site each time something is added.
  • Users are instantly redirected to the checkout page to buy items, as opposed to sending them to the shopping cart.
  • You can also remove some of the checkout fields to make the process even faster.
  • It lets you choose a one-page checkout process.
  • The quick purchase button can be placed below every product to send users right to the checkout with that one item.
  • You can customize the checkout buttons and text items.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

This is a tough one because some customers may not like the idea of being sent right to the checkout area. However, others are sure to enjoy the convenience. Again, it』s best to ask your customers beforehand and to get feedback as you roll out the plugin.

17. WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway

WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway is one of the more popular plugins for WooCommerce. That』s because it』s a commonly used payment gateway for just about all of the major ecommerce platforms.

By itself, WooCommerce doesn』t have Stripe, and many other payment gateways, to accept transactions. However, you can install this plugin to connect to your Stripe account.

WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway - Best WooCommerce Plugins

WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway WordPress plugin



Features That Make WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway a Great Choice

  • Stripe is one of the top payment gateways in the world. This means that it』s reputable, secure, and people trust it.
  • After installation, your site can suddenly accept all major debit and credit cards.
  • Local payment is possible through Stripe.
  • Stripe Elements is an included feature that drastically speeds up the checkout process, helping people type in their personal information.
  • The customer authentication is considered some of the best in the business.
  • It makes your site optimized for alternative payment methods like Google Pay and Apple Pay.
  • Stripe supports recurring payments.
  • You』ll get far better customer support from Stripe, as opposed to what you would receive from PayPal. Also, a PayPal Buy button isn』t exactly seen as that professional.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

Every online store should consider Stripe as adding more payment methods increases your conversion rate.

18. YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce

YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce is one of the top choices for turning a WooCommerce website into a booking platform. Whether it』s for booking hair care appointments, car maintenance, or dental cleanings, the WooCommerce Bookings system does the trick for all professionals.

Once active, the extension turns on an appointment calendar for customers to book your service on the frontend of your site. You get to define options and set which days and time you』re available. You can also break it up into various calendars if you have multiple people in your organization–like for gyms with several trainers.

YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce

YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce WordPress plugin


Three plans are available:

  • Single Site – $169.99
  • Six Sites – $289.99
  • 30 Sites – $449.99

Features That Make YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce a Great Choice

  • It』s made by YITH, so you know it』s reputable and constructed to work well with your site. You also get quality customer service for the plugin.
  • The plugin activates a clean calendar for customers to book reservations.
  • You can define options like time slots for tours or appointments.
  • The booking module looks great on all devices.
  • Multi-person events and one-on-one appointments are all possible.
  • Create custom search modules for people to find different events or offerings.
  • You can set unique options like rejecting bookings automatically depending on who books the appointment or the time of day.
  • Set special pricing for certain groups or days.
  • You can make it so that the customer』s time zone shows up.
  • Double bookings are not possible.
  • Collect payments for your online bookings, and activate when those payments are required.
  • Sync your website calendar to Google Calendar.
  • Reminders are sent out to you and the customer, reducing the number of no-shows.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

Consider the YITH Booking and Appointment plugin if you need a better way to book customers and organize all of the appointments.

Some of these industries and professions include gyms, restaurants, lawyers, doctors, and more.

19. WooCommerce Membership

The WooCommerce Membership plugin is sold on CodeCanyon and it』s developed by a group called RightPress. The plugin is a wonderful choice if you plan on converting your WooCommerce site into one that collects membership fees.

You can sell or assign memberships, bring in payments, or even make members who don』t have to pay anything. There are plenty of possibilities with the WooCommerce Membership plugin, from purchasing clubs to exclusive content on your blog.

WooCommerce Membership

WooCommerce Membership WordPress plugin


The plugin sells for $39, with additional options for extending your customer support.

Features That Make WooCommerce Membership a Great Choice

  • It turns a seemingly normal online store into one that can collect membership fees and assign membership titles to all customers.
  • The plugin acts as a content blocker, where you can share certain items with members who pay.
  • It has features for selling memberships to companies or larger groups of people.
  • You can send out automated emails to notify members of different actions.
  • Convert any of your products currently sold on your website to membership items.
  • Grant access to any people that you want, and remove access for others.
  • Activate a content drip feed to ensure that members receive information on a regular basis.
  • Create an unlimited number of memberships with multiple fee levels.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

There are several types of membership sites. If you』d like to create a stream of recurring income, a membership might be for you.

We suggest membership sites for podcasts, monthly box clubs, exclusive blog posts, online courses, and many more products. Make sure to read our guide on selling subscriptions with WooCommerce.

20. WooCommerce Social Login

Signing up for another account for your online store isn』t typically what customers want to do. Facebook, and other social networks, have made it easy for internet users to utilize social login information for other websites.

So, this WooCommerce Social Login plugin is available to cut down on the time required for customers to make their own accounts on your site. In addition, it still provides valuable information for you to analyze site visitors.

WooCommerce Social Login - Best WooCommerce Plugins

WooCommerce Social Login WordPress plugin


$39 on CodeCanyon, with options to upgrade your customer support.

What Makes This One of the Best WooCommerce Plugins?

  • The plugin has features for allowing social logins with data from places like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • You can integrate the plugin with other plugins like BuddyPress and bbPress.
  • Create your own branded login forms with the social buttons you want.
  • Include these social login buttons in your checkout module.
  • Dozens of networks are supported, including Apple, Amazon, and PayPal.
  • You get to see stats showing you how many people log in to your website using which networks.
  • The plugin offers a drag and drop builder for making your forms.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

If you』re interested in boosting the number of people who make accounts on your site, this plugin should be considered. Any type of online store can benefit from a quick social login area.

21. Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce

The Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce plugin is one of the essentials that all ecommerce websites should have connected to their stores. As you may know, Google Analytics is one of the go-to options for forecasting, checking site statistics, and understanding which products are doing the best. Therefore, it makes sense to integrate your online store with Google Analytics, regardless of what you』re selling.

Google Analytics, and this plugin, is completely free. It provides help for discovering which of your sales channels are performing the best. You can also find out which areas of your site are most profitable and which are causing you to lose money. Overall, the Google Analytics plugin for WooCommerce is an integral piece for making decisions based on data as opposed to gut instinct.

Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce

Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce WordPress plugin



Features That Make Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce a Great Choice

  • Google Analytics is easy to understand, and most of the features you need are free.
  • The plugin brings the power of Google Analytics into your WooCommerce dashboard. Therefore, you don』t have to keep logging into different platforms.
  • It allows you to see which areas are leaking money and which areas are making you money.
  • You can compare traffic for your web pages and find out which of the products are performing best.
  • See what your customers are actually looking for and when they decide to buy or leave your site.
  • The plugin lets you track user sessions so that you can learn more about individual customers.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

Without a doubt, every online store should have an integration to Google Analytics. It』s one of the best ways to make informed decisions about your shop.

22. Product Addons for WooCommerce

The Product Addons for WooCommerce plugin is a tool that offers a more unique gift experience by incorporating extras into the product page. Some examples include basics like different colors for your products, while other elements involve things like gift-wrapping or extra items thrown into the packages.

You get the chance to customize all of the extras included with your sales and you can set whether you』d like to have checkboxes or other styles of formatting to showcase your add-ons. You can even choose to have full customization of your product package, with the option to allow customers to name their own pricing.

Product Addons for WooCommerce - Best WooCommerce Plugins

Product Addons for WooCommerce WordPress plugin


There is a free, core plugin. Two premium plans are available as well:

  • Single Site – $29.
  • Five Sites – $59.

You can save a little money by opting for lifetime updates. The above plans provide one year of updates.

Features That Make Product Addons for WooCommerce a Great Choice

  • The plugin lets your customers customize their products while on your website as opposed to having to type in details in a text box or email you later.
  • You have several options for people to choose add-ons, including text areas, dropdowns, checkboxes, and more.
  • Image-based selections are available. For instance, you could show images of different colored shirts.
  • Choose to price your add-ons by using a flat fee, based on quantity, or based on percentages.
  • Customers can set a custom price, like if you wanted to ask for donations or have your customers set their price for a promotion.
  • Some excellent premium features are offered, such as color groups, image selections, and upload fields.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

The Product Addons extension looks like a great option if your theme currently doesn』t offer many product customization tools. We also like this for those selling digital products or services, where they may ask for donations, or for people to decide how much they would like to pay. We』ve seen this done as promotions in the past as well.

23. WooCommerce ShipStation Gateway

The WooCommerce ShipStation Gateway combines your ShipStation account into WooCommerce, making for a seamless shipping process. In short, ShipStation takes over your shipping infrastructure, helping out with order imports, custom branding on packaging, and actually sending out the items.

What』s nice about ShipStation is that you also receive discounts and good deals on your shipping, regardless of what platform you』re selling on. So, it』s a nice platform to save money on your shipping and automate some of the processes.

WooCommerce ShipStation Gateway - Best WooCommerce Plugins

WooCommerce ShipStation Gateway WordPress plugin


Free. ShipStation does have its own fee, but the WooCommerce plugin is free for you to install and use.

Features That Make WooCommerce ShipStation Gateway a Great Choice

  • The plugin is free outside of your ShipStation account.
  • It integrates one of the most effective shipping services into your online store.
  • You can save time importing orders from places like WooCommerce, eBay, and Amazon.
  • You save money on the various types of shipping options, whether it be UPS, USPS, or others.
  • The plugin offers various types of customization, from custom shipping notifications to packaging slips.
  • ShipStation also has several features for linking back to your website and social media accounts.

Who Should Consider This WooCommerce Plugin?

Going with ShipStation all depends on the size of your business and whether or not it』ll be a good value. In general, ShipStation can help any sized business save money and time. However, we recommend looking at the pricing plans to see if it makes sense for you.

For instance, the Starter plan for ShipStation is $9 per month for 50 shipments a month. With fast, affordable shipping and branded packaging materials, this seems like a great deal for small stores.

Which of the Best WooCommerce Plugins is Right for You?

The answer to this question is that you should take a look at all of them. Browse through the plugin repository and our hand-picked list of plugins on occasion to see if there are ways to speed up or automate your processes.

All of these WooCommerce plugins are drastically different in what they do. Therefore, it』s best to decide on what you would like to improve about your store first, identify issues and/or needs, then choose the right options.

What are your preferred WooCommperce plugins? Let us know in the comments!

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